The next in the series of understanding the Disruptor pattern developed at LMAX.
After the last post we
all understand ring buffers and how awesome they are. Unfortunately
for you, I have not said anything about how to actually populate them or
read from them when you’re using the Disruptor.
ConsumerBarriers and Consumers
I’m going to approach this slightly backwards, because it’s probably
easier to understand in the long run. Assuming that some magic has
populated it: how do you read something from the ring buffer?
(OK, I’m starting to regret using Paint/Gimp.
Although it’s an excellent excuse to purchase a graphics tablet if I
do continue down this road. Also UML gurus are probably cursing my name
right now.)
Your Consumer
is the thread that wants to get something off the buffer. It has access to aConsumerBarrier
, which is created by the RingBuffer
and interacts with it on behalf of theConsumer
While the ring buffer obviously needs a sequence number to figure out
what the next available slot is, the consumer also needs to know which
sequence number it’s up to – each consumer needs to be able to figure
out which sequence number it’s expecting to see next. So in the case
above, the consumer has dealt with everything in the ring buffer up to
and including 8, so it’s expecting to see 9 next.
The consumer calls waitFor
on the ConsumerBarrier
with the sequence number it wants next
final long availableSeq = consumerBarrier.waitFor(nextSequence);
and the ConsumerBarrier
returns the highest sequence number available in the ring buffer – in the example above, 12. The ConsumerBarrier
has a WaitStrategy
it uses to decide how to wait for this sequence number – I won’t go
into details of that right now, the code has comments in outlining the
advantages and disadvantages of each.
Now what?
So the consumer has been hanging around waiting for more stuff to get
written to the ring buffer, and it’s been told what has been written –
entries 9, 10, 11 and 12. Now they’re there, the consumer can ask the ConsumerBarrier
to fetch them.
As it’s fetching them, the Consumer
is updating its own cursor.
You should start to get a feel for how this helps to smooth latency
spikes – instead of asking “Can I have the next one yet? How about now?
Now?” for every individual item, the Consumer
simply says
“Let me know when you’ve got more than this number”, and is told in
return how many more entries it can grab. Because these new entries
have definitely been written (the ring buffer’s sequence has been
updated), and because the only things trying to get to these entries can
only read them and not write to them, this can be done without locks.
Which is nice. Not only is it safer and easier to code against, it’s
much faster not to use a lock.
And the added bonus – you can have multiple Consumers
reading off the same RingBuffer
with no need for locks and no need for additional queues to coordinate
between the different threads. So you can really run your processing in
parallel with the Disruptor coordinating the effort.
The BatchConsumer is an example of consumer code, and if you implement the BatchHandler you can get the BatchConsumer
do the heavy lifting I’ve outlined above. Then it’s easy to deal with
the whole batch of entries processed (e.g. from 9-12 above) without
having to fetch each one individually.
EDIT: Note that version 2.0 of the Disruptor uses different names to the ones in this article. Please see my summary of the changes if you are confused about class names.
文章转自 并发编程网