InnoDB: Error: space id and page n:o stored in the page?

2016-06-08 04:38:11 7fa7ddd86700  InnoDB: Error: space id and page n:o stored in the page
InnoDB: read in are 4294967295:4294967295, should be 22291:4096!
InnoDB: Database page corruption on disk or a failed
InnoDB: file read of page 4096.
InnoDB: You may have to recover from a backup.
2016-06-08 04:38:11 7fa7ddd86700 InnoDB: Page dump in ascii and hex (16384 bytes):


InnoDB: read in are 4294967295:4294967295, should be 22291:4096! 
在space id 22291的4096块上出现了问题,读到的信息为4294967295:4294967295
显现SPACE ID 读到的信息有误 4294967295
那么这第一个4294967295 是怎么来的呢。
首先我们要找到SPACEID 是22291是什么表
select * from INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES where space = 22291;

This Tool Is Uesed For Find The Data In Binary format(Hexadecimal)
Usage:./bcview file blocksize offset cnt-bytes!                   
file: Is Your File Will To Find Data!                             
blocksize: Is N kb Block.Eg: 8 Is 8 Kb Blocksize(Oracle)!         
                         Eg: 16 Is 16 Kb Blocksize(Innodb)!       
offset:Is Every Block Offset Your Want Start!                                     
cnt-bytes:Is After Offset,How Bytes Your Want Gets!                               
Edtor QQ:22389860!                                                
Used gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)                
usage:./bcview file blocksize offset cnt-bytes!

其实这个4294967295来自于块的34-37 的4个字节,
./bcview product_info_snapshot.ibd 16 34 4|more
current block:00004096--Offset:00034--cnt bytes:04--data is:ffffffff
current block:00000085--Offset:00034--cnt bytes:04--data is:00005713
肯能的原意你是每个块的 4-11 8个字节是当前的块号和上一个块的块号
current block:00004090--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:00000ffa00000ff9
current block:00004091--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:00000ffb00000ffa
current block:00004092--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:00000ffc00000ffb
current block:00004093--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:00000ffd00000ffc
current block:00004094--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:00000ffe00000ffd
current block:00004095--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:00000fff00000ffe
current block:00004096--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:0000100000000fff
current block:00004097--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:0000100100001000
current block:00004098--Offset:00004--cnt bytes:08--data is:0000100200001001

很明显的这里看到了0000100000000fff 当前块号4096 上一个块是4095

我们可以create table t_bak as select * from t;
这个肯定报错 报错就是读取到了出问题的块,但是t_bak出来了,这个时候我们取自增主键,试着向后推移一部分
如果报错在推 比如一次主键+10 这个还是和你的行大小有关。如果1K的行一个块大约也就10来条数据左右,

[root@bak tmp]# ./mysqlblock product_info_snapshotbak.ibd -t
FILE SIZE IS : 1589641216
Total Block Status    :
Total  block                   : 97024,Total size is: 1516.000000 MB
Total undo block               :     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB
Total inode block              :     1,Total size is: 0.015625 MB
Total insert buffer free blocks:     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB
Total data(index pages) block  : 92434,Total size is: 1444.281250 MB
Total new allocate blocks      :  4540,Total size is: 70.937500 MB
Total insert buf bitmap blocks :     6,Total size is: 0.093750 MB
Total system blocks            :     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB
Total transaction system blocks:     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB
Total file space header blocks :     1,Total size is: 0.015625 MB
Total extrenl disc blocks      :     5,Total size is: 0.078125 MB
Total LOB blocks               :    24,Total size is: 0.375000 MB
Total Unkown blocks            :    13,Total size is: 0.203125 MB
[root@bak tmp]# ./mysqlblock product_info_snapshot.ibd -t
FILE SIZE IS : 1589641216
Total Block Status    :
Total  block                   : 97024,Total size is: 1516.000000 MB
Total undo block               :     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB
Total inode block              :     1,Total size is: 0.015625 MB
Total insert buffer free blocks:     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB
Total data(index pages) block  : 92449,Total size is: 1444.515625 MB
Total new allocate blocks      :  4538,Total size is: 70.906250 MB
Total insert buf bitmap blocks :     6,Total size is: 0.093750 MB
Total system blocks            :     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB
Total transaction system blocks:     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB
Total file space header blocks :     1,Total size is: 0.015625 MB
Total extrenl disc blocks      :     5,Total size is: 0.078125 MB
Total LOB blocks               :    24,Total size is: 0.375000 MB
Total Unkown blocks            :     0,Total size is: 0.000000 MB

时间: 2024-09-20 16:01:52

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