UVa 10721 Bar Codes (DP)

10721 - Bar Codes

Time limit: 3.000 seconds


A bar-code symbol consists of alternating dark and light bars, starting with a dark bar on the left. Each bar is a number of units wide. Figure 1 shows a bar-code symbol consisting of 4 bars that extend over 1+2+3+1=7 units.


Figure 1: Bar-code over 7 units with 4 bars

In general, the bar code BC(n,k,m) is the set of all symbols with k bars that together extend over exactly n units, each bar being at most m units wide. For instance, the symbol in Figure 1 belongs to BC(7,4,3) but not to BC(7,4,2). Figure 2 shows all 16 symbols in BC(7,4,3). Each `1' represents a dark unit, each `0' a light unit.

0: 1000100 | 4: 1001110 | 8:  1100100 | 12: 1101110

1: 1000110 | 5: 1011000 | 9:  1100110 | 13: 1110010

2: 1001000 | 6: 1011100 | 10: 1101000 | 14: 1110100

3: 1001100 | 7: 1100010 | 11: 1101100 | 15: 1110110

Figure 2: All symbols of BC(7,4,3)


Each input will contain three positive integers n, k, and m (1 ≤ n, k, m≤ 50).


For each input print the total number of symbols in BC(n,k,m). Output will fit in 64-bit signed integer.




05.const int MAXD = 55;
07.long long dp[MAXD][MAXD];
09.int main()
11.    int N, K, M, i, j, k;
12.    while (~scanf("%d%d%d", &N, &K, &M))
13.    {
14.        memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));
15.        for (i = 1; i <= M && i <= N; ++i) dp[1][i] = 1;///仅有一个相邻块的情况肯定只有一种
16.        for (i = 2; i <= K; ++i)
17.            for (j = i; j <= N; ++j)
18.                for (k = 1; k < j && k <= M; ++k)
19.                    dp[i][j] += dp[i - 1][j - k];
20.        printf("%lld\n", dp[K][N]);
21.    }
22.    return 0;

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时间: 2024-08-07 18:38:33

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