
原文名称:7 Better Alternatives To Common Windows Apps


There is no doubt, Microsoft is going to dominate the operating system market through Windows 7. Who knows where we will be after that. At that point we will likely be looking at some type of open source product, such as Ubuntu?  Maybe even we'll move to our smart phone(s) full time?

毫无疑问,微软准备通过Windows7来主宰操作系统市场。谁知道在这以后会发生什么事情呢。在那时我们可能会关注一些开源的产品,比如Ubuntu? 甚至我们会转向总是使用我们的智能手机呢?

Whatever the case, the Windows operating system still holds dominance on the market. With dominance though, comes much feedback and much modification from the users.


No matter how much you like a certain feature of Windows, there is always someone out there modifying it some way or another. This not only includes some of the integrated features of Windows, such as the Start Menu or Windows Explorer, but also individual applications, such as Notepad and MS Paint.


I have put together a list of the some of the best Windows apps and feature replacements that I could come up with.


  1. Vista Start Menu (Start Menu Alternative)

Vista Start Menu(替代开始菜单)

As confusing as the name is, Vista Start Menu not only gets you a Vista-like Start Menu in Windows XP, but also enhances and improves the Start Menu Interface in Windows Vista.

和它名字一样有点混淆,Vista Start Menu 不仅仅让你的Windows XP拥有仿Vista的开始菜单,而且增强了和改善了Vista中开始菜单的界面。

It adds the ability to tab items, quick access to shutdown options, zoom capabilities and simple shortcuts to search on both the local PC and Google.


Other Alternatives:


* JetStart
* Open Menu+

2. Replace Windows Taskbar with RocketDock


Rocketdock is a Windows taskbar replacement with a Mac-like feel. It's essentially a combination of the quick launch toolbar, the taskbar and desktop widgets, all rolled into one. It looks incredibly futuristic, it has a very smooth feel, and it doesn't eat up a lot of resources.

Rocketdock 是一个感觉很像MAC风格的Windows任务栏替代软件。它本质上是一个快速启动栏、任务栏和桌面工具的组合,把它们集中到一起。它看起来很不可思议,它有着非常平滑的外观,而且也耗费资源也不多。

Other Alternatives:


* Moby Dock
* Object Dock

3. ExploreXP - Windows Explorer Replacement

ExploreXP –Windows资源管理器替代软件

ExplorerXP is a free file manager replacement for Windows Explorer. We've previously written about Windows Explorer alternatives in the past, but I have found ExplorerXP to be a much more stripped down version of some of its competitors, while still giving you everything you need at the same time.

ExplorerXP是一个可以替代Windows资源管理器的免费文件管理器。我们之前已经写过关于 Windows Explorer alternatives 文章。但是我们发现ExplorerXP和其他竞争者相比,是一个更加精简的版本,同时依然提供了所有你需要的功能。

It has built in tab ability, folder sizes, quick access to My Computer, Recycle Bin, My Docs, Desktop, multi rename tool, all running on just 410KB of size.


If you are looking to upgrade Windows Explorer with many must-have add-ons, while continuing to use many of its built-in capability, this is the freeware to get.


Other Alternatives:


* Explorer2 Lite
* Q-Dir
* XPlorer
* FreeCommander
* A43
* UltraExplorer

4. Process Explorer - Task Manager Alternative

Process Explorer –任务管理器替代产品

Process Explorer from Sysinternals is a great Windows task manager alternative to get an in-depth look at all of the running processes on your computer, including where individual executables are located, search capabilities for individual DLLs, plus a much more detailed look at system resources, and where they are being allocated.

来自Sysinternals的Process Explorer 是一个强大的Windows任务管理器替代产品,它可以获得你的电脑上正在运行的所有进程,包括在哪里找到单独的可执行文件,查找单独的dll,以及更加详细的系统资源和它们被分配到哪里。

Other Alternatives:


* What's Running
* Task Manager Extension 2.1
* MKN TaskExplorer

5. Notepad++ : Wordpad / Notepad Replacement

Notepad++:Wordpad / Notepad的替代产品

Notepad++ is a much more comprehensive, in-depth textpad editor, with built-in tab ability for multiple documents, drag and drop support, color print capability, zooming, auto completion, bookmarking, and even macros. It's not your typical plain ole' Windows notepad or wordpad. It's built for code writers and programmers, but used and available to all. Overall, it's a great Notepad replacement for Windows.

Notepad++ 是一个更加全面和强大的textpad编辑器,内建多文档标签、拖放支持、语法高亮【颜色打印能力】、缩放、自动完成、书签,甚至支持宏。它不是你的普通的Windows记事本和写字板。它是为代码编写人员和程序员而开发的,但是任何人都可以得到和使用它。总而言之,它是一个Windows记事本的很好的替代产品。

Other Alternatives:


* Notepad2
* Programmer's Notepad
* PSPad
* MetaPad
* DocPad
* TED Notepad
* AkelPad

6. Defraggler - Faster Replacement for Windows Defragmenter

Defraggler- 更快的Windows磁盘碎片整理器

Defragmenting your hard drive has become an essential part of keeping your computer running at an optimal speed, and keeping your hard drive in tip top shape. It essentially takes all of the separated files on your hard disk, and pieces them back together so that everything just runs smoother.

为了使你的电脑运行在最佳的速度和保持你的硬盘驱动器的tip top shape[这个不知道怎么翻译],整理硬盘驱动器碎片已经成为了最重要的一部分。

Windows, for as far back as I can remember, has always had some type of defrag utility. The problem is that it's never been that good. Fortunately with time, comes faster computers, smarter programmers and a much better interface. Defraggler appears to have all of this rolled into one. It is incredibly easy to use and understand. It has an incredibly nice interface and most important, it's incredibly fast.

在我的记忆中,Windows已经有了好几种碎片整理工具。问题是它从来就没有做好。幸好,随着时间的推移,有了更快的电脑、更聪明的程序员和更好的界面。Defraggler 似乎把所有的这一切合而为一。它是难以置信的容易理解和使用。它还有一个漂亮的让人难以置信的界面,更重要的是它的速度也快的让人难以置信。

Other Alternatives:


* Auslogics
* Contig
* PageDefrag
* Five Programs To Defragment Your PC.

7. LogMeIn Free - Windows Remote Desktop Alternative

LogMeIn Free - Windows 远程桌面的替代品

I was amazed when a co-worker referred me to this website, a couple of years ago. The incredible speed, security and capability sold me from day one. The LogMeIn Free version lacks printing and file transfers, but if you are simply trying to access your home or work computer without ever having to touch a firewall, LogMeIn is the best way to go. From all indications, it sounds like it's the best free alternative to 'GoToMyPC' as well.

几年前,我的同事提到这个网站的时候我非常惊讶。令人难以置信的速度、安全性和功能sold me from day one【不会翻译】。LogMeIn的免费版本缺少打印和文件传送的功能,但是如果您只是视图连接家中或工作的电脑而不会穿越防火墙时,LogMeIn是最佳的方式。各种迹象都表明,听起来就好像LogMeIn是'GoToMyPC'最好的替代品。

Other Alternatives:


* UltraVNC
* TightVNC
* CrossLoop

8. Replace Paint with Gimp


Gimp is quickly becoming a strong competitor to Adobe's Photoshop. It comes bundled with a very similar interface, it has many of the same features as Adobe's massive product, and it has plenty of tutorials via YouTube or blogs, to go along with it.

As far as a replacement for Microsoft's Paint, I don't think it even falls into the same category. However, it is free, and can easily become a full-time replacement for Paint. Keep your eye out for future MakeUseOf tutorials, in regards to Gimp. We had a few Gimp tips already.


至于作为微软的Paint的替代产品,我甚至不认为它们属于一个类别。然而,它是免费的,而且很容易就可以成为Paint的全职替代产品。关于Gimp,你关注未来的MakeUseOf教程。我们已经有几个Gimp 提示 了。

Other Alternatives:

* Paint.NET
* PhotoFiltre

As you can see, there are plenty of alternative options out there for many facets of Microsoft Windows. I didn't dive into the most obvious of items, such as Windows Media Player and Internet Explorer, but I gave a fairly in depth breakdown of many of the free replacment apps available for many different versions of Windows, but specifically for XP and Vista.

正如你看到的,微软Windows的很多方面都有很多的其他选择。我并没有仔细研究最明显的项目,比如Windows Media Player和Internet Explorer,但是我对可用于Windows不同版本的免费的可替换应用程序做了非常深入的分析,但是主要是XP和Vista。


时间: 2024-09-20 16:43:43


怎么让Windows 7程序窗口更听话

  鼠标悬停,窗口随即激活 在日常的电脑应用中,我们经常会碰到这样一些情况:在系统桌面上打开多个程序窗口,需要在这些窗口之间反复切换,要激活某个程序窗口的话,通常还得在某个窗口上点击一下才能激活,要是能够将鼠标放到窗口上就激活的话那不是更好?在Windows XP系统中要实现还很麻烦,需要借助于Tweak UI之类的辅助工具来实现,而在Windows 7中只需简单设置即可. 点击"开始"按钮后选择"控制面板"打开控制面板,点击"轻松访问"后在&q


通常windows应用程序都有相似的特征:控件.菜单.工具条.状态栏等等.每次我们开始作一个新的windows应用程序时都是以相同的事情开始:建立项目,添加控件和事件处理器.如果我们有一个模板,那么我们就可以节约大量的时间了. 在介绍如何建立模板的过程中,将涉及大量的微软.net framework类库的基本知识.如果你没有使用集成开发环境那么本文介绍的模板对你将非常有用,如果你使用了visual studio.net这样的集成开发环境你也可以从中了解控件的工作方式,这对你也是很有用的. 写一个


 "目前世界上存在1600万种Win32或者.NET应用程序.在构建通用Windows平台时,我们需要将其彻底抛弃.这种作法非常愚蠢."微软杰出工程师John Sheehan在2016年Build大会上如是说. 微软通用Windows平台(简称UWP)基于WinRT.WinRT拥有数项既定目标:其一,通过用户界面设计的触控操作,而将Windows带入平板电脑设备市场:其二为允许用户更为轻松且彻底地安装及移除应用程序--具体可通过Windows Store或者定制化业务门户实现:其三,W


通常windows应用程序都有相似的特征:控件.菜单.工具条.状态栏等等.每次我们开始作一个新的windows应用程序时都是以相同的事情开始:建立项目,添加控件和事件处理器.如果我们有一个模板,那么我们就可以节约大量的时间了. 在介绍如何建立模板的过程中,将涉及大量的微软.net framework类库的基本知识.如果你没有使用集成开发环境那么本文介绍的模板对你将非常有用,如果你使用了visual studio.net这样的集成开发环境你也可以从中了解控件的工作方式,这对你也是很有用的. 写一个


程序 门户网.专业网.购物网各种千姿百态的网站构成我们的互联网世界,不过分析这些网站除了内容不同外,搭建这些网站的要素几乎完全一样,页面.社区.搜索.EMail这些普通的程序构成了虚拟世界的骨架. 只要明白了如何编写这些要件,那么建一个网站就是举手之劳.我在这期专题中总结了ASP建站的十个常用程序,可以说绝大部分网站都是在这十个程序的基础上搭建起来的. 注册系统   注册几乎是每个网站都要使用的,去论坛要注册,聊天要注册,几乎无处不注册,所以注册是所有ASP应用程序中最常见的. >>>&


问题描述 各位前辈,我开始学习写WINDOWS应用程序了,基本应该怎么写啊? 解决方案 解决方案二:voidmain(){console.WriteLine("Hello,world!");}玩笑,呵呵.解决方案三:拖拽控件到winform上,加一个button,双击......不能描述!!!给我分好了...解决方案四:你想写什么.解决方案五:1.新建一个WinForm项目,拽一个按钮放上面2.双击按钮写上下面的代码:MessageBox.Show("楼主到此一游!"

Windows 常用DOS命令

Windows 常用DOS命令 command-name /? //显示帮助和参数用法 systeminfo   //显示系统信息,包括本次开机时间 有关进程管理 tasklist //显示进程和进程id-PID taskkill //终止进程 -f 强制结束 -pid 以pid号终止指定进程 findstr  //显示区配字符串的所在行 文件操作 cd  显示当前目录 dir 显示当前目录下的文件与目录 cls 清除屏幕 date 显示.更改日期 time 显示.更改时间 echo 回显信息


用C#开发第一个WINDOWS应用程序C#学习笔记之一作者:浙江省温岭市电信局 王骏摘自:http://www.vckbase.com/读者层次:初级.中级前言:C#是一门现代的编程语言,包含在Visual Studio .Net 7.0中.它简化了C++的复杂性,保持了灵活性,对于学过C++的人来说很容易上手.写本文的时候Visual Studio .net 7.0 Beta1已经发布,本文即针对此版本做一些简单的开发尝试.示例代码下载 18K一.创建工程如图所示,在集成开发环境的File菜单


window|程序 WINDOWS应用程序是靠消息驱动的,在VC中我们通过CLASSWIZARD可以为某窗口类添加消息处理函数,CLASSWIZARD将为你添加消息映射,对于WINDOWS消息,生成的消息处理函数重载了基类的虚拟方法.而在C#中如何处理消息呢?本文针对VS.NET BETA1环境下的C#简单地介绍WINDOWS消息以及自定义消息的处理方法. 示例代码下载 17K 一.生成一个名为MSGApplication的工程 工程的建立方法请参考:C#学习笔记之一 二.处理WM_PAINT消