Australian UC market soars to new heights

The Australian unified communications market reached a record high in 2008 with an estimated value of $608.7 million, according to a research firm.

The Australia Unified Communications Services Report 2009 revealed that government, education, health care, retail and financial services organisations led demand, along with several large multinationals, driven by the desire for cost-saving technologies such as video and collaboration.

The report predicts an increase in demand for consulting, design and managed service capabilities, as UC technologies become increasingly integrated with video, social networking and web 2.0 applications, mobility, contact centre and business process applications.

Audrey William, said UC market growth is expected to carry on into 2010, but only slightly.

"The services that will continue to grow are in areas like implementation and integration and managed services, because some of the large deals that have been secured or closed in the market, or are going to be closed, will require end to end managed services offering, because some are just so complex in their requirements," William said.

The complexity of interconnecting UC technologies is expected to deliver an estimated compound annual growth rate for the sector of 5.7 per cent between 2009 and 2015.


时间: 2024-12-20 17:48:56

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