SQL error: cannot use the special principal 'sa'

SQL error: cannot use the special principal 'sa'的相关文章

Cannot set a credential for principal 'sa'. (Microsoft SQL Server,错误: 15535)

 在SQL SERVER 2008上上禁用sa登录时,遇到下面错误:"Cannot set a credential for principal 'sa'. (Microsoft SQL Server,错误: 15535)" 官方文档https://support.microsoft.com/zh-cn/kb/956177 分析了原因以及解决方案. 出现原因 如 果在登录属性-sa对话框的常规选项卡上未选中映射到凭据复选框,将出现此问题.如果未选中此复选框,则 SQL Server 2

The server principal "sa" is not able to access the database "xxxx" under the current security context

在SQL Server服务器上一个作业执行时,遇到下面错误信息: Message: Executed as user: dbo. The server principal "sa" is not able to access the database "xxxx" under the current security context. [SQLSTATE 08004] (Error 916). The step failed.   作业本身执行的存储过程非常简单,就

SQL提示Login failed for user'sa'错误的解决方案

现象:--------------------------------------------------- 1.连接SQL Server数据库提示:Login failed for user 'sa'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection 错误 问题:------------------------------------------------- 初步分析应该与用户权限有关,查阅帮助文件,微软官方给出的原因:

MySQL出现SQL Error (2013)连接错误的解决方法_Mysql

现象描述今天用heidisql登陆虚拟机的MySQL,登陆不上去.等待约一两分钟后出现错误提示:SQL Error (2013): Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 0,如下图所示: 开始以为是远程TCP/IP  root只能通过localhost访问 ,后来新建用户,改为%后还是无果.尝试修改my.ini配置问题后问题消失. 解决办法在my.i


问题描述 DBCP borrowObject failed: com.ibm.db2.jcc.c.SqlException: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -1117, SQLSTATE: 57019, SQLERRMC: SWZCYJS2013-08-27 11:31:43 ERROR context.ContextLoader (ContextLoader.java:211) - Context initialization failedorg.springframewor

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hu May 29 22:00:00 2014 Setting Resource Manager plan SCHEDULER[0x310A]:DEFAULT_MAINTENANCE_PLAN via scheduler window Setting Resource Manager plan DEFAULT_MAINTENANCE_PLAN via parameter Thu May 29 22:00:00 2014 Starting background process VKRM Thu M

SQL Error: 17008, SQLState: null

问题描述 每次程序运行一段时间以后,就报此错08-08-17 09:55:29 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:71 - SQL Error: 17008, SQLState: null08-08-17 09:55:29 ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter:72 - 关闭的连接08-08-17 09:55:29 WARN JDBCExceptionReporter:71 - SQL Error: 17008, SQLState: null08-08-17

安装SQL Server 2005 express没有权限,sa不能登录问题。

1,首先赋予权限,在开始里面找到  sql server 2005 配置工具中的sql server外围应用配置器   点击确定.这时就有权限了.   2.使用SQL Server身份验证登录时报错:无法连接到./SQLEXPRESS.Additional information:用户'sa'登录失败.该用户与可信SQL Server 连接无关联.(microsoft SQL Server,Error:18452))------------------下面是映射时报的错:创建对于用户"sa&qu

Cannot generate SSPI context---MS SQL ERROR

  http://www.cnblogs.com/newr2006/archive/2011/08/25/2153253.html Additional error information from SQL Server is included below.  Cannot generate SSPI context. ConnectionString:'Data Source=sqlxxxxx;Initial Catalog=master;Integrated Security=True;Po