VirtualBox v4.0.8发布 一款x86虚拟机软件

VirtualBox 是一款 x86 虚拟机软件。VirtualBox是开源软件,2010年1月21日改名成 Oracle VM VirtualBox。Oracle VM VirtualBox 是由Sun Microsystems公司出品的软件(sun 于 2010年被Oracle收购),原由德国innotek公司开发。2007 年 1 月InnoTek 以 GNU General Public License (GPL) 释出 VirtualBox,并提供二进位版本及开放源码版本的代码。VirtualBox 可在 Linux 和 Windows 主机中运行,并支持在其中安装 Windows (NT 4.0、2000、XP、Server 2003、Vista)、DOS/Windows 3.x、Linux (2.4 和 2.6)、OpenBSD 等系列的客户操作系统。

VirtualBox for Windows. Within VirtualBox Ubuntu 10.10 is running.

和同性质的 VMware 及 Virtual PC 比较下,VirtualBox 独到之处包括 Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)、iSCSI 及 USB 的支援,VirtualBox 在客户机操作系统上已可以支援 USB 2.0 的硬件装置。

VirtualBox for Mac OS X. Within VirtualBox Windows 7 is running.

VirtualBox 4.0.8发行说明:

Mac OS X hosts: fixed incompatibility with recent Mac OS X versions in 64-bit mode (bug #8474) Mac OS X hosts: fixed incompatibility with hosts with more than 16 cores (bug #8389) Mac OS X hosts: fixed painting corruptions on a second monitor in 64-bit mode (bug #7606) GUI: restored
functionality to set an empty host key to disallow any host key combination (4.0.6 regression; bug #8793) VBoxManage: added controlvm screenshotpng subcommand for sa
ving the screenshot of a running VM in PNG format VBoxHeadless: fixed potential crash during shutdown (Windows hosts only) NAT: built-in services use the correct Ethernet addresses in Ethernet header and in ARP requests Host-only networking: fixed adapter reference counting E1000: fixed rare guest crashes with Linux SMP guests (bug #8755) SATA: fixed guest disk corruption under rare circumstances (only relevant for guests with more than 2GB RAM; bug #8826) Storage: fixed data corruption after a snapshot was taken with asynchronous I/O enabled (bug #8498) Floppy: several improvement HPET: another fix for time jumps (bug #8707) USB: removed assumption that string descriptors are null-terminated (Windows hosts only) 3D support: fixed a potential crash when resizing the guest window 3D support: fixed GNOME 3 rendering under
Ubuntu 11.04 and
Fedora 15 Snapshots: fixed another bug
which could lose entries in the media registry when restoring a snapshot (bug #8363) Shared Folders: don't stop mounting the other valid folders if one host folder is inaccessible (4.0.6 regression) Linux Additions: check whether gcc and make are installed before building
kernel modules (bug #8795)
Solaris Additions: added support for X.Org Server 1.10 Guest Additions: fixed inappropriate Guest Additions update notification when using vendor-specific version suffixes (bug #8844)

VirtualBox for Linux/UNIX. Within VirtualBox Windows XP is running.


VirtualBox 4.0.8 for Windows hosts x86/amd64 VirtualBox 4.0.8 for OS X hosts Intel Macs VirtualBox 4.0.8 for Linux hosts VirtualBox 4.0.8 for Solaris hosts x86/amd64

时间: 2024-09-18 05:25:31

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