[ERROR]Space id in fsp header but in the page header一列



2017-09-22 10:39:05 21409 [Note] InnoDB: Database was not shutdown normally!
2017-09-22 10:39:05 21409 [Note] InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
2017-09-22 10:39:05 21409 [Note] InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
2017-09-22 10:39:05 21409 [ERROR] InnoDB: Space id in fsp header 1416128883,but in the page header 824195850 

InnoDB: Error: space id and page n:o stored in the page?

Reads the space id from the first page of a tablespace.
@return space id, ULINT UNDEFINED if error */
   const page_t*   page)   /*!< in: first page of a tablespace */
   ulint   fsp_id;
   ulint   id;

   fsp_id = mach_read_from_4(FSP_HEADER_OFFSET + page + FSP_SPACE_ID);

   id = mach_read_from_4(page + FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_ID);

           id = ULINT_UNDEFINED;);

   if (id != fsp_id) {
       ib::error() << "Space ID in fsp header is " << fsp_id
           << ", but in the page header it is " << id << ".";

  • FIL_PAGE_ARCH_LOG_NO_OR_SPACE_ID:PAGE HRADER中存储了space id在34后4字节,也就对应了报错中的but in the page header 824195850
  • FSP_SPACE_ID:File space header中存储了space id在38字节后4个字节,也就对应了报错中的Space id in fsp header 1416128883

File space header是每一个表空间的第一个块才会有的,存储的信息如下:

/*          SPACE HEADER

File space header data structure: this data structure is contained in the
first page of a space. The space for this header is reserved in every extent
descriptor page, but used only in the first. */

#define FSP_SPACE_ID        0   /* space id */
#define FSP_NOT_USED        4   /* this field contained a value up to
                   which we know that the modifications
                   in the database have been flushed to
                   the file space; not used now */
#define FSP_SIZE        8   /* Current size of the space in
                   pages */
#define FSP_FREE_LIMIT      12  /* Minimum page number for which the
                   free list has not been initialized:
                   the pages >= this limit are, by
                   definition, free; note that in a
                   single-table tablespace where size
                   < 64 pages, this number is 64, i.e.,
                   we have initialized the space
                   about the first extent, but have not
                   physically allocated those pages to the
                   file */
#define FSP_SPACE_FLAGS     16  /* fsp_space_t.flags, similar to
                   dict_table_t::flags */
#define FSP_FRAG_N_USED     20  /* number of used pages in the
                   FSP_FREE_FRAG list */
#define FSP_FREE        24  /* list of free extents */
#define FSP_FREE_FRAG       (24 + FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE)
                   /* list of partially free extents not
                   belonging to any segment */
#define FSP_FULL_FRAG       (24 + 2 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE)
                   /* list of full extents not belonging
                   to any segment */
#define FSP_SEG_ID      (24 + 3 * FLST_BASE_NODE_SIZE)
                   /* 8 bytes which give the first unused
                   segment id */
                   /* list of pages containing segment
                   headers, where all the segment inode
                   slots are reserved */
                   /* list of pages containing segment
                   headers, where not all the segment
                   header slots are reserved */ 



This Tool Is Uesed For Find The Data In Binary format(Hexadecimal)
Usage:./bcview file blocksize offset cnt-bytes!
file: Is Your File Will To Find Data!
blocksize: Is N kb Block.Eg: 8 Is 8 Kb Blocksize(Oracle)!
                        Eg: 16 Is 16 Kb Blocksize(Innodb)!
offset:Is Every Block Offset Your Want Start!
cnt-bytes:Is After Offset,How Bytes Your Want Gets!
Edtor QQ:22389860!
Used gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46)
----Current file size is :0.109375 Mb
----Current use set blockszie is 16 Kb
----Current file name is t6.ibd
current block:00000000--Offset:00036--cnt bytes:08--data is:001e0000001e0000 


current block:00000000--Offset:00036--cnt bytes:08--data is:001e0000001e0000 


find /opt/app/mysql5/var/ -iname \*.ibd > a
for i in `cat ./a`;do ./bcview $i 16 34 8 | head -15 >> a.log;done 


current block:00000000--Offset:00034--cnt bytes:08--data is:31203b0a54686973 
  • 0X54686973 十进制为1416128883就是报错的Space id in fsp header 1416128883
  • 0X31203b0a 十进制为1416128883就是报错的but in the page header 824195850


  1. 使用备份文件进行恢复
  2. 如果这个表不重要可以移除掉ibd文件保留frm文件,可以正常启动,启动后drop掉这个表




时间: 2025-01-31 12:33:19

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关于MYSQL INNODB index page header学习和实验总结

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server|sqlserver|数据|数据库 修复SQLSERVER2000数据库之实战经验 ******************************************************************************** Author:黄山光明顶 mail:leimin@jxfw.com version:1.0.0 date:2004-1-30 (如需转载,请注明出处!,如果有问题请发MAIL给我:-)) ***************************

一次SQL Server 2000修复实践

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