WINDOWS2008下面安装SQUID 2.6




Restricting access to your Squid Proxy Server

To limit on who are allowed to connect to your Proxy Server, you should change / add the allowed IP Address that is allowed to connect to your squid proxy at below section

acl localnet src	# RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src	# RFC1918 possible internal network
acl localnet src	# RFC1918 possible internal network

By using the same format as the above code for example, acl localnet src 123.456.789.0

And then right before http_access allow localnet, add http_access allow localhost so it looks like:

http_access allow localhost
http_access allow localnet

And finally if you don’t want Squid to bind to all adapters (which is the default) you might want to change Squid Listen Address and Port to your LAN IP Address or if you’re just going to use Squid for yourself only then you should use below

# Default http_port 3128
# Bind to localhost at port 3128 only

Limiting access to specific ports only

If you need to limit on which ports your Squid proxy clients are allowed to connect to, then you need to adjust this

acl Safe_ports port 80		# http
acl Safe_ports port 21		# ftp
acl Safe_ports port 443		# https
acl Safe_ports port 70		# gopher
acl Safe_ports port 210		# wais
acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535	# unregistered ports
acl Safe_ports port 280		# http-mgmt
acl Safe_ports port 488		# gss-http
acl Safe_ports port 591		# filemaker
acl Safe_ports port 777		# multiling http

For example if you want to limit your clients to HTTP and HTTPS only, then you can remove / comment all the other lines beside 80 and 443

时间: 2025-01-26 17:01:44

WINDOWS2008下面安装SQUID 2.6的相关文章


1.如果系统中还没有装squid,按以下顺序输入命令后即可完成安装 # wget //下载Squid代理安装包 # tar -zxvf squid-3.0.STABLE18.tar.gz //解压Squid安装包 # cd squid-3.0.STABLE18 # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid --sysconfd

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windows 上面安装squid 加速代理网站 windows squid 下载 下载解压到 c:\squid c:\squid\etc\squid.conf 如下 复制代码 代码如下: #本地绑定的IP端口 http_port IP:80 vhost visible_hostname localhost cache_dir ufs c:/squid/cache 1024 16 256 cache_mem 100 MB


一.下载squid for windows 下载地址: 二.Windows下安装squid与配置 1.解压squid-2.6.STABLE6-NT-bin.zip到C:\squid 2.单击[开始],选择"运行",输入 cmd ,在命令提示符窗口内输入以下命令: C:\>cd c:\squid\etc C:\squid\etc

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代理服务器的功能是代理网络用户取得网络信息,它 是网络信息的中转站.随着代理服务器的广泛使用,随之而来的是一系列的安全问题.由于没有对代理服务器的访问控制策略作全面细致的配置,导致用户可以随意地通过代理服务器访问许多色情.反动的非法站点,而这些行为往往又很难追踪,给管理工作带来极大的不便. Squid是Linux下一个缓存Internet数据的代理服务器软件,其接收用户的下载申请,并自动处理所下载的数据.也就是说,当一个用户想要下载一个主页时,可以向Squid发出一个申请,要Squid代替其进行

Linux Squid代理的普通代理

一.安装Squid和配置 1.安装Squid yum-yinstallsquid* 2.squid配置文件 /etc/squid/squid.conf 3.squid操作 servicesquidstart/stop/restart 4.重新加载配置文件 squid-kreconfig 二.Squid常用配置项 #开启 http_port #设置使用内存大小 cache_mem 64 MB #缓存对象大小 maximum_object_size 4096 KB