NFC and Contactless Technologies

NFC and Contactless Technologies


NFC technology enables simple and safe two-way interactions between electronic devices,(NFC技术能够使两个电子设备简单安全的实现无接触交互) allowing consumers to perform contactless
transactions,(允许用户进行无接触操作) access digital content, and connect electronic devices with a single touch(通过近距离电磁感应实现数字通信). NFC complements many popular consumer level wireless technologies(满足现代用户无线消费需求), by utilizing the key elements in existing standards for
contactless card technology(基于目前标准的无接触技术标准) (ISO/IEC 14443 A&B and JIS-X 6319-4). NFC can be compatible with existing contactless card infrastructure and it enables a consumer to utilize one device across different systems.(NFC兼容现有的非接触设备,可以在不同系统使用)

Extending the capability of  contactless card technology(无接触技术的更多功能), NFC also enables devices to share information at a distance that is less than 4 centimeters
with a maximum communication speed of 424 kbps(4厘米内的最高424kb信息传送). Users can share business cards(商用卡), make transactions, access information from a smart
poster or provide credentials for access control systems with a simple touch.(通过证书或者海报宣传来吸引用户来完成交易)

NFC’s bidirectional communication ability is ideal for establishing connections with other technologies by the simplicity of touch.

(NFC双向通讯功能是建立与其他系统简单的方式) For example, if a user wants to connect a mobile device to a stereo system to play music(比如用户想要连接手机播放音乐), he can simply touch the
device to the stereo’s NFC touchpoint and
the devices will negotiate the best wireless technology to use.(那么只要很简单的接触NFC的感应距离,这便是最好的无线技术应用)

What does this mean for the end user? Easy connections, quick transactions, and simple data sharing.




NFC as Technology Enabler

NFC creates a new and universal interface to existing devices through simple touch interaction. NFC bridges gaps between existing technologies and devices to enable new applications/services (enabling connections from real to virtual, connections to physical/real

NFC Enables One-Touch Setup of Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

NFC is able to replace the pairing of Bluetooth-enabled devices, or the configuration of a Wi-Fi network through
PINs and keys, by simply touching the two devices to be paired or connected to the network, or by touching the device to a tag. The gain in simplicity of use is substantial while the level of confidence is exactly similar.

NFC Enables Electronic Door Locks

For doorlocks that are equipped with an actuator and a short range contactless reader, a simple upgrade may allow
NFC devices to substitute for contactless cards. Advantages, for example in hospitality, are the possibility to remotely send the access rights in advance to the user’s handset, and the coupling with other applications such as booking, and skipping the check-in
phase. In the example of access control, one can centrally manage the rights in real time without physical delivery of cards.

NFC and Healthcare

Personal health monitors recording a human’s vital data can be read by an NFC reader/writer, which for example might
be a persons mobile phone, by simply touching the reader to the health device. The physical proximity that NFC requires guarantees the operator has the right understanding of which data is read at what time, thus greatly reducing the chance of a human error
and, by the simplicity of instructions, allows patients of every age to monitor their health status autonomously.

And once a standardized format and secure storage for medical records and history is available, as well as generally
accepted procedures to access these data, NFC will be a natural way to interact between a portable device held by the user and a medical system.

NFC Devices Enable Data Exchange

NFC enables users to quickly and easily transfer information between devices with a simple touch. Whether it be
an exchange of business cards, a quick transaction, or downloading a coupon, the proximity ensures that the information shared is the information you want to share.

NFC Means Proximity

All NFC transactions take place within a very small area, anywhere from a touch to 4 centimeters. This means that you can’t unknowingly purchase something because you walk next to a smart poster.

时间: 2024-09-27 21:16:17

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