
但是病毒营销有规律可循吗?那些在微博、微信上让人蛋碎无力的病毒内容有什么经验可以借鉴? 比如这个文章的标题,权且算一个例子。病毒营销中的Sensationalism流派(标题党)强调夸张和吸引是病毒营销的重点。如果你是因为这个标题点开这个文章的,就说明这个曾经统治美国博客世界以及国内天涯猫扑的法则现在依然管用。

当然更深入的探讨病毒内容的规律不能只靠资历经验,更要靠扎实的调查研究,insights-driven solutions不只是一句写在PPT cover上的空话。要探讨这个话题,除了研究热点话题之外,还要向SEO的同行们取经,本文参考了SEOMOZ等网站的调查和研究,试着把主要的发现和观点成图如下,供各位大湿参考。当然这不是规律,而不是模型。 没有时间或者没有兴趣的同学完图即可跪安了,下面的内容长而且是英文。

SEOMOZ:Why Content Goes Viral: the Theory and Proof Inspire anger, awe, or anxietyYou won’t be surprised to learn that posts that spend a lot of time on the home page are more likely to go viral, but after adjusting for variables the study does a pretty good job of showing
which emotions make a post more viral:

Content that inspires low-energy emotions like sadness is less likely to be shared, where content that inspires high-energy emotions like awe, anger, and anxiety is far more likely to be shared.

Anger wins the award as the most viral emotion studied. Before belittling and insulting your readers, note that anger is typically directed at the topic – not the author or publication. Inciting anger in readers typically requires some tolerance for dealing with controversial topics. The comment study also found that controversial blog posts receive twice as many comments on average. Still, many brands will want to avoid hot topics that could alienate customers and partners.

For most, awe will be the safest and most reliable path towards viral content. Awe is more than surprise – it’s the reason we can’t stop watching movies with big explosions and larger-than-life heroes. Creative inventions, completed labor-intensive projects, stunning design, and novel are all ways to fill viewers and readers with awe.

Practically useful, surprising, and interesting

Content that is surprising, interesting, and practically useful receives more shares than the obvious, boring, and useless content. These might be the most intuitive of the findings, but it’s helpful to keep in mind the degree to which each variable impacts sharing.

The easy answer: humor

Most obviously, content that is truly and broadly viral is almost always funny. One study interestingly titled “From subservient chickens to brawny men” found that despite 62% of ads being aired by Fortune 500 companies, 60% of viral ads were being generated by the smaller companies. The discussion continues:

“Humor was employed at near unanimous levels for all viral advertisements. Consequently, this study identified humor as the universal appeal for making content viral.”

Humor isn't always the answer, but it's essentially a pre-requisite for a viral ad. Small companies win more than their share of attention because they're willing to be a little more interesting and less sterile. Take Mike Pantoliano’s advice: shut up and be funny.

The Psychology Of Going Viral: 12 Proven Ways to Get People Talking (About You)The 6 Buttons You Need To Push

No matter what kind of content you are creating, or the niche that you’re in, Mark defines these buttons as ones that are proven topics that people talk about. (Please don’t give me that, ‘This won’t work for my niche!’, nonsense)

The six buttons are as follows:







Creating Viral Content? The
Secret is Get Contagious…The 7 High-Arousal Emotions That Make Your Content Contagious

1. Awe

What’s awe? It’s quite simply something remarkable. Something that people can’t resist commenting on. This can be in the form of a story, a real-life event, or it can also be something as simple as an exhaustive list of 101 links to helpful resources.

See this Twitter Tips page as an example.

2. Anger

When you piss people off, they’ll work hard attain justice. They’ll talk about it on Twitter, write blog posts, and more.

How can you trigger anger? All you have to do is challenge someones beliefs and it’s a sure-thing.

See the Content is King Myth Debunked as an example.

(Note, I don’t recommend you piss people off for fun all the time. It’s a bad marketing strategy).

3. Anxiety

People hate anxiety. What creates anxiety? If you’re writing content that talks about potentially losing out on something, that’s one way. People hate losing things they have.

See the #1 Conversion Killer in Web Design as an example.

4. Fear

Fear is one of the biggest motivators on Earth. It targets the reptilian brain, and people can’t resist but take action when motivated with fear.

What’s an example of fear? You can make people worry that they’re making mistakes they’re unaware of. You can also target the fear of loss (aka limited quantities).

As an example, see the article How Images Improve—Or Destroy—Conversion Rates

5. Joy

What makes people happy? There’s loads of things. It can be something funny, inspiring, or anything that’s positively uplifting.

One of my favorite ways to target the “joy” emotion is by telling a story from my life that I know people can connect with. It really takes advantage of nostalgia and bonds with people who read it.

As an example, you might remember the article where I told the story about my dad and chess.

6. Lust

People can lust for more than just sex. They can lust after money, results, women, men, or anything like that. To target that, you simply need to tantalize readers with potential results.

While I don’t have examples of lust in action at Social Triggers, I’m sure you get the idea


7. Surprise

What surprises people? Anything that goes against their expectations. You can challenge assumptions, and prove them wrong. You can share new ways of doing things, or share results of personal tests.

Overall, this is one of the main high-arousal feelings I target with Social Triggers because it works great. As an example, take a look at my previous article “The Problem with Fast Loading Websites.”

More information:

Abhishek Vaish, Rajiv Krishna G.Akshay Saxena, Dharmaprakash M.Utkarsh Goel. (2014) Quantif
ying Virality of Information in Online Social Networks. International Journal of Virtual Communities and Social Networking

Online publication date: 1-Jul-2014.

CrossRefGirish N. Punj. (2013) Do consumers who conduct online research also post online reviews? A model of the relationship between online research and review posting behavior. Marketing Letters

Online publication date: 1-Mar-2013.

CrossRefAxel Bruns, Stefan Stieglitz. (2013) Towards more systematic Twitter analysis: metrics for tweeting activities. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 16:

Online publication date: 1-Mar-2013.

CrossRefAliosha Alexandrov, Bryan Lilly, Emin Babakus. (2013) The effects of social- and self-motives on the intentions to share positive and negative word of mouth. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

Online publication date: 5-Jan-2013.


新媒体有三俗,内容、互动、放病毒。当某行业大牛鼓吹病毒视频的神奇疗效,或者客户出题“这次我们要做一个病毒传播”,你有没有冲上去赏他们三个耳光的冲动。俗、俗、俗。有脑子的新媒体人都相信下图这句话: Viral is a thing that happens, not a thing that is.

时间: 2024-08-01 18:21:50



上周五(5月12日),一场迄今为止最大规模的勒索病毒网络攻击席卷全球.在过去几天里,全球共有上百个国家的Windows系统电脑中招,除了普通个人外,医院.高校.大型企业甚至是政府部门也是重灾区之一. 受此消息影响,5月15日,A股市场网络安全概念股集体高开.据<每日经济新闻>记者统计,截至当日收盘,蓝盾股份.拓尔思.任子行.启明星辰.数字认证.美亚柏科.北信源.飞天诚信.绿盟科技等9只个股涨停. 多家信息安全公司迅速行动 勒索病毒网络攻击事件发生后,相继曝出国内数十所高校.中石油加油站.中国联


近日,知名IT咨询公司Gartner针对流行的云管理平台OpenStack发布了一份报告.报告披露,2015年全球OpenStack营收仅3.5亿美元,Gartner预计即使到2020年,其市场规模也就大约30亿美元. 当听到这一消息时,我的内心是不要不要的. 摔! 说好的最值得被看好的潜力股呢!说好了登上战车就一起浪一起飞呢!说好的不离不弃相伴终生呢! 现实情况是,除了OpenStack基金会外,真正的OpenStack厂商日子过得并不好,甚至可以说惨淡. 一年前,OpenStack领域最热门




以下为万字演讲实录,关于风险设计与管理的思维引导. 我自己的从业经历几乎就是一部安全与风险的血泪史,起初我是一个黑客,一身汇编本领出神入化,但缘分真是妙不可言,我未进银行之前好多项目几乎都跟银行相关,于是几经兜转,我还是来到了银行,自我标榜为金融从业. 在转型为"金融业务砖家"之后,我仍然摆脱不了风险这个标签,我经常跟别人说,一入风险误终身,不管你金融业务多么精通,营销搞得多么棒,总有人哪壶不开提哪壶得说"这是风险专家",扔臭鸡蛋的心都有. 其实这也不怪他们,我几乎


很多事情我们习以为常,但却不知来源,比如为什么男装纽扣在右而女装在左?为什么是上厕所下厨房?十二生肖到底为什么没有猫?羊到底是怎么了要替罪?本文为你解释这些为什么,有意思的历史缘由. 为什么男装纽扣在右,而女装纽扣在左呢? 纽扣最初问世时,只有富人的外套才钉纽扣.按当时的风俗,男士自己穿衣服,女士则由仆人帮穿.女士衬衣上的扣子钉在左边,极大地方便了伺候女主人的仆人们(现在方便男人脱).男士衬衣的扣子在右边,除了自己穿衣服,还因为用右手方便拔出挂在左腰的佩剑,这样就不容易被衬衫兜住. 为什么是上厕


销售人员在和客户的沟通过程中,不仅要使用文明的语言.保持谦和的态度以外,且在沟通和谈话的方式方法上,还需要注意一些细节性问题.自己在和客户谈话时,应该禁忌以下"七嘴". (一)在和客户交谈之中禁忌闭嘴 所谓的闭嘴,就是一言不发,从而使交谈变相地冷场,导致不良的后果.在客户侃侃而谈的过程中,自己始终保持沉默,会被视为对客户所谈的话不感兴趣.本来双方洽谈甚欢,一方突然打住,会被理解成对对方抗议,或 对话题感到厌倦.所以,一旦碰上无意之中所出现的交谈暂停,销售人员一定要想办法尽快地引出新话题


知名IT咨询公司Gartner针对流行的云管理平台OpenStack发布了一份报告.报告披露,2015 年全球 OpenStack 营收仅 3.5亿美元,Gartner 预计即使到2020年,其市场规模也就大约 30 亿美元. 当听到这一消息时,我的内心是不要不要的. 摔! 说好的最值得被看好的潜力股呢! 说好的进入本行就一起浪一起飞呢! 说好的不离不弃相伴终生呢! 现实情况是,除了OpenStack基金会外,真正的OpenStack厂商日子过得并不好,甚至可以说惨淡! 一年前,OpenStac


前几天慕容佳康撰写了<"走亲戚"的无奈对话源自沟通不畅>一文,这篇文章是针对人民网27日刊发的<亲戚聚会发言大纲爆红 探问隐私令年轻人反感>而写的(现经慕容调查该文最早由记者黄茜撰写,刊发于<广州日报>,原文题目<串门拜年如"过堂" 拷问一关接一关>).文中称80后李小姐因春节期间走亲戚,被亲属"过分关心"而"忍无可忍",已向父母"正式提出抗议",文中还称,从


智商显示一个人做事的本领,情商反映一个人做人的表现. 在未来社会,不仅要会做事,更要会做人.情商高的人,说话得体,办事得当,才思敏捷,"人见人爱".情商低的人,不是"不合群",就是"讨人嫌",要不就是"哪把壶不开提哪把",这就麻烦了. 现在,在国外广为流传这样的话:"靠智商得到录用,靠情商得到提拔."一旦进入一个单位,能不能"工作顺利"."事业有成",情商是一个关键因