Make-to-Order Production (20)

Make-to-Order Production (20) 



In make-to-order production, a product is produced specifically for an individual sales order. This planning strategy is used when planning of the (parent) product is not required or not possible. Neither Demand Management is involved in this process, nor is there an allocation mechanism. Orders are taken as they come. This strategy represents a production procedure in which each product is only produced once, although over time the same or similar production processes are repeated. Each product is specifically produced for an individual customer so that the finished product is rarely placed in stock.



Prerequisites 前提条件


You have the following two options. 你有下面的两个选项。

Be able to do the following:能够做到下面几点:

    • Procure all necessary components within the total replenishment lead time 采购总补货时间内所有必需的组件
    • Plan on component level 在部件层计划
    • Use consumption-based components or Kanban-based components使用基于消耗的的物料或者基于看板的物料
  • Receive the sales orders at a very early stage with regard to the replenishment lead time.相对于补货提前期较早的阶段收到销售订单。

You also must maintain the following master data settings for the finished product:你也必需为成品维护下面的数据配置

  • Strategy group 20 on the MRP screen 在MRP视图设置策略组为20
  • Item category group (such as NORM) on the Sales Organization screen 销售组织视图中的项目分类组(例如NORM)

No specific product structure is required. This means it does not matter if the material has a BOM (internal production) or not (and is procured externally). The material is, however, usually produced in-house as in the subsequent sample scenario.没有具体的产品结构是必需的。这意味着它并不重要,如果物料有一个BOM(内部生产)或没有(外部采购)。然而,在随后的示例场景中,物料通常在内部生产。

Process Flow 业务流程


For a detailed example of the entire process, see Sample Scenario: Strategy 20.整个过程的详细示例,见示例场景:20策略。

  1. The sales order quantities are planned for production using the sales order number. The quantities produced for the individual sales orders cannot be changed. Each quantity is maintained specifically for the individual sales order. A separate segment is created in the MRP list for make-to-order production. 销售订单的数量为生产被计划使用用销售订单号。为个别销售订单的生产数量不能更改。每个数量专门为单个销售订单保持。在MRP清单中,为了面向订单生产,一个单独的段被创建。
  2. Starting from the sales order, you can apply this type of planning to as many levels of the BOM as you want. Assemblies and components are produced or procured specifically for the pegged order and stock is managed separately for this sales order. 从销售订单开始,你能运用这个类型的计划到你想要的尽可能多的BOM层次,组件和部件专门为这个固定的订单生产或采购,而且库存也是为这个销售订单单独管理的。

The production and procurement costs are maintained for each sales order in either a settlement order or in a project at sales order item level. This ensures a detailed analysis of the planned and actual costs. 每个销售订单的生产和采购成本记录在一个结算订单里面或在一个项目中在销售订单项目层次。这确保了详细的计划和实际成本分析。

You can also use this production technique to create "assembly orders." The assembly order triggers the creation of a production order or of a planned order and provides you with a precise delivery schedule. The delivery schedule is based on availability and the production requirements of the relevant assemblies and components.你也可以使用这种生产技术创建“装配订单”,装配订单触发生产订单和计划订单的创建,并提供给你一个准确的交货计划,交货计划是基于相关组件和部件的可用性和生产需求上的。

Other Areas 其它区域

Stocking Level 库存层级

See Stockkeeping at Different BOM Levels for more information.更多的信息,见不同BOM层级的存货

Availability Check 可用性检查

There are no major factors to consider when maintaining the material master of the finished product. See Availability Check. 维护成品物料主数据的时候没有主要的因素需要考虑,见可用性检查。

时间: 2024-10-02 17:18:23

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