SAP Activate



Speed up your SAP S/4HANA deployment and
spend more time innovating with SAP Activate

SAP Activate gives you the freedom to get
up and running quickly and to innovate continuously with SAP S/4HANA. Combining
SAP Best Practices, guided configuration, and optimized agile methodology, SAP
Activate is the quickest way to simplify and streamline your enterprise
operations with SAP S/4HANA.


Best Practices

Activate starts with an SAP Best Practices package for any implementation and
uses the same methodology for any deployment mode – cloud, hybrid, or on
premise. SAP Best Practices covers the fundamentals of integration and
migration for SAP S/4HANA and includes your own reference solution in the
cloud. You also get information on extensibility that details how to enhance
SAP software for your own needs and integrate functionality with other cloud
solutions. SAP Best Practices enables you can to take advantage of all the
power and potential available with SAP S/4HANA but tailored to your
circumstances and business needs.


for a guided configuration

Configuration provides a set of tools to support the implementation of SAP Best
Practices. In S/4HANA cloud editions, Guided configuration provides assistance
not only throughout the implementation project, but also beyond – while running
the solution in a production environment. Guided configuration lets you apply
updates and changes to your configuration, so your solution is always up to
date – without disruption. Guided configuration is available for SAP S/4HANA
cloud deployments.


SAP Activate

Activate methodology is a modular and agile framework for implementation or
migration to SAP S/4HANA. It builds on its predecessors: ASAP? methodology and
SAP Launch methodology. You can use the methodology on your own, with SAP directly,
or with an SAP partner. And because the methodology supports the use of add-ons
and extensions developed by SAP partners, you get a coherent, integrated
experience even if you are customizing SAP S/4HANA for specific business




时间: 2024-09-20 19:58:48

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