

1. What is the typical structure of an ABAP program?
2. What are field symbols and field groups.? Have you used "component idx of structure" clause with field groups?
3. What should be the approach for writing a BDC program?
4. What is a batch input session?
5. What is the alternative to batch input session?
6. A situation: An ABAP program creates a batch input session. We need to submit the program and the batch session in background. How to do it?
7. What is the difference between a pool table and a transparent table and how they are stored at the database level?
8. What are the problems in processing batch input sessions? How is batch input process different from processing on line?
9. What do you define in the domain and data element?
10. What are the different types of data dictionary objects?
11. How many types of tables exists and what are they in data dictionary?
12. What is the step by step process to create a table in data dictionary?
13. Can a transparent table exist in data dictionary but not in the data base physically?
14. What are the domains and data elements?
15. Can you create a table with fields not referring to data elements?
16. What is the advantage of structures? How do you use them in the ABAP programs?
17. What does an extract statement do in the ABAP program?
18. What is a collect statement? How is it different from append?
19. What is open sql vs native sql?
20. What does an EXEC SQL stmt do in ABAP? What is the disadvantage of using it?
21. What is the meaning of ABAP editor integrated with ABAP data dictionary?
22. What are the events in ABAP language?
23. What is an interactive report? What is the obvious diff of such report compared with classical type reports?
24. What is a drill down report?
25. How do you write a function module in SAP? describe.
26. What are the exceptions in function module?
27. What is a function group?
28. How are the date abd time field values stored in SAP?
29. What are the fields in a BDC_Tab Table.
30. Name a few data dictionary objects?
31. What happens when a table is activated in DD?
32. What is a check table and what is a value table?
33. What are match codes? describe?
34. What transactions do you use for data analysis?
35. What is table maintenance generator?
36. What are ranges? What are number ranges?
37. What are select options and what is the diff from parameters?
38. How do you validate the selection criteria of a report? And how do you display initial values in a selection screen?
39. What are selection texts?
40. What is CTS and what do you know about it?
41. When a program is created and need to be transported to prodn does selection texts always go with it? if not how do you make sure? Can you change the CTS entries? How do you do it?
42. What is the client concept in SAP? What is the meaning of client independent?
43. Are programs client dependent?
44. Name a few system global variables you can use in ABAP programs?
45. What are internal tables? How do you get the number of lines in an internal table? How to use a specific number occurs statement?
46. How do you take care of performance issues in your ABAP programs?
47. What are datasets?
48. How to find the return code of a stmt in ABAP programs?
49. What are interface/conversion programs in SAP?
50. Have you used SAP supplied programs to load master data?
51. What are the techniques involved in using SAP supplied programs? Do you prefer to write your own programs to load master data? Why?
52. What are logical databases? What are the advantages/disadvantages of logical databases?
53. What specific statements do you using when writing a drill down report?
54. What are different tools to report data in SAP? What all have you used?
55. What are the advantages and disadvantages of ABAP query tool?
56. What are the functional areas? User groups? and how does ABAP query work in relation to these?
57. Is a logical database a requirement/must to write an ABAP query?
58. What is the structure of a BDC sessions.
59. What are Change header/detail tables? Have you used them?
60. What do you do when the system crashes in the middle of a BDC batch session?
61. What do you do with errors in BDC batch sessions?
62. How do you set up background jobs in SAP? What are the steps? What are the event driven batch jobs?
63. Is it possible to run host command from SAP environment? How do you run?
64. What kind of financial periods exist in SAP? What is the relavent table for that?
65. Does SAP handle multiple currencies? Multiple languages?
66. What is a currency factoring technique?
67. How do you document ABAP programs? Do you use program documentation menu option?
68. What is SAPscript and layout set?
69. What are the ABAP commands that link to a layout set?
70. What is output determination?
71. What are IDOCs?
72. What are screen painter? menu painter? Gui status? ..etc.
73. What is screen flow logic? What are the sections in it? Explain PAI and PBO.
74. Overall how do you write transaction programs in SAP?
75. Does SAP has a GUI screen painter or not? If yes what operating systems is it available on? What is the other type of screen painter called?
76. What are step loops? How do you program pagedown pageup in step loops?
77. Is ABAP a GaUI language?
78. Normally how many and what files get created when a transaction program is written? What is the XXXXXTOP program?
79. What are the include programs?
80. Can you call a subroutine of one program from another program?
81. What are user exits? What is involved in writing them? What precations are needed?
82. What are RFCs? How do you write RFCs on SAP side?
83. What are the general naming conventions of ABAP programs?
84. How do you find if a logical database exists for your program requrements?
85. How do you find the tables to report from when the user just tell you the transaction he uses? And all the underlying data is from SAP structures?
86. How do you find the menu path for a given transaction in SAP?
87. What are the different modules of SAP?
88. What is IMG in SAP?
89. How do you get help in ABAP?
90. What are different ABAP editors? What are the differences?
91. What are the different elements in layout sets?
92. Can you use if then else, perform ..etc statements in sap script?
93. What type of variables normally used in sap script to output data?
94. How do you number pages in sapscript layout outputs?
95. What takes most time in SAP script programming?
96. How do you use tab sets in layout sets?
97. How do you backup sapscript layout sets? Can you download and upload? How?
98. What are presentation and application servers in SAP?
99. In an ABAP program how do you access data that exists on a presentation server vs on an application server?
100. What are different data types in ABAP?
101. What is difference between BDC and Call Transaction?
102. Setting up a BDC program where you find information from?
103. What has to be done to the packed fields before submitting to a BDC session.

时间: 2024-09-20 07:52:24



MM顾问的常见面试问题ZZ:http://www.itpub.net/viewthread.php?tid=467412 这是MM顾问的常见面试问题. The following are some sample interview questions I have taken from the internet, sample certification questions, and from my own experience. 1. What is the difference betwee


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031 在已经存在的表上创建唯一索引 1.CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_name ON table_name ( field_name [(index_length)] [ASC|DESC]) 2.ALTER TABLE table_name ADD UNIQUE INDEX|KEY index_name(field_name [(index_length)] [ASC|DESC]) 032 创建表时创建全文索引 table_name( column_name FULLTE


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091 数据库死锁概念 多数情况下,可以认为如果一个资源被锁定,它总会在以后某个时间被释放.而死锁发生在当多个进程访问同一数据库时,其中每个进程拥有的锁都是其他进程所需的,由此造成每个进程都无法继续下去.简单的说,进程A等待进程B释放他的资源,B又等待A释放他的资源,这样就互相等待就形成死锁. 虽然进程在运行过程中,可能发生死锁,但死锁的发生也必须具备一定的条件,死锁的发生必须具备以下四个必要条件. 1)互斥条件:指进程对所分配到的资源进行排它性使用,即在一段时间内某资源只由一个进程占用.如果此


061 如何删除表? 答案:运行命令 drop table table_name; 062 创建索引 对于查询占主要的应用来说,索引显得尤为重要.很多时候性能问题很简单的就是因为我们忘了添加索引而造成的,或者说没有添加更为有效的索引导致.如果不加索引的话,那么查找任何哪怕只是一条特定的数据都会进行一次全表扫描,如果一张表的数据量很大而符合条件的结果又很少,那么不加索引会引起致命的性能下降.但是也不是什么情 况都非得建索引不可,比如性别可能就只有两个值,建索引不仅没什么优势,还会影响到更新速度,这


001 数据库应用系统设计 1.规划 2.需求分析 3.概念模型设计 4.逻辑设计 5.物理设计 6.程序编制及调试 7.运行及维护. 002 创建数据库 CREATE DATEBASE database_name 003 查看数据库 SHOW DATABASE 004 选择数据库 USE database_name 005 删除数据库 DORP DATABASE database_name 006 查看支持的引擎 SHOW ENGINES; 007 查看默认支持的存储引擎 SHOW VARIA


1.荷兰国旗问题 题目描述:现有n个红白蓝三种不同颜色的小球,乱序排列在一起,请通过两两交换任意两个球,使得从左至右,依次是一些红球.一些白球.一些蓝球. 分析与解法: 初看此题,我们貌似除了暴力解决并无好的办法,但联想到我们所熟知的快速排序算法呢? 我们知道,快速排序依托于一个partition分治过程,在每一趟排序的过程中,选取的主元都会把整个数组排列成一大一小的部分,那我们是否可以借鉴partition过程设定三个指针完成重新排列,使得所有球排列成三个不同颜色的球呢? 解法: 通过前面的分


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