控制什么人可以访问当前主机上的增强 X-Windows。
xhost[ + | - ] [Name ]
xhost命令添加或删除 X 服务器接受连接的机器列表上的主机名。
该命令必须从有图形显示连接的机器上运行。可以通过使用 -Host 参数,从访问列表中除去一个名称。不要从访问列表中除去当前的名称。如果已经这样做了,请在作出任何更改之前注销系统。
输入无变量的xhost命令将显示访问 X 服务器的当前主机名,并显示一条消息表明访问是否已启用。
[root@vs022 StageR122]# xhost
access control disabled, clients can connect from any host
为了安全起见,只能从控制主机运行影响访问控制的选项。对于工作站来说,这台机器也就是服务器。对于 X 终端来说,这台机器是登录主机。
要在缺省情况下启用远程名称,可以在 /etc/X?.hosts 文件中定义名称,其中 ? 为启用访问的显示器号。
例如,显示器 jeanne:0 可以由使用 jeanne 的缺省主机名的系统上的 /etc/X0.hosts 文件中定义的系统访问。在显示名称和文件名中,0 表明已定义的远程系统允许通过增强 X-Windows 访问的显示器号。
+Name 定义要添加到 X 服务器访问列表的主机名(可以选用加号标记)。
- Name 定义要从 X 服务器访问列表中除去的主机名。已有的连接没有被中断,但将拒绝新的连接请求。注意:可以除去当前的机器;然而,不允许进行进一步的连接(包括试图将其添加回来)。再一次启用本地连接的唯一方法就是将服务器复位(因此也会中断所有连接)。
+ 指定访问不受限制。访问控制被关闭。
- 打开访问控制。
完整的 Name 有以下 family:name 语法:
注: 该系列是区分大小写的。名称的格式随系列而不同.
如果是在本机执行的话,直接到oracle图形用户下执行export DISPLAY
标 题: Re: 请问命令xhost的作用和内部机制是干啥的
xhost 是用来控制X server访问权限的。
server.因此在登陆到hostB前,需要在hostA上运行xhost +
xhost + 是使所有用户都能访问Xserver.
xhost + ip使ip上的用户能够访问Xserver.
xhost + nis:user@domain使domain上的nis用户user能够访问
xhost + inet:user@domain使domain上的inet用户能够访问。
[root@ds1 ~]# xhost + being added to access control list
[root@ds1 ~]# su - oracle
[oracle@ds1 ~]$ xhost + being added to access control list
[oracle@ds1 ~]$ xhost + being added to access control list
[oracle@ds1 ~]$ cd clusterware/
[oracle@ds1 clusterware]$ ls
cluvfy doc install response rpm runInstaller stage upgrade welcome.html
[oracle@ds1 clusterware]$ ll
总计 72
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2005-07-03cluvfy
drwxr-xr-x 6 oracle oinstall 4096 2005-07-03doc
drwxr-xr-x 4 oracle oinstall 4096 2005-07-03install
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2005-07-03response
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2005-07-03rpm
-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall 1328 2005-07-03runInstaller
drwxr-xr-x 9 oracle oinstall 4096 2005-07-03stage
drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 2005-07-03upgrade
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 3445 2005-07-03welcome.html
[oracle@ds1 clusterware]$ ssh ds1 date;ssh ds2 date
Enter passphrase for key '/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa':
2008年 06月 21日 星期六 08:22:41 CST
Enter passphrase for key '/home/oracle/.ssh/id_rsa':
2008年 06月 21日 星期六 08:22:45CST
[oracle@ds1 clusterware]$ ./runInstaller &
Display Names
From the user's perspective, every X server has a display name of the form:
This information is used by the application to determine how it should connect to the server and which screen it should use by default (on displays with multiple monitors):
- hostname
- The hostname specifies the name of the machine to which the display is physically connected. If the hostname is not given, the most efficient way of communicating to a server on the same machine will be used.
- displaynumber(显示号)
- The phrase "display" is usually used to refer to collection of monitors that share a common keyboard and pointer (mouse, tablet, etc.). Most workstations tend to only have one keyboard, and therefore, only one display. Larger, multi-user systems, however,
frequently have several displays so that more than one person can be doing graphics work at once. To avoid confusion, each display on a machine is assigned a display number (beginning at 0) when the X server for that display is started. The display number
must always be given in a display name. - screennumber
- Some displays share a single keyboard and pointer among two or more monitors. Since each monitor has its own set of windows, each screen is assigned a screen number (beginning at 0) when the X server for that display is started. If the screen number is
not given, screen 0 will be used.
On POSIX systems, the default display name is stored in your DISPLAY environment variable. This variable is set automatically by the xterm terminal emulator. However, when you log into another machine on a network, you will need to set DISPLAY by hand to
point to your display. For example,
% setenv DISPLAY myws:0 $ DISPLAY=myws:0; export DISPLAY
The xon script can be used to start an X program on a remote machine; it automatically sets the DISPLAY variable correctly.
Finally, most X programs accept a command line option of -display displayname to temporarily override the contents of DISPLAY. This is most commonly used to pop windows on another person's screen or as part of a "remote shell" command to
start an xterm pointing back to your display. For example,
% xeyes -display joesws:0 -geometry 1000x1000+0+0 % rsh big xterm -display myws:0 -ls </dev/null &
X servers listen for connections on a variety of different communications channels (network byte streams, shared memory, etc.). Since there can be more than one way of contacting a given server, The hostname part of the display name is used to determine
the type of channel (also called a transport layer) to be used. X servers generally support the following types of connections:
- local
The hostname part of the display name should be the empty string. For example: :0, :1, and :0.1. The most efficient local transport will be chosen. - TCP/IP
The hostname part of the display name should be the server machine's IP address name. Full Internet names, abbreviated names, and IP addresses are all allowed. For example: x.org:0, expo:0,, bigmachine:1, and hydra:0.1. - DECnet
The hostname part of the display name should be the server machine's nodename, followed by two colons instead of one. For example: myws::0, big::1, and hydra::0.1