帝国ECMS:统计当天信息发布数(SQL) select count(*) as title from [!db.pre!]ecms_news where isgood=1 and year(newstime)=year(now()) and month(newstime)=month(now()) and day(newstime)=day(now())
using System; namespace huangyibiao { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { int iCountLetters = 0; //number of letters int iCountDigits = 0; //number of digits int iCountPunctuations = 0; //number of punctuations Console.Write("Please ent
代码很简介,功能也很简单,但是却很实用,这里就不细说明了直接上代码 jQuery代码: 复制代码 代码如下: function countNum(){ //alert($('input[name=check]:checked').length); var arrays = new Array(); var items = document.getElementsByName("check");
Web_THBC 为表示层也就是页面(.aspx) BLL_THBC 为业务逻辑层 DAL_THBC 为数据库交互层 (向数据库执行SQL语句) Model_THBC 为实体类 DbHelper 为数据库连接类 统计个专营店的男女数量 复制代码 代码如下: select dua.UARTERS_ID,dua.UARTERS_NAME ,sum(case when sex = '1' then 1 else 0 end) as Man ,sum(case when sex = '0' then 1