zpool performance optimal property vdev's ashift or sector at create time

只能在创建zpool时指定的唯一参数ashift, 用于指定zpool的扇区大小(2^ashift bytes).


查看块设备的sector. 例如

fdisk -l /dev/sdb


Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

但是有些系统可能将4K的sector认为是512字节的, 所以如果要强制使用4K sector的话, 建议在创建zpool时指定ashift=12.

例如 : 

# zpool create -o ashift=12 zp1 raidz2 sdb sdc sdd sde sdf sdg sdh sdi sdj sdk spare sdl sdm


1. man zpool


           Pool  sector  size exponent, to the power of 2 (internally referred to as "ashift"). I/O operations will be

           aligned to the specified size boundaries. Additionally, the minimum (disk) write size will be  set  to  the

           specified  size,  so  this  represents a space vs. performance trade-off. The typical case for setting this

           property is when performance is important and the underlying disks use 4KiB sectors but report 512B sectors

           to the OS (for compatibility reasons); in that case, set ashift=12 (which is 1<<12 = 4096).

           For  optimal  performance,  the  pool sector size should be greater than or equal to the sector size of the

           underlying disks. Since the property cannot be changed after pool creation, if in a given  pool,  you  ever

           want to use drives that report 4KiB sectors, you must set ashift=12 at pool creation time.

           Keep in mind is that the ashift is vdev specific and is not a pool global.  This means that when adding new

           vdevs to an existing pool you may need to specify the ashift.

时间: 2024-12-22 07:50:28

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