Unified communications benefit campuses

A growing number of college and
university IT departments are combining
their disparate telecommunications
systems in an effort to simplify campus

  1. These efforts also have
  2. potential to save schools thousands

of dollars in yearly service or line fees, as
we've experienced at Northcentral
Technical College (NTC) in Wausau, Wis.

The term "unified communications" (UC) has been used to describe a wide
variety of technologies and solutions in recent years, but according to a new
study, the majority of technology professionals agree that UC is an end
result--not any one product or solution. Specifically, UC is the result of
integrating technologies that connect people with other people, with data, and
with computing applications they need, anywhere they are. The 2009 CDW-G
Unified Communications Tracking Poll reports that the primary drivers behind
UC implementations are usually increased productivity and reduced operating

  1. Additionally, UC technologies are often considered in conjunction with
  2. organizational changes.

NTC certainly understood those key drivers as the college started its UC
deployment in 2003. Serving 25,000 students on its main campus and six
regional campuses in a 10-county area, NTC sought to provide its students
with a top-notch curriculum delivered by high-quality instructors--regardless
of where the students or faculty were located. Simply stated, distance should
not determine learning outcomes, and the college considered an
organizational shift that would centralize the flow of information.


时间: 2024-08-01 05:57:41

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