Big Faceless PDF Library 为开发商提供了无与伦比的执行灵活性和可靠性。它的可扩展的,线程安全的,非常快,可在任何大型电脑的Java平台上运行。用于创建PDF文档的Java类库。扩展版提供了创建和编辑AcroForms,PDF格式的档案,HTML表单。像HTML表单,PDF表单可以包含文本框,单选按钮,可以调用JavaScript函数。扩展版还包括一个用于输入和编辑在一起的FDF支持,数字签名和验证PDF文本提取器。这两个变化提供完整的Unicode支持,加密,嵌入式TrueType和Type1字体,条形码,超链接、识别和颜色校准。
Big Faceless PDF Library 2.11.17更新日志:
* Updated bfopdf-cmap.jar - if you see ObjectInputStreamException when working
with documents containing Chinese/Japanese/Korean text then make sure you have
installed the latest version of this Jar.
* Fixed a confusion regarding FNC1 characters in barcodes: previously we allowed
"\n" to mean FNC1 in Code128 barcodes, but "\n" is actually a valid character
so this was broken some time ago. FNC1 is now specified with U+EFC1 character
(defined as BarCode.FNC1), and this may be used in DataMatrix codes as well.
* Fixed threading issue when cloning a PDF containing XMP form using new PDF(PDF)
* Fixed issue where subsetting CFF font could prevent page containing font from
being printed by Acrobat.
* Fixed SecurityException caused by editing form fields which fire JavaScript
events in an environment where a SecurityManager is installed.
* Added workaround for Sun Bug 7007299 which could cause NullPointerException
when multiple threads are rendering unrelated PDFs with unembedded fonts.
* PDFParser.setFont() will take an OpenTypeFont as well as a Font class, to
avoid use of system fonts completely in case workaround (above) doesn't do it
* Fixed NullPointerException from specific PDF with XFA form
* More fixes to DataMatrix barcodes. We now have a test-suite just for these...
* Fixed divide-by-zero in ColorBurn composite
* Fixed misread of number of pages in certain (invalid) PDF documents.
* Don't mark a document as Linearized when it's loaded if linearization has
been broken.
* Now PDFParser.getBlackAndWhiteColorModel(0) can be used to auto-determine
an appropriate threshold.
* Added ability to create "cloudy" AnnotationShape objects, via new
PDFStyle.setFormStyle(FORMSTYLE_CLOUDY1) and FORMSTYLE_CLOUDY2 constants.
* Improved reporting of warnings related to XMP formatting errors
* Fixed exception with rendering when blendmode and softmask were both active
* Viewer: Added the "NetworkSave" feature, to save a PDF back to an HTTP URL
* Viewer: fixed buggy creation of new digital identities in KeyStoreManager
* Viewer: basic support for RTL locales.