MySQL错误:Every derived table must have its own alias

Every derived table must have its own alias




把MySQL语句改成:select count(*) from (select * from ……) as total;


select name1 name, java, jdbc, hibernate,total
  from (select name1, sc1.mark java
   from student_course2 sc1
   where sc1.course='java') as a,
   (select name2, sc2.mark jdbc
   from student_course2 sc2
   where sc2.course='jdbc') as b,
   (select name3, sc3.mark hibernate
   from student_course2 sc3
   where sc3.course='hibernate') as c,
 (select name4,sum(sc4.mark) total
 from student_course2 sc4 group by as d
  where name1=name2 and name2=name3 and name3=name4 order by total ASC;


| name     | java | jdbc | hibernate | total |
| wangwu   |   40 |   30 |        20 |    90 |
| lisi     |   70 |   60 |        50 |   180 |
| zhangsan |  100 |   90 |        80 |   270 |
3 rows in set (0.02 sec)

时间: 2025-01-19 12:01:03

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MYSQL错误:Can’t open file: ‘×××.MYI’ (errno: 145)

这个错误是典型的mysql表受损造成的,解决的办法就是修复表,这个问题也是mysql经常容易出现的,mysql表和索引损坏的几率很大,但是修复也很方便,减少此类问题发生的办法就是尽量减少服务器无故断电,关闭服务器时,最后先手动关闭mysql数据库. 下面看看这个问题: Can't open file: '×××.MYI' (errno: 145),这个错误一般就是你的数据库表文件损坏造成的,造成的原因大概是你把数据库文件挪来挪去的结果,当然不排除其他原因啊. 具体数据库出现错误的提示代码是: I


1. MySQL错误日志里出现: 140331 10:08:18 [ERROR] Error reading master configuration 140331 10:08:18 [ERROR] Failed to initialize the master info structure 140331 10:08:18 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events   从错误提示就可以看出和mster info相关,找到数据目录下的master.info文件

MYSQL错误:Can’t open file: ‘×××.MYI’ (errno: 145)修复方法_Mysql

减少此类问题发生的办法就是尽量减少服务器无故断电,关闭服务器时,最后先手动关闭mysql数据库. 下面看看这个问题: Can't open file: '×××.MYI' (errno: 145),这个错误一般就是你的数据库表文件损坏造成的,造成的原因大概是你把数据库文件挪来挪去的结果,当然不排除其他原因啊. 具体数据库出现错误的提示代码是: Invalid SQL: -- MySQL 错误!: 1016 (Can't open file: '×××.MYI' (errno: 145)) 解决这


MySQL错误日志是记录MySQL 运行过程中较为严重的警告和错误信息,以及MySQL每次启动和关闭的详细信息.错误日志的命名通常为hostname.err.其中,hostname表示服务器主机名. The error log contains information indicating when mysqld was started and stopped and also any critical errors that occur while the server is running.

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