visual studio 2013中freadfwrite的错误


visual studio 2013中freadfwrite的错误

#include "stdafx.h"
struct friends
char name[3];
int age;
char sex[3];
int qq;
struct friends fri1[2], fri2[2], fr1, *fr2;
int main()
fr1 = fri1;
fr2 = fri2;//it is necessary
char fname[30];//like can not use
printf("Please input file namen");
int t=fopen_s(&fp,"D:Visual Studio 2013ProjectFilefreadfwrite1.txt", "wt+");//like can not use fanme ....
printf("t is %dn", t);
if (t != 0)
printf("The file can not be opened");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++,fr1++)//fr1++
printf("Please input the %dst date name age sex qqn", i);
scanf_s("%s %d %s %d", fr1 -> name, &fr1 -> age, fr1 -> sex, &fr1 -> qq);//not [] need&
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, fr2++)
printf("name age sex qq");
printf("%s%d%c%dn", fr1->name, fr1->age, fr1->sex, fr1->qq);//not [] need&
fwrite(fr1, sizeof(struct friends), 2, fp);
rewind(fp);//rewind the position
fread(fr2, sizeof(struct friends), 2, fp);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, fr2++)
printf("name age sex qq");
printf("%s%d%c%dn", fr2->name, fr2->age, fr2->sex, fr2->qq);
return 0;





#include "stdafx.h"

struct friends
char name[10];
int age;
char sex[10];
int qq;
struct friends fri1[2], fri2[2], *fr1, *fr2;
int main()
fr1 = fri1;
fr2 = fri2;//it is necessary
FILE *fp;
char fname[30];//like can not use
printf("Please input file namen");
int t=fopen_s(&fp,"C:123.txt", "wt+");//like can not use fanme ....
printf("t is %dn", t);
if (t != 0)
printf("The file can not be opened");
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++,fr1++)//fr1++
printf("Please input the %dst date: name age sex qqn", i+1);
scanf_s("%s %d %s %d", &fr1 -> name,9, &fr1 -> age, &fr1 -> sex,9, &fr1 -> qq);//not [] need&
fr1 = fri1;
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, fr1++)
printf("name:%s age:%d sex:%s qq:%dn", fr1->name, fr1->age, fr1->sex, fr1->qq);//not [] need&
fr1 = fri1;
fwrite(fr1, sizeof(struct friends), 2, fp);
rewind(fp);//rewind the position
fread(fr2, sizeof(struct friends), 2, fp);
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++, fr2++)
printf("name:%s age:%d sex:%s qq:%dn", fr2->name, fr2->age, fr2->sex, fr2->qq);
return 0;


功能不是重点,重点是用vs2013 不能运行,我调试了20分钟都没弄好,么么哒

时间: 2024-11-04 08:11:28

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