Intel Software Development Emulator 4.29发布

Intel Software Development Emulator一种新的即将推出的指令集扩展功能仿真器。仿真器是基于动态二进制仪表系统(和XED)。它模拟SSE4,AES,PCLMULQDQ和英特尔AVX指令集扩展的新指令。提高">开发人员获得与英特尔即将推出的指令集扩展熟练程度。

Intel Software Development Emulator 4.29支持Haswell新指令。

Intel SDE运行示例:

path-to-kit/sde -- user-application [args]


% path-to-kit/sde -help

Intel (R) Software Development Emulator. Version: 4.29.0 hsw-external

Copyright (C) 2008-2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.

Usage: sde [args] -- application [application-args]

For the longer tool help, use "-thelp".

If one of "-mix", "-debugtrace", or "-t toolname" are not,

supplied, then just the underl
ying emulator will run.

-mix      Run mix histogram tool

-omix     Set the output file name for mix, Implies -mix

Default is "mix.out"

-footprint  Run footprint tool

-ofootprint Set the output file name for footprint,

Implies -footprint. Default is "footprint.out"

-debugtrace  Run mix debugtrace tool

-odebugtrace Set the output file name for debugtrace,

Implies -debugtrace

Default is "debugtrace.out"

-ast         Run the Intel(R) AVX/SSE transition checker

-oast        Set the output file name for the Intel AVX/SSE

transition checker. Implies -ast

Default is "avx-sse-transition.out"

-no-avx      Just emulate AES+PCLMULQDQ+SSE4

-no-aes      Just emulate SSE4

-skip-int3   Skip int3 instructions in the execution

-help        Intel(R) SDE driver help

-thelp       Emit the emulator tool's help message

-phelp       Emit the pin JIT help message

-version     Intel(R) SDE version number

-debug       Enable transparent debugging

-no-follow-child Do not follow exec or subprocess creation

Default is to follow exec or subprocess creation

-echo           Print the internal pin command line

-p pinarg       Add a pin argument specifically for the pin JIT

-pt pintoolarg  Add a pin tool argument

-t toolname     Specify another tool name in the kit

NOTE: All other arguments are passed to the emulator.

时间: 2024-07-30 04:54:20

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