表10.4 FilterOutputStream的类型
Class |
Function |
Constructor Arguments |
How to use it |
Data-OutputStream |
Used in concert with DataInputStream so you can write primitives (int, char, long, etc.) to a stream in a portable fashion. |
OutputStream |
Contains full interface to allow you to write primitive types. |
PrintStream |
For producing formatted output. While DataOutputStream handles the storage of data, PrintStream handles display. |
OutputStream, with optional boolean indicating that the buffer is flushed with every newline. |
Should be the “final” wrapping for your OutputStream object. You’ll probably use this a lot. |
Buffered-OutputStream |
Use this to prevent a physical write every time you send a piece of data. You’re saying “Use a buffer.” You can call flush() to flush the buffer. |
OutputStream, with optional buffer size. |
This doesn’t provide an interface per se, just a requirement that a buffer is used. Attach an interface object. |
类 功能 构建器参数/如何使用
DataOutputStream 与DataInputStream配合使用,以便采用方便的形式将基本数据类型(int,char,long等)写入一个数据流 OutputStream/包含了完整接口,以便我们写入基本数据类型
PrintStream 用于产生格式化输出。DataOutputStream控制的是数据的“存储”,而PrintStream控制的是“显示” OutputStream,可选一个布尔参数,指示缓冲区是否与每个新行一同刷新/对于自己的OutputStream对象,应该用“final”将其封闭在内。可能经常都要用到它
BufferedOutputStream 用它避免每次发出数据的时候都要进行物理性的写入,要求它“请先在缓冲区里找”。可调用flush(),对缓冲区进行刷新 OutputStream,可选缓冲区大小/本身并不能提供一个接口,只是发出使用缓冲区的要求。需要同一个接口对象连接到一起.