
  本文是IT经理网“后IT时代”双语专栏的第一篇文章,作者Jean-Paul Smets是上海外高桥自由贸易区的纳宇软件科技公司的CEO。纳宇软件科技经营着一个HTML5应用程序商店 (www.officejs.com)并发布了开源的ERP和CRM产品。(www.erp5.com).



  一次地震带来的后期影响往往比地震本身带来的破坏更加有力,对科技来说也是如此。每天都会有一些具有隐形“创造性破坏”特质的新兴科技出现在市场上。随着时间的推移,将在市场上触发巨大的变化。我们将在这个专栏中识别这些正处于孵化期的科技并预言他们对未来IT行业体系的影响。正如Alan Kay所说,”the best way to predict the future is to invent it”(预测未来最好的办法就是创造它!)。所以在这里,我的每一篇博客都将介绍一个有希望通过现存的技术创造出来的新产品,进而去设想该产品长期商务化发展的结果。


  后云时代 ,FreeForce将颠覆Salesforce


  离线 HMTL5 万维网联盟(World Wide WebConsortium,又称”W3C理事会”) 在2008年为所谓的”离线网络应用”定义了一个规范说明。这个说明中,定义了一个需要被网络浏览器留存的文档列表。也就是说用户可以使用他的智能手机访问一个网站,然后访问另外一个网站,将手机设置成飞行模式,再回到第一个网站……还是可以正常浏览使用。 你可以用这个Task Manager 应用试一试离线HTML5。打开一个新的窗口(用火狐或Chrome网络浏览器),关闭你电脑的网络连接。尝试刷新此应用,发现页面还是能够加载。如果你再多玩玩这个应用,你会发现它已经包含了可以搜索记录的数据库。你可以随意进行添加或修改记录等操作。这个应用程序工作的原理是使用在网络浏览器里面运行的全部javascritpts。一旦应用被加载了,无需再加载一次,除非发行了新的版本。

  所有的计算都在你的电脑或者智能手机上完成,而无需访问网络。这个方法比任何方法都要可靠,特别是当你旅行时或是到数据连接质量非常差的地方时。 FreeForce 设想现在一个年轻的中国青年在开发一个类似于Salesforce.com这样新的离线HTML5应用。Salesforce是一个非常着名的客户关系管理(CRM)应用。它同样也是世界上排名第一,年收入超过30亿美元的云计算服务商。

  设想现在这个中国青年将他的CRM应用,在GPL的许可下,作为开源软件发布,就像Linus Torvalds在20多年前对GNU/Linux操作系统Kernel所做的一样。暂且让我们将这个应用称作”FreeForce”.只需要短短几年的时间让大家来比较FreeForce和SalesForce.com. FreeForce是开源的并可以离线运行。Salesforce.com不是开源的并且需要连接到Salesforce集团的服务器上。FreeForce是由一个中国青年开发并由一整个社区的贡献者根据用户的建议来迅速即时地添加功能。Salesforce.com则是一个由传统企业通过定期发布新版本来开发,通常忽略用户需求,而使用其分销渠道发行的应用。

  谁是赢家 ?目前FreeForce,还只是我们虚构的一个产品。我们希望SalesForce.com不会犯微软在20年前犯的一样的错误,该错误导致了微软在企业服务器市场上的失败,从而让GNU/Linux统治了这个市场。








  可以确定的是,后云时代的HTML5理论将在接下来的10年内引起一个巨大的市场混乱。(参考:HTML5这条路,谁先走,怎么走?)但还是会给云储存服务商留下一些机会,至少对于一些不愿意在家里使用服务器做备份的用户来说是如此。事实上,像七牛或Dropbox这样的服务商与HTML5应用合作的非常默契,这都要归功于像JIO 或RemoteStorage这样的Javascript库.同时,对于生产类似Rikomagic,基于Rockchip芯片的微型服务器的硬件厂商来说,也将会产生新的机遇。一些公司日益拒绝云储存供应商,特别是在像德国这样的国家,在揭发了美国政府是如何监视德国政要之后。专家们甚至开始质疑加密效率。


  总的说来,离线HTML5向我们展示了基于云服务和传统服务器理念的企业IT将会如何逐渐消失。我们并不是唯一有此预言的人,Google 最近的战略就是集中在他们自己的 Chrome


  Bridges 已经有了不同的版本:万维网联盟离线应用可以被转换成Chrome离线应用。Chrome离线应用可以被转换成安卓或iOS应用。不同版本之间的区别还不是非常的大。



  现如今,一个Chrome浏览器的扩展就可以让你的浏览器摇身一变成为网络服务器, 一个基于网络浏览器的端对端的新型网络能够使所有的个人设备无缝对接交流并从你的手机,电视,路由器上复制你的个人数据。


  The After Chronicles

  Aftercloud era, How will Freeforce override Salesforce

  The Aftershocks of an earthquake sometimes produce more changes to the landscape than the initial shock. Same goes for technology. Everyday, disrupting technologies are introduced on the market, barely visible. But after years, some trigger massive changes to the market. We try in this chronicle to identify how current technologies will impact future corporate IT. Quoting Alan Kay, “the best way to predict the future is to invent it”. Each blog post will thus describe a – hopefully – new imaginary product that could be created with existing technologies. We then envisage the long term business consequences of this product. This chronicle is open to your thoughts. Tell us about technologies you have identified and we will tell about you. And if you would like to create a startup based on any of the ideas we present, feel relaxed: we did not file any patent. We could actually even support you, financially or technically if you provide us a business plan.

  The After Chronicles are written by JP Smets, CEO of Nayukeji startup company in Shanghai Free Trade Zone (Wai Gao Cao). Nayukeji operates an HTML5 appstore (www.officejs.com) and publishes an open source ERP/CRM (www.erp5.com).

  Chronicle 1: the AfterCloud

  The AfterCloud is a new way to create Web services and applications that are similar to Cloud Computing. However, unlike Cloud Computing, no server and no datacenter is required. This novel approach can reduce

  by a factor of 100 the cost of deploying and operating a business applications compared to traditional Cloud Computing. Here is how.

  Offline HMTL5

  The World Wide Web Consortium has defined in 2008 a specification for so-called “Offline Web Applications”. Under this specification, one defines a list of files that must be persisted by the Web browser. This means that a user can visit a Web site with his smartphone, visit another Web site, set his phone in Airplane mode, go back to the first web site… and it still works.

  You can experiment offline HTML5 yourself with this Task Manager application. Open it a new window (with Firefox or Chrome web browser), turn off network on your computer. Try to reload the application. The page will load. If you play a bit with the application, you will find out that it has includes a database that can search records. You can add records, change them, etc.

  The way this application actually works is by using javascrits that run

  entirely inside the Web browser. Once the application is loaded, there is no need to load it again, unless a new version is published. All computation can thus happen on your laptop or on your smartphone, without accessing network. This approach is actually more reliable than anything else, especially during travel or in cities where data connectivity is poor.


  Imagine now that a young Chinese teenager starts developing a new Offline HMTL5 that does what an application like Salesforce.com does. Salesforce is a very popular customer relationship management (CRM) application. It is also the No 1 cloud computing service in the world, with more than 3 billion dollar yearly revenue.

  Imagine now that this young Chinese teenager provides his CRM application as Free Software, under the GPL license, just like Linus Torvalds did more than 20 years ago for the GNU/Linux operating system kernel. Let us call the application “FreeForce”.

  It will only a take a few years before everyone compares FreeForce and SalesForce.com. FreeForce is free and runs offline. Salesforce.com is not free and requires to connect to the servers of Salesforce corporation. FreeForce is developped by a young Chinese teenager with a community of contributors who quickly add features based on user suggestions.Salesforce.com is developed by a traditional corporation that releases new versions from time to time and that tends to ignore user requests that are passed through its distribution channel 。

  Who wins ?

  FreeForce currently does not exist. Hopefully,SalesForce.com will not do the same mistakes as Microsoft did 20 years ago, mistakes that lead in the case Microsoft to its failure on the enterprise server market > and to the domination of GNU/Linux on that market.

  However, if FreeForce existed and if SalesForce.com did the same mistakes as Microsoft, history tells us that FreeForce would surely win.

  Economic analysis concludes in the same direction. The capital required to produce FreeForce consists of: a micro-server that hosts a few HTML5 static files.The operating costs of FreeForce are: a few full time developer who merge patches submitted to him by a community of users. Overall,this is 100 ? capital investment plus 50,000 ? per year for this developer. Compare this to SalesForce.com expenses: data centers,system administrators, large developer team, translators, sales people, support people, etc. Over the last 10 years, SalesForce.com has accumulated losses for more than one billion dollar.

  What is also striking is the different between the two business models in terms of marginal cost. In the case of “FreeForce”, expenses remain equal whatever the number of users. This means that FreeForce is based on a zero marginal cost business model. In the case of SalesForce.com, the more users, the more expenses. This means that SalesForce.com is based on a non zero marginal cost business model.

  Since “zero marginal cost” business models always win, there actually no future to Salesforce.com unless they adopt a similar business model.

  Too Good to Be True ?

  Is this too good to be true? Are all Cloud Computing services going to disappear?

  For sure, the HTML5 approach of the AfterCloud will create in the next 10 years a major market disruption. But there will still be some opportunities remaining for Cloud storage services, at least for users who do not wish to keep a server at home for backup. Services like Qiniu or Dropbox work actually quite well with HTML5 applications thanks to Javascript libraries such as JIO or RemoteStorage.

  There will be also an renewed opportunity for hardware vendors that produce nano-servers such as Rikomagic based on Rockchip. Some companies reject increasingly Cloud storage providers, especially in countries like Germany after people discovered how US government was spying German chancellor. Even encryption efficiency is now questioned by specialists. There could also be still some opportunity for big data services, although big data is a far fetched term for most companies. Just consider the whole database of a Central Bank can fit in the memory of a modern Smartphone (I know this because I work for Central Bank).

  Overall, Offline HTML5 shows that many Cloud services and traditional server based approaches of enterprise IT are meant to disappear. We are not alone to envision such a future.

  Google recent strategy has focuses on its own specification for Chrome offline applications with a team of more than 150 engineers backing this effort. The Mozilla foundation has also created its own specification for Firefox OS offline HTML5 applications.

  Bridges already exist between different formats: W3C offline applications can be converted to Chrome offline applications. Chrome offline applications can be converted to Android or iOS applications.

  Differences between the different formats are not that huge still.

  What Else ?

  The AfterCloud is our first chronicle. It has huge potential impact not only for business applications but also for the rest of the industry.

  Nowadays, a Chrome extension turns your browser into an Web server , a new kind of peer-to-peer network based on your Web browser can make all personal device communicate seamlessly and replicate your personal data from your phone, to your TV, to your router.

  In our next chronicles, we will imagine how the AfterCloud can change the IT industry and bring AfterPC,AfterRouter, AfterERP, AfterBigData, AfterBrowser, AfterServer,AfterInternet, AfterWeb and more…

时间: 2024-07-30 21:50:47



内部数据中心与云环境之间的激烈对抗已经持续了十年,但如今我们可以肯定地说,云方案开始全面胜出.诚然,未来还将有相当一部分内部系统继续保持运作,不过按需云模式正变得愈发普遍. 不过具体方式也许与大家的认知不同. 作为云战争的常见理解方式,人们往往认为自己需要从高度定制化.高度受管理以及指向性明确的,能够交付特定竞争价值的内部系统同更具泛用特性.维护及安全保护资源需求较低且能够通过标准化流程与选项帮助企业以非技术方式实现差异性竞争优势的云服务之间做出选择. 这种"通过技术实现差异化"的理念


所有的企业都集体进入了第三代企业IT平台的时代. 简单回顾之前的历史,第一代企业IT平台是大型主机,于1950年到1980年垄断了整个IT产业,IBM为第一代企业IT平台的主导者:第二代企业IT平台即基于X86服务器和微软/Linux软件的"客户端-服务器"架构,从1980年到2010年成为主导性企业IT架构,微软.VMware.IBM是这一时代的主导者:第三代企业IT平台,就是正在蓬勃发展的云计算平台,企业软件在PaaS云系统上运转,目前尚无主导者. 对于大多数人听说过的Dell.E


黄远 高速增长期后,国内http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/33895.html">IPTV业务已逐渐向平稳期过渡,后IPTV时代正悄然来临. 得益于IPTV业务的高速增长,百视通(600637,股吧)日前公布的2012年年报显示:公司2012年实现营业收入20.28亿元,同比增长51.8%:归属于母公司净利润5.16亿元,同比增长45.4%:IPTV业务全年实现营收14.2亿元,占公司总营收比重达70.5%. "我们今年面临的最大挑战


乔布斯曾经在2011年iPad 2发布会上首次提出了"后PC设备"的说法,并将平板电脑称为后PC设备.我们也不得不承认,在苹果乔布斯iPhone.iPad及http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/11683.html">iPod三大产品的冲击下,人们更早地迈入了"后PC时代". "PC已经不再是数字世界的中心,那些便于携带的移动设备才是."这掷地有声的声音来自于苹果CEO蒂姆·库克2012年


&http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/37954.html">nbsp; 不管你愿不愿意,欢迎进入"后通讯录"时代!在这里,您将目睹您正在使用的电话号码慢慢消失,您不必想念它,因为您有更好的选择;在这里,您将和移动IM一起进入一个新的时代,但前提是您做对了选择题,否则您将会变得很郁闷;在这里,您会慢慢真正体会到SNS和微博对生活和工作的惊人价值,您还会见识到很多奇特模式和创意从小苗变成巨人!OK,您准备好了吗?接下来就

全景解读百度云平台 服务站稳后PC时代

多数人眼中的百度是一个搜索引擎服务商,占据国内搜索份额的70%以上,是国内互联网的绝对霸主.在新的云计算和移动互联网时代,百度没有做到向在PC端那样称霸群雄,甚至在移动互联网来临没有太多的作为.不过及时的运用新技术,推出自己的云平台和各种移动应用,成为了百度的重要 发力点,也是弥补百度移动战略的重要支撑. 百度通过十多年在搜索方面的积累,目前的云平台已具备四大能力:大容量数据存储能力.高并发处理能力.统计分析能力.智能推荐与运营,这些能力将帮助开发者更好地实现大数据价值.在了解了百度云平台之后,

英特尔公布无人驾驶战略,后 PC 时代芯片王者之争在汽车行业打响

10月19日,英特尔在召开无人驾驶媒体分享会,正式向外界公布了公司的无人驾驶战略布局,强势介入英伟达原先占主导地位的智能驾驶服务器系统. 英特尔全球副总裁兼中国区总裁杨旭 英特尔全球副总裁兼中国区总裁杨旭介绍,在无人驾驶领域,英特尔的着眼点有三个:车.高速网络和计算.他说:"英特尔看无人驾驶,我们是要看整体的平台,不是只看车本身.一共有三块:一个是车:第二个高速的网络传输:第三个强大的后端云计算.大数据的挖掘.处理能力." 英特尔无人驾驶布局之路 2016年7月1日,英特尔与Mobil


刚刚过去的2016年,是信息通信业值得纪念的节点年,是信息通信业承上启下的关键年.这一年,人工智能概念提出60周年.计算机应用60周年.光纤发明50周年.蜂窝移动通信应用40周年,亦是摩尔定律走过了51年的一年. 60年以来,以计算机.IC.光纤通信.移动通信为代表的信息技术引发的第三次科技革命浪潮深刻推动了人类社会政治.经济和文化领域的变革. 如果说过去的60年是IT+CT的时代,那么接下来的60年便是IT+CT+DT的时代.IT+CT+DT的融合孕育了大数据时代与人工智能时代,为网络技术发展

云时代的弄潮儿Marc Benioff

云时代创业 在大多数人还不知道云计算为何物.互联网泡沫正面临崩溃的1999年,Marc Russell Benioff在旧金山租用了一间小小的旧公寓,创办了自己的云计算公司Salesforce.com,并把这个网站的使命定义为"End of Software"(终结软件).而在短短的十几年内,它已成长为世界上发展最快.最具创新力的产业变革的驱动者之一. Benioff是云计算的先驱,他除了一直致力于传播SaaS(Software as a Service,软件即服务)的理念之外,也是P