- 将数据从SQL导出到Excel时报错 1C
- 将数据导出时,报错,说Application的Save方法无效。用OFFICE2013和WPS均报出相同错误,其他计算机上使用WPS可以成功导出数据,求大神指点。
vb.net 的DataGridView 数据导出到excel的例子,我们项目中一直使用的,可以看看有无帮助。 ''' <summary>''' dgv导出至Excel''' </summary>''' <param name=""Title"">表标题</param>''' <param name=""pb"">pb</param>''' <returns></returns>''' <remarks></remarks>Shared Function dgvToExcel(ByVal Title As String ByVal dgv As DataGridView ByVal pb As ProgressBar) As Boolean If dgv.Rows.Count = 0 Then Return False Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet Dim rowIndex colIndex As Integer rowIndex = 2 colIndex = 0 xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks().Add xlSheet = xlBook.Worksheets(""sheet1"") xlSheet.Cells.NumberFormatLocal = ""@"" Dim Table As DataTable = dgv.DataSource If Table Is Nothing Then '说明此表为无源的数据表 Table = GetDgvToTable(dgv) End If '将所得到的表的列名赋值给单元格 Dim Col As DataColumn Dim col1 As DataColumn Dim Row As DataRow xlApp.Cells(1 1) = Title 'exsheet.range(cells cells).merge() xlApp.Range(xlApp.Cells(1 1) xlApp.Cells(1 Table.Columns.Count)).Merge() xlApp.Cells(1 1).HorizontalAlignment = 3 For Each Col In Table.Columns colIndex = colIndex + 1 xlApp.Cells(2 colIndex) = Col.ColumnName Next '得到的表所有行( 赋值给单元格) pb.Maximum = Table.Rows.Count pb.Value = 0 For Each Row In Table.Rows rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 colIndex = 0 For Each col1 In Table.Columns colIndex = colIndex + 1 xlApp.Cells(rowIndex colIndex) = Row(col1.ColumnName) Application.DoEvents() Next pb.Value += 1 Application.DoEvents() Next With xlSheet .Range(.Cells(1 1) .Cells(1 colIndex)).Font.Name = ""黑体"" '设标题为黑体字 .Range(.Cells(1 1) .Cells(1 colIndex)).Font.Bold = True '标题字体加粗 .Range(.Cells(1 1) .Cells(rowIndex colIndex)).Borders.LineStyle = 1 '设表格边框样式 '.Range(.Cells(1 1) .Cells(rowIndex colIndex)).NumberFormatLocal = ""@"" '设置单元格为文本格式 End With With xlSheet.PageSetup .LeftHeader = """" & Chr(10) & ""&""""楷体_GB2312常规""""&10公司名称:"" '& Gsmc .CenterHeader = ""&""""楷体_GB2312常规""""&""""宋体常规"""""" & Chr(10) & ""&""""楷体_GB2312常规""""&10日 期:"" .RightHeader = """" & Chr(10) & ""&""""楷体_GB2312常规""""&10单位:"" .LeftFooter = ""&""""楷体_GB2312常规""""&10制表人:"" .CenterFooter = ""&""""楷体_GB2312常规""""&10制表日期:"" .RightFooter = ""&""""楷体_GB2312常规""""&10第&P页 共&N页"" End With xlApp.Visible = TrueEnd Function
引用 ClosedXML.dll , 代码非常简单:
DataTable dt = SqlHelper.GetDataTableByProc(proc spArr); dt.TableName = ""Sheet1""; var wb = new ClosedXML.Excel.XLWorkbook(); wb.Worksheets.Add(dt); wb.SaveAs(filePath);
时间: 2025-01-26 15:58:54