UVa 10474 Where is the Marble? (二分查找&equal_range()的使用

10474 - Where is the Marble?

Time limit: 3.000 seconds


Raju and Meena love to play with Marbles. They have got a lot of marbles with numbers written on them. At the beginning, Raju would place the marbles one after another in ascending order of the numbers written on them. Then Meena would ask Raju to find the first marble with a certain number. She would count 1...2...3. Raju gets one point for correct answer, and Meena gets the point if Raju fails. After some fixed number of trials the game ends and the player with maximum points wins. Today it's your chance to play as Raju. Being the smart kid, you'd be taking the favor of a computer. But don't underestimate Meena, she had written a program to keep track how much time you're taking to give all the answers. So now you have to write a program, which will help you in your role as Raju.


There can be multiple test cases. Total no of test cases is less than 65. Each test case consists begins with 2 integers: N the number of marbles and Q the number of queries Mina would make. The next N lines would contain the numbers written on the N marbles. These marble numbers will not come in any particular order. Following Q lines will have Q queries. Be assured, none of the input numbers are greater than 10000 and none of them are negative.

Input is terminated by a test case where N = 0 and Q = 0.


For each test case output the serial number of the case.


For each of the queries, print one line of output. The format of this line will depend upon whether or not the query number is written upon any of the marbles. The two different formats are described below:

`x found at y', if the first marble with number x was found at position y. Positions are numbered 1, 2,...,N.

`x not found', if the marble with number x is not present.

Look at the output for sample input for details.

Sample Input

4 1
5 2
0 0

Sample Output

CASE# 1:
5 found at 4
CASE# 2:
2 not found
3 found at 3




using namespace std;  

int num[10005];
pair<int*, int*> bounds;  

int main()
    int n, q, cas = 0, i, qu;
    while (scanf("%d%d", &n, &q), n || q)
        for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            scanf("%d", &num[i]);
        sort(num, num + n);
        printf("CASE# %d:\n", ++cas);
        while (q--)
            scanf("%d", &qu);
            bounds = equal_range(num, num + n, qu);
            if (bounds.first == bounds.second) printf("%d not found\n", qu);
            else printf("%d found at %d\n", qu, bounds.first - num + 1);
    return 0;

, numbers
, number
, dlq not bound
, found
, of
, with
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时间: 2024-11-01 09:07:38

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php 二分查找法算法详解

一.概念:二分查找又称折半查找,优点是比较次数少,查找速度快,平均性能好:其缺点是要求待查表为有序表,且插入删除困难.因此,折半查找方法适用于不经常变动而查找频繁的有序列表.首先,假设表中元素是按升序排列,将表中间位置记录的关键字与查找关键字比较,如果两者相等,则查找成功:否则利用中间位置记录将表分成前.后两个子表,如果中间位置记录的关键字大于查找关键字,则进一步查找前一子表,否则进一步查找后一子表.重复以上过程,直到找到满足条件的记录,使查找成功,或直到子表不存在为止,此时查找不成功. 二.代


第一种方法: [二分查找要求]:1.必须采用顺序存储结构 2.必须按关键字大小有序排列. [优缺点]折半查找法的优点是比较次数少,查找速度快,平均性能好;其缺点是要求待查表为有序表,且插入删除困难.因此,折半查找方法适用于不经常变动而查找频繁的有序列表. [算法思想]首先,将表中间位置记录的关键字与查找关键字比较,如果两者相等,则查找成功:否则利用中间位置记录将表分成前.后两个子表,如果中间位置记录的关键字大于查找关键字,则进一步查找前一子表,否则进一步查找后一子表. 复制代码 代码如下: <?


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Bentley在他的著作<Writing Correct Programs>中写道,90%的计算机专家不能在2小时内写出完全正确的二分搜索算法. 我自己尝试了一下,确实要第一次就完全写正确不容易.以下两份实现依次为迭代和递归版本的代码,二分查找的思想很多人都清楚,但是这里有一个细节就是要注意边界的选择. int search(int array[],int n,int v) { int left,right,middle; left = 0,right = n - 1; while (left