Weblogic起步(一) - 配置数据源

1. In the my_domain domain structure, expand
the Services tab and select the Data Sources node. In the Data Sources table, click
on New and select Generic Data Source as shown in the following screenshot


2. In Create a New JDBC Data Source, specify a data source name and JNDI Name
(for example, jdbc/OracleDS) for the data source. The database shall be accessed
using JNDI Name lookup in the Creating a session bean facade section. Select
Database Type as Oracle and click on Next as shown in the following screenshot


3. In JDBC Data Source Properties, select Database Driver as Oracle's Driver (Thin
XA). Another JDBC driver may also be selected based on requirements. Refer to
the Selection of the JDBC Driver document available at http://docs.oracle.com/
cd/E14072_01/java.112/e10590/keyprog.htm#i1005587 for selecting a suitable
JDBC driver. Click on Next as shown in the following screenshot:


4.Specify Database Name, Host Name as localhost, Port as 1521, Database User
Name and Password, and click on Next as shown in the following screenshot


5. The Driver Class Name textbox and connection URL textbox get configured. Click
on the Test Configuration button to test the database connection. If a connection gets
established the message Connection test succeeded. gets displayed. Click on Next as
shown in the following screenshot


6. 最后成功画面






时间: 2024-10-13 17:02:45

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