opendkim v2.3.0发布 开源的DKIM发送者认证系统

OpenDKIM 是一个开源的DKIM发送者认证系统的C语言实现。DKIM(DomainKeys Identified Mail)是一种电子邮件的验证技术,使用密码学的基础提供了签名与验证的功能。一般来说,发送方会在电子邮件的标头插入DKIM-Signature及电子签名资讯。而接收方则透过DNS查询得到公开金钥后进行验证。

DKIM是由DomainKeys所改进的协定,大多数的运作方式与DomainKeys相同。在2007年2月时,DKIM被列入互联网工程工作小组(IETF)的标准提案(Proposed Standard),并于同年5月成为正式标准(Standards Track)。

opendkim v2.3.0更新日志:

Feature request #SF2964396: Allow SignHeaders, OmitHeaders and
  SenderHeaders to be specified as deltas to the default lists.
 Feature request #SF3053094: Correct documentation and improve function
  of the AuthservID configuration setting.  Requested by
  Andreas Schulze.
 Feature request #SF3060152: Add odkim.replace_header() function.
 Feature request #SF3060161: Add odkim.del_header() function.
 Feature request #SF3061189: Add new "quarantine" option to all the
  various "On-" settings.
 Feature request #SF3066104: Add "AnonymousDomains" configuration
 Feature request #SF3074290: Add _FFR_ATPS, experimental support for
 Feature request #SF3076684: Add "VBR-TrustedCertifiersOnly" flag.
 Feature request #SF3080604: Add odkim.parse_field() function.
  Requested by Todd Lyons.
 Feature request #SF3081697: Add "OversignHeaders" configuration
 Feature request #SF3085536: Activate _FFR_STATS_I, providing
  statistics reporting about use of "i=" in signatures.
 Feature request #SF3096630: Add odkim.rbl_check() function.
 Feature request #SF3097083: Make SigningTable accessible from Lua.
 Feature request #SF3103095: Allow "%" in a KeyTable entry's filename
  component as well as the domain name.
 Feature request #SF3105480: Improved VBR correctness; don't conduct
  VBR checks at all if there are disagreeing "mc" values in
  multiple VBR-Info header fields.
 Feature request #SF3106132: Allow "%" in a SigningTable's value.
 Feature request #SF3109963: Add "MaximumSignaturesToVerify" setting.
  Suggested by John Wood.
 Feature request #SF3110593: Add compile-time support for GnuTLS as
  an alternative to OpenSSL.  Suggested by Alessandro Vesely.
 Feature request #SF3136772: Sign the VBR-Info header field, if added.
  Requested by Frederik Pettai.
 Fix bug #SF3134119: With AutoRestart enabled, arrange to relay
  SIGUSR1 from the parent to the child rather than terminating.
  Reported by Yoshiaki Yanagihara.
 Fix bug #SF3141313: Trim whitespace from values in in-core data
  sets.  Reported by Todd Lyons.
 Fix bug #SF3156124: More robust handling of database disconnects.
  Also add _FFR_POSTGRESQL_RECONNECT_HACK, which will hopefully
  be temporary.  Reported by Miha Vrhovnik.
 Fix bug #SF3181180: Correct handling of quoted strings containing
  parentheses (and the opposite) when parsing
  Authentication-Results header fields.  Reported by
  Mark Martinec.
 Fix back-compatibility with very old implementations of milter in MTAs.
 Fix case-insensitive matching for domain names when doing signing
  selection.  Problem noted by John Espiro.
 New configuration file options:
  - "CaptureUnknownErrors", replacing the FFR of the same name
  - "DNSConnect", requesting the resolver use TCP mode
  - "KeepAuthResults", suppressing required removal of
    Authentication-Results header fields
  - "ResolverTracing", adding detailed logging of libar activity
  - "StrictHeaders", requesing libopendkim to assert header
    field counts according to the standards
  - "UnboundConfigFile", passing a configuration file name to
    libunbound (suggested by Andreas Schulze)
  - "VBR-PurgeFields", removing "X-VBR-*" fields after using them
 Trim whitespace from the end of all values in a config file, not just
  strings.  Problem noted by Reuben Farrelly.
 Assume a default location for opendkim.conf.  Suggested by Andreas
 Don't needlessly demand milter features, causing aborts when they're
  not available.  Problem noted by Todd Lyons.
 Make odkim.get_clienthost(), odkim.get_clientip() and
  odkim.get_fromdomain() available in the final script.
 When "SyslogSuccess" is active, log the selector and domain used.
  Suggested by Miha Vrhovnik.
 LIBAR: Feature request #SF3115073: Add flag for fine-grained activity
  logging for debugging purposes.
 LIBAR: Add support for using poll() instead of socket().
 LIBOPENDKIM: Feature request #SF3089990: Add dkim_sig_getsignedhdrs().
 LIBOPENDKIM: Fix bug #SF3079094: Have dkim_diffheaders() take
  canonicalization into account when generating its results
  to avoid false positives.
 LIBOPENDKIM: Fix bug #SF3184670: Add error codes for missing and empty
  "v=" tags, thus avoiding a possible assertion failure when
  DKIM_LIBFLAGS_BADSIGHANDLES is in use.  Reported by J. Coloos.
 LIBOPENDKIM: Fix up handling of multi-TXT DNS replies inside
 LIBOPENDKIM: Add dkim_getid().
 LIBOPENDKIM: Treat no answers as an NXDOMAIN with respect to
  retrieving ADSP records.
 LIBOPENDKIM: When an unexpected DNS type or class is received,
  log the received values.
 LIBVBR: Feature request #SF3105477: Copy the generic DNS work from
 STATS: Feature request #SF3085536: Activate _FFR_STATS_I, providing
  statistics reporting about use of "i=" in signatures.
 STATS: Feature request #SF3125701: Add "s=" key value tracking.
 STATS: Feature request #SF3137445: Track key sizes.  Suggested by
  Todd Lyons.
 MILTERTEST: When asserting negotiation state, don't forget to capture
  what was negotiated.
 TOOLS: Feature request #SF3106876: Amend opendkim-testkey to return
  the DNSSEC results as well.
 TOOLS: Fix bug #SF3143922: Command line parameters to opendkim-testkey
  now override their configuration file counterparts.
 TOOLS: Experimental new "opendkim-spam" tool to let users update a
  stats database to indicate a message is spam, for possible
  later correlation use.
 BUILD: opendkim-genzone needs LIBCRYPTO_LDFLAGS.  Reported by
  John Smith.

时间: 2024-08-02 08:24:36

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