Scala Trait

Scala Trait


 class Woodpecker extends Bird with TreeScaling with Pecking

scala的trait具有比java中的interface强大的多的功能,正如同java中的abstract class可以具有一些方法实现一样,scala中的trait也可以拥有implemented methods。但是和java中的abstract class不相同的是,你可以将多个trait糅合到一个class中,也可以控制哪些class可以将trait糅合进去。

trait BaseSoundPlayer {
    def play
    def close
    def pause
    def stop
    def resume


trait Dog {
    def speak(whatToSay: String)
    def wagTail(enabled: Boolean)


class Mp3SoundPlayer extends BaseSoundPlayer {...}

class Foo extends BaseClass with Trait1 with Trait2 { ...}


abstract class Animal {


trait WaggingTail {
    def startTail { println("tail started") }
    def stopTail { println("tail stopped") }

trait FourLeggedAnimal {
    def walk
    def run

class Dog extends Animal with WaggingTail with FourLeggedAnimal {
    // implementation code here ...
    def speak { println("Dog says 'woof'") }
    def walk { println("Dog is walking") }
    def run { println("Dog is running") }

如果一个class extends一个trait,如果它并没有全部实现trait中定义的抽象方法,那么这个class就必须标记为abstract。

class Mp3SoundPlayer extends BaseSoundPlayer {
    def play { // code here ... }
    def close { // code here ... }
    def pause { // code here ... }
    def stop { // code here ... }
    def resume { // code here ... }

// must be declared abstract because it does not implement
// all of the BaseSoundPlayer methods
abstract class SimpleSoundPlayer extends BaseSoundPlayer {
    def play { ... }
    def close { ... }


trait Mp3BaseSoundFilePlayer extends BaseSoundPlayer{
    def getBasicPlayer: BasicPlayer
    def getBasicController: BasicController
    def setGain(volume: Double)


trait PizzaTrait {
    var numToppings: Int // abstract
    var size = 14 // concrete
    val maxNumToppings = 10 // concrete

然后对于extends这个PizzaTrait的类中,如果没有给abstract field给值的话,那么就必须标记这个类为abstract、

class Pizza extends PizzaTrait {
    var numToppings = 0 // 'override' not needed
    size = 16 // 'var' and 'override' not needed

从上面的例子可以看出,在trait中可以使用var或者val来定义faild,然后在subclass或者trait中不必使用override关键字来重写var faild。但是对于val faild需要使用override关键字。

trait PizzaTrait {
    val maxNumToppings: Int

class Pizza extends PizzaTrait {
    override val maxNumToppings = 10 // 'override' is required

尽管scala中也有abstract class,但是使用trait更加的灵活.


 trait [TraitName] extends [SuperThing]

这样只有extend了SuperThing类型的trait, class, abstract class才能够嵌入TraitName, 比如:

class StarfleetComponent
trait StarfleetWarpCore extends StarfleetComponent
class Starship extends StarfleetComponent with StarfleetWarpCore


abstract class Employee
class CorporateEmployee extends Employee
class StoreEmployee extends Employee

trait DeliversFood extends StoreEmployee
// this is allowed
class DeliveryPerson extends StoreEmployee with DeliversFood
// won't compile
class Receptionist extends CorporateEmployee with DeliversFood


For instance, to make sure a StarfleetWarpCore can only be used in a Starship , mark the StarfleetWarpCore trait like this:

trait StarfleetWarpCore {
    this: Starship =>
    // more code here ...

class Starship
class Enterprise extends Starship with StarfleetWarpCore

trait WarpCore {
    this: Starship with WarpCoreEjector with FireExtinguisher =>

表名WarpCore 只能被同时继承了Starship 、WarpCoreEjector 、WarpCoreEjector 这三个东西的东西嵌入

class Starship
trait WarpCoreEjector
trait FireExtinguisher
// this works
class Enterprise extends Starship
with WarpCore
with WarpCoreEjector
with FireExtinguisher


trait WarpCore {
    this: { def ejectWarpCore(password: String): Boolean } =>


class Starship {
    // code here ...

class Enterprise extends Starship with WarpCore {
    def ejectWarpCore(password: String): Boolean = {
        if (password == "password") {
            println("ejecting core")
            } else {


trait WarpCore {
    this: {
    def ejectWarpCore(password: String): Boolean
    def startWarpCore: Unit
    } =>

class Starship
class Enterprise extends Starship with WarpCore {
    def ejectWarpCore(password: String): Boolean = {
        if (password == "password") { println("core ejected"); true } else false
    def startWarpCore { println("core started") }

我们可以在object instance创建的时候嵌入Traits。

class DavidBanner
    trait Angry {
    println("You won't like me ...")

object Test extends App {
    val hulk = new DavidBanner with Angry

这个代码将会输出:“You won’t like me ...”


trait Debugger {
    def log(message: String) {
    // do something with message
// no debugger
val child = new Child
// debugger added as the object is created
val problemChild = new ProblemChild with Debugger

如果你想在Scala中implement Java interface,看下面的例子;

假定现在有3个java interface:

// java
public interface Animal {
public void speak();
public interface Wagging {
public void wag();
public interface Running {
public void run();


// scala
class Dog extends Animal with Wagging with Running {
def speak { println("Woof") }
def wag { println("Tail is wagging!") }
def run { println("I'm running!") }


时间: 2024-08-25 20:57:34

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