如何用 php 从 .jpg 图像中读取 exif

(PHP 4 )
read_exif_data -- Reads header information stored in TIFF and JPEG images
array exif_read_data ( string filename, string sections, bool arrays, bool thumbnail)
Note: The read_exif_data() function is an alias for exif_read_data().
See also exif_thumbnail().
User Contributed Notes
03-Jan-2001 03:52
Each of my jpeg files are over 1 meg, and read_exif_data seems to read the
whole file and it's very slow. So I wrote a function to read only the
beginning of each file:
function read_exif_data_quick($path) {
$tmpfile = "/tmp/read_exif_data_quick.tmp_file";
$in = fopen($path, "r");
$out = fopen($tmpfile,"w");
fwrite( $out, fread( $in, 15000 ) );
return read_exif_data($tmpfile);
And so far it works for all of my jpegs (taken with my digital camera).
06-Jul-2001 05:33
I started drooling when I saw that php could read the exif information
automatically for me. Then I found out that read_exif_data is NOT
compiled into the standard win32 build (think about including it please!).
To get around this I found the following program that runs from the
command line and works really well.
it's actually a set of utilities that will even allow you to put exif data
into images.
It's freeware, but the license says no commercial use without written
06-Jul-2001 05:34
By the way, it works under linux or win32
21-Aug-2001 11:43
Perl Image::Info module is capable of reading EXIF tags (places them into
an associative array). You can write a simple script to use the module and
it will extract all or only required tags out of a jpeg file.

时间: 2024-09-20 05:57:51

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