Apache Reference Manual (1)

Apache Core Features
These configuration parameters control the core Apache features, and are always available.
AccessConfig directive
Syntax: AccessConfig filename
Default: AccessConfig conf/access.conf
Context: server config, virtual host
Status: core
The server will read this file for more directives after reading the ResourceConfig file. Filename is relative to the ServerRoot. This feature can be disabled using:
AccessConfig /dev/null
Historically, this file only contained <Directory> sections; in fact it can now contain any server directive allowed in the server config context.
AccessFileName directive
Syntax: AccessFileName filename filename ...
Default: AccessFileName .htaccess
Context: server config, virtual host
Status: core
Compatibility: AccessFileName can accept more than one filename only in Apache 1.3 and later
When returning a document to the client the server looks for the first existing access control file from this list of names in every directory of the path to the document, if access control files are enabled for that directory. For example:
AccessFileName .acl
before returning the document /usr/local/web/index.html, the server will read /.acl, /usr/.acl, /usr/local/.acl and /usr/local/web/.acl for directives, unless they have been disabled with
<Directory />
AllowOverride None
AddModule directive
Syntax: AddModule module module ...
Context: server config
Status: core
Compatibility: AddModule is only available in Apache 1.2 and later
The server can have modules compiled in which are not actively in use. This directive can be used to enable the use of those modules. The server comes with a pre-loaded list of active modules; this list can be cleared with the ClearModuleList directive.

时间: 2024-07-29 12:35:06

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