

Is your email system secure against email viruses and attacks?

The most deadly viruses, able to cripple your email system and corporate network in minutes, are being distributed worldwide via email in a matter of hours (for example, the LoveLetter virus). Email worms and viruses can reach your system and infect your users through harmful attachments. But that's not all! Some viruses are transmitted through harmless-looking email messages and can run automatically without the need for user intervention (like the Nimda virus). Are you covered against such threats?

Find out now by doing a vulnerability check on your email system!

Sign up to test for these real world threats by entering your name and email address below. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your request by clicking on a URL, after which we will perform a vulnerability check of your email system. You will receive the results by email.

For an in-depth explanation of these vulnerabilities and why anti-virus is not enough, check out our white papers, Protecting your network against email threats, "One virus engine is not enough: The case for maximizing network protection with multiple anti-virus scanners" and Why You Need an Email Exploit Detection Engine. To protect once and for all against current and future threats, consider GFI MailSecurity.



The ANTISPAM-UFRJ is a realtime database with the mission to supply the Mail Transport Agents (MTA) of the hosts in the PADS and in others networks with the most recent information about open-relay hosts, spammers hosts or dialup machines on the Internet.

It was inspired in the two famous realtime databases, the MAPS and the ORBS, now it is a composition of both because it supports a realtime database style RBL and an open-relay database style ORBS (95%, we think).

As our primary mission, we want to promote a way to help the Internet users to prevent them from the hiddeous spammers activies. Unfortunatelly, like MAPS e ORBS, we believe that we aren't universally loved and we are sorry for, but respect, the people who don't like our philosophy.


We offer an experimental mail relay testing service. It runs in two modes:

Anonymous mode sends commands to the server to be tested but doesn't actually send any mail. This can report false positives, hosts that appear to be open relays but actually aren't because they reject or discard a message after appearing to accept it.

Registered user mode attempts to relay a message through the server to be tested. You must be a registered user, and the relayed message will be addressed to you. If you're testing a server that accepts mail for your e-mail address, can generate a temporary alias in the domain that will be forwarded to you.

To limit the likelihood of abuse, the relay tester limits the number of tests a single user can make to ten per hour. If an IP address has been tested recently, it will report the results of that test, rather than retesting. If a network owner asks that we refrain from testing, we won't test any address on that network at all.

All tests are logged, of course.

If you are a registered user, you have to identify yourself with your e-mail address and the registration password that sent in the subject line of your welcome message. If you're not a registered user but would like to register, send e-mail to and respond to the welcome message it sends.

时间: 2024-12-09 05:54:43



问题描述 防火墙入侵检测系统防病毒网关反垃圾邮件网关请各达人帮忙配一下,我们这里要进这些硬件.谢谢啦.. 解决方案 解决方案二:需要整体考虑QQ:476833461


互联网应用使得越来越多的企业和组织对IT系统的依赖达到前所未有的程度,而邮件服务器系统作为最成熟.最常用的应用之一,已成为人们沟通.办公最主要的工具.而日益泛滥的垃圾邮件对企业的业务造成了巨大的影响,人们对垃圾邮件也失去了以往的耐心,着手采取各种措施来应对. 目前常见的反垃圾方案是采用专业的反垃圾邮件网关.这类产品专业.高效,能在邮件到达邮件服务器之前进行相关"判定.处置",可以有效的防范垃圾邮件.病毒邮件的危害.对于企业级用户,一般采用此类专业的反垃圾邮件网关,而如何选择一款优秀的反

远离垃圾侵扰 全面了解各种反垃圾邮件解决方案


CentOS 6.5中Zimbra8.5反垃圾病毒邮件配置

以下配置在zimbra8.5中测试,未在其他版本中测试过,不能保证是否有效. 安装如下: 系统环境:CentOS 6.5 x86_64 Zimbra版本:zimbra 8.5.0 1.zimbra官网: 进入官网下载开源版本, 我此时下载的为 2.zimbra不支持32位系统安


1.概述 电子邮件是最常用的网络应用之一,已经成为网络交流沟通的重要途径.但是,垃圾邮件(spam)烦恼着大多数人,近来的调查显示,93%的被调查者都对他们接收到的大量垃圾邮件非常不满.一些简单的垃圾邮件事件也造成了很有影响的安全问题.日益增加的垃圾邮件现在会造成1年94亿美元的损失(来自chinabyte上一则新闻的数据),在一些文章表明,垃圾邮件可能会花费一个公司内每个用户600到1000美元. 垃圾邮件随着互联网的不断发展而大量增长,不再像以前一样,只是小小的一个骚扰,现在的垃圾邮件可以说


问题描述 市面上的广告都很花哨,尽乎所有的商家都声称自己的产品的反垃圾反病毒能达到逼近100%的比率,到底是真是假?一些做系统集成的IT朋友在做业务选型时,在测试这个反垃圾功能后得到的结果是,大部分未达到90%,效率多数集中在70%,测试结果中甚至只有30%~40%的反垃圾效率.面对这样复杂的情况,我个人的建议是,不要盲目相信商家的宣传,测试一下实际效果见真假.跟大家分享一个方法,分以下几步:1.要求商家提供.如果连测试这个要求都不能满足,也就没必要跟他瞎掰了.2.系统搭建OK后,将你新注册的邮


反垃圾邮件已经逐渐商品化,大多数供应商都是使用混杂的技术来实现反垃圾邮件功能,包括过滤不必要的电子邮件,识别和阻止包含恶意代码的邮件等. "很难区分反垃圾邮件供应商,"位于美国马塞诸塞州的Forrester研究公司的首席分析师 Chenxi Wang表示,"每个供应商都有96%到98%的检测率,根本没有新技术可言." 自从10年前在邮箱系统肆虐的Lovebug病毒出现以来,目前电子邮件过滤技术已经大部分转移到云计算中.这种Lovebug能在几天内感染了5000万台计


2005年国际反垃圾邮件厂商生存状态传统型的网络安全厂商著名的网络安全服务商SurfControl公司于2004年4月收购了美讯智公司在美国的股份, 借力大力发展其在中国的反垃圾邮件市场.随即,又收购了后者的所有股份,全面接管其业务,并将公司旗下的 众多产品带入中国,如SurfControl webfilter网页过滤系统;SurfControl ETS企业安全盾 等等.标志着SurfControl公司在中国业务范围将朝着多层面发展,不再专注反垃圾邮件市场.融资进入反垃圾邮件市场随着垃圾邮件势头


目前,计算机安全领域新的名词越来越多,防火墙,防毒墙--随着垃圾邮件越来越猖獗,美国最大的反垃圾邮件厂商博威特网络公司推出了梭子鱼垃圾邮件防火墙产品,这个产品不仅能够准确地阻断垃圾邮件,而且能够很好地实现邮件防毒墙的作用,同时还具有抵御攻击的能力,成为国际上最畅销的反垃圾邮件硬件产品.而这个产品与防火墙及防毒墙到底有何异同呢? 垃圾邮件防火墙 垃圾邮件防火墙,就是只对邮件数据包进行过滤的防火墙.它关心的只是邮件,只负责侦听25端口(SMTP协议也就是邮件协议的端口)的数据包.有些垃圾邮件防火墙还