'' CLASS: cRandom
'' Calls randomize to seed the random number generator.
'' Provides functions for returning ranged random integers or arrays of
'' ranged random integers.
'' Calling randomize to seed the random number generator at the time the
'' class is created seemed like a reasonable thing to do.
private sub Class_Initialize()
'' Check the VBScript documentation for the specifics relating
'' to the Randomize function
end sub
'' Terminate doesn''t need to do anything for this class
private sub Class_Terminate()
end sub
'' FUNCTION: RangedRandom
'' PARAMETER: lowerBound, the lowest allowable number to return
'' PARAMETER: upperBound, the highest allowable number to return
'' RETURNS: A random integer between lowerBound and UpperBound,
'' inclusive
public function RangedRandom( lowerBound, upperBound )
RangedRandom = CInt((upperBound - lowerBound) * Rnd + lowerBound)
end function
'' FUNCTION: RangedRandomArray
'' PARAMETER: lowerBound, the lowest allowable number to return
'' PARAMETER: upperBound, the highest allowable number to return
'' PARAMETER: arraySize, zero based number specifying the size of the array
'' PARAMETER: duplicates, true or false to indicate whether duplicate
'' resize the tempArray to hold the number of elements passed in the
'' arraySize parameter
redim tempArray(arraySize)
'' This is a loop counter, set it to 0
filledElements = 0
'' loop until filledElements is equal to the arraySize + 1
do until filledElements = arraySize + 1
'' Call the RangedRandom function with the lowerBound and upperBoundparameters
tempValue = RangedRandom( lowerBound, upperBound )
'' Handle the case where we don''t want duplicate values
if duplicates = false then
badValue = false
for i = 0 to UBound(tempArray)
'' check if the new random value already exists in the array
'' if it does set the badValue flag to true and break out of the loop
if tempValue = tempArray(i) then
badValue = true
exit for
end if
if badValue = false then
tempArray(filledElements) = tempValue
filledElements = filledElements + 1
end if
'' Handle the case where duplicate values in the array are acceptable
tempArray(filledElements) = tempValue
filledElements = filledElements + 1
end if
'' return the array
RangedRandomArray = tempArray
end function
end class
'' All the code that follows is example code showing the use of the
'' cRandom class.
dim objRandom
dim flip
dim randomArray
dim rowsToTest
dim i, j
'' create an instance of our class
set objRandom = new cRandom
'' set the number of iterations that we want to test
rowsToTest = 10
'' "toggle" to determine whether or not we set the bgcolor of the table row
flip = true
'' Start the table
Response.Write "<table border=0 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1>"
for j = 0 to rowsToTest
'' We''ll alternate the bgcolor of the table rows based on the
'' value of the flip variable
if flip then
Response.Write "<tr bgcolor=LightGrey>"
Response.Write "<tr>"
end if
'' Call the RangedRandomArray function for testing purposes
randomArray = objRandom.RangedRandomArray( 1, 10)
ASP中一个用VBScript写的随机数类_ASP CLASS类
时间: 2024-12-05 13:55:00
ASP中一个用VBScript写的随机数类_ASP CLASS类的相关文章
vbscript|随机 <%'**************************************************************************' CLASS: cRandom'Calls randomize to seed the random number generator.'Provides functions for returning ranged random integers or arrays of'ranged random integers
在VBScript中使用类_ASP CLASS类
首先,在我进入实质性主题并解释如何建立类之前,我希望保证你知道"对象".虽然你可以在程序中使用对象而不用知道其正确的规则,但我并不建议如此!对于对象的初学者,接下来的部分将让你了解其概念及内容.已经了解面向对象编程(OOP)的读者可以跳过这章节. 导论 l "对象是什么?"--对象通常代表某种实体,主要是一个变量和函数的集合. l "实体是什么?"--字面上说,实体是一个"事物",我的意思是一个概念或者任何一个物体.例如,一辆
ASP 使用三层架构 asp中使用类_ASP CLASS类
但是Class这个东西,如果用得比较少,充其量只是一个大模块的包装方式. 只有大规模地用它来开发,才能显出它对项目管理的优越性来. 所谓的意大利面条式代码,就会和asp划上句号了. 我想目前大部分的asp程序员中都还没有使用Class,对面向对象这种术语也不太熟悉,需要增加一章来描述一下asp中的类所扮演的角色,以及和面向对象编程的关系. 我会用尽量贴近编程实践的方式来解释Class的运用,但不会动用面向对象之类的抽象术语,如果你有了面向对象的理论基础,可以把这些内容与其结合,或者会有你独特的发
创建一个ASP通用分页类_ASP CLASS类
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ASP中Split函数的用法 分割截取字符串看几个例子就能理解了 复制代码 代码如下: mystr="1,2,3,4,5" mystr=split(mystr,",") for i=0 to ubound(mystr) response.write mystr(i) next '返回值为123456 mystr="xlei.net/http/student/x/index.asp" mystr=split(mystr,"/http/s
asp的通用数据分页类_ASP CLASS类
(原创)<!--#include file="Conn.asp" --> 通用数据分页类 通用分页类,以后写分页显示数据时就轻松多啦.直接调用此类,然后再Execute即可以取得当前页的所有数据. 此类所做的工作是只取得当前页的数据,和总页数和总记录数等等数据. ASP代码: <% '/*****************************分页显示类************************** '/* 作者:哇哇鱼 '/* 日期:2004
vbscript|字符串 这个类是用于处理字符串的,是老外写的,我把里面的功能和参数加了说明 使用方法: =============== test.asp================ <!--#include file="StringOperations.asp"--> <%dim strset str = New StringOperations test = str.toCharArray("check this out") respons
vbscript|字符串|vbscript|字符串 相关文章参见: http://www.csdn.net/Develop/read_article.asp?id=22695 本文在此基础上进行了一些添加,加了几个适合中文网站的FUNCTION进去,可能还有些没有补充进去,有感兴趣的朋友可以再在此基础上加一点FUNCTION进去,不过可别忘记分享一下! <%class StringOperations '**********************************************
相关文章参见: http://www.csdn.net/Develop/read_article.asp?id=22695 本文在此基础上进行了一些添加,加了几个适合中文网站的FUNCTION进去,可能还有些没有补充进去,有感兴趣的朋友可以再在此基础上加一点FUNCTION进去,不过可别忘记分享一下! <% class StringOperations '***********************************************************