2.Using Windows PowerShell Cmdlets and 3.Leveraging PowerShell Providers

PS C:/> get-alias dir
PS C:/> get-childitem C:/
get-childitem |format-list
get-childitem C:/ | format-list -property name
get-childitem C:/ | format-list -property name, length
get-childitem C:/ | format-wide
get-childitem C:/Windows
get-childitem C:/Windows -recurse -include *.txt
get-childitem C:/Windows -recurse -include *.txt |format-wide -column 3
get-childitem C:/Windows -recurse -include *.txt |format-wide -property
name -groupby length -column 3
get-childitem C:/ | format-table
get-childitem C:/Windows
get-childitem C:/Windows -recurse -include *.txt
get-childitem C:/Windows -recurse -include *.txt |format-tableget-childitem C:/Windows -recurse -include *.txt |format-table -property
name, length, lastwritetime

get-command *
get-alias g*
gcm get-command
gcm get-command |format-list *
gcm get-command | format-list -property definition
(gcm get-command).definition
gcm -verb se*
gcm -noun o*
gcm -syntax get-command
gcm -syntax gcm
get-childitem C:/ | get-member
get-alias g*
gal g*
gal g* |sort-object -property definition
gci | gm
get-childitem | get-member -membertype property
get-childitem | get-member -membertype method
get-childitem | get-member -membertype m*
$wshShell = new-object -comobject "wscript.shell"
test-path $profile
new-item -path $profile -itemtype file -force
notepad $profile
Set-alias gh get-help
function pro {notepad $profile}
gal | where-object {$_.definition -match "get-childitem"}
gci | where-object {$_.length -gt 1000}
gal cls
gal mred
get-childitem | get-member -membertype property
get-childitem | where-object {$_.LastWriteTime}
get-childitem | where-object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt "12/25/2006"}
get-childitem "C:/fso"| where-object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt "12/25/2006"}
get-childitem -recurse "C:/fso"| where-object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt "12/25/2006" }
$wshnetwork = new-object -comobject "wscript.network"
$colPrinters = $wshnetwork.EnumPrinterConnections()
$colDrives = $wshnetwork.EnumNetworkDrives()
$userName = $wshnetwork.UserName
$userDomain = $wshnetwork.UserDomain
$computerName = $wshnetwork.ComputerName
$wshShell = new-object -comobject "wscript.shell"
$wshShell.Popup($userDomain+"/$userName $computerName")

3.##################################################################################################Leveraging PowerShell Providers
sl alias:/
GCI | Where-Object {$_.name -like "s*"}
Get-ChildItem |Get-Member
GCI | Where-Object {$_.definition -like "set*"}
GCI | Where-Object {$_.name -like "*w*"}
GCI | where {$_.name -like "*w*"}
Set-Location cert:/
Get-ChildItem -recurse
GCI -path currentUser
sl currentuser/authroot
GCI | where {$_.subject -like "*c&w*"}
GCI | where {$_.subject -like "*SGC Root*"}
GCI | where {$_.thumbprint -eq "F88015D3F98479E1DA553D24FD42BA3F43886AEF"}
GCI | where {$_.thumbprint -eq "F88015D3F98479E1DA553D24FD42BA3F43886AEF"} |Format-List *
Invoke-Item cert:/
Set-Location env:/
Get-Item *
get-item * | Sort-Object  -property name
get-item windir
get-item windir | Format-List *
GI * | Sort -Property Name
New-Item -Path . -Name admin -Value mred
Get-Item admin
Get-Item admin | Format-List *
GCI | Sort -Property name
New-Item -Path . -Name admin -Value mred
Rename-Item -Path env:admin -NewName super
GCI | Sort -Property name
New-Item -Path . -Name super -Value mred
Remove-Item super
GCI C:/ | where {$_.psiscontainer}
GCI C:/ | where {!$_.psiscontainer}
GCI  -Path C:/ | GM
GCI  -Path C:/ | GM | Where {$_.membertype -eq "property"}
GCI  -Path C:/ | GM | where {$_.membertype -eq "property" -AND $_.typename -like "*file*"}
GI * | Where {$_.PsisContainer -AND $_.name -Like "*my*"}
RI mytest -recurse
GI * | Where {$_.PsisContainer -AND $_.name -Like "*my*"}
New-Item -Path C:/ -Name mytest -Type directory
New-Item -Path C:/mytest -Name myfile.txt -type file
RI -Path C:/mytest/myfile.txt
New-Item -Path C:/mytest -Name myfile.txt -Type file -Value "My file"
Get-Content C:/mytest/myfile.txt
Add-Content C:/mytest/myfile.txt -Value "ADDITIONAL INFORMATION"
Get-Content C:/mytest/myfile.txt
Set-Content C:/mytest/myfile.txt -Value "Setting information"
Get-Content C:/mytest/myfile.txt
Set-Location function:/
GCI | Where {$_.definition -like "set*"}
GCI | Where {$_.definition -notlike "set*"}
Get-Content md
get-psDrive | where {$_.Provider -like "*Registry*"}
GCI -path HKLM:/software
GCI -Path 'HKLM:/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/HotFix'
GCI -Path 'HKLM:/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/HotFix' | where {$_.Name -like "*KB928388"}

Get-Help *variable | Where-Object {$_.category -eq "cmdlet"}
Get-Help *variable | Where-Object {$_.category -eq "cmdlet"} | Format-List name, category, synopsis
SL variable:/
Get-ChildItem | Sort {$_.Name}
Get-Variable ShellId
Get-Variable ShellId | Format-List *
New-Variable administrator
Get-Variable administrator
Set-Variable administrator -value mred
Get-Variable administrator
Remove-Variable administrator
Get-Variable administrator
Get-ChildItem |Get-Member | Where-Object {$_.membertype -eq "property"}
Get-PSDrive |where {$_.name -like "c*"}
Sl cert:/
GCI -recurse
GCI -recurse >C:/a.txt;notepad.exe a.txt
new-PSDrive -name al -PSProvider alias -Root.
SL al:/
GCI | Sort -Property name
GCI | sort -Property name | Where {$_.Name -gt "t"}c
SL C:/
Remove-PSDrive al
Get-Item -Path env:/
Get-Item -Path env:/ | Get-Member
$objEnv=Get-Item -Path env:/

时间: 2024-11-01 22:55:21

2.Using Windows PowerShell Cmdlets and 3.Leveraging PowerShell Providers的相关文章

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【探索PowerShell 】【三】PowerShell下使用Aliases

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【探索PowerShell 】【五】PowerShell基础知识

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【探索PowerShell 】【四】PowerShell的对象、格式与参数

PowerShell中的对象 在本教程开篇我们说过,PowerShell是基于面向对象化的,不像传统的shell那样基于文 本.这其中最主要的原因就是因为Win平台在管理操作上主要以面向对象为主,因此为了符合 系统特点和我们的操作习惯,PowerShell也继承了这一特色.因此,不像传统的shell,在 PowerShell中,我们可以随意地与对象进行互动, 先来认识一下,什么是对象--object 不知各位有没有从事开发的经验.实际上,面向对象这一概念的提出就是为了更好用程序 语言解决现实问题


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测试运行: 使用Windows PowerShell实现UI自动化

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Windows PowerShell 工具

如果尚未开始使用 Windows PowerShell,很可能您很快就会用到它.Windows PowerShell 将成为 Windows Server 领域的核心管理工具.对于初学者,它已成为 Exchange Server 2007 基于脚本管理的基础. 为以原有格式充分利用 Windows PowerShell,您需要记住大量语法.cmdlet 和通用结构, 有个工具可以用来查看PowerShell cmdlets的帮助信息 下载地址: http://www.primaltools.co