Live long and process (#LLAP) 翻译

Live long and process (#LLAP) 

sershe, sseth, hagleitn, 2014-08-27.


Hive has become significantly faster thanks to various features and improvements 
that were built by the community over the past two years. Keeping the 
momentum, here are some examples of what we think will take us to the next 
level: asynchronous spindle-aware IO, pre-fetching and caching of column chunks, 
and multi-threaded JIT-friendly operator pipelines.



In order to achieve this we are proposing a hybrid execution model which consists 
of a long-lived daemon replacing direct interactions with the HDFS DataNode and a 
tightly integrated DAG-based framework. Functionality such as caching, 
pre-fetching, some query processing and access control will move into the 
daemon. Small/short queries can be largely processed by this daemon directly, 
while any heavy lifting will be performed in standard YARN containers.

为了实现这些,我们提出一种混合执行模型,它由一个替代直接与HDFS DataNode交互的长期存活的守护进程、一个基于DAG紧密集成的框架组成。

Similar to the DataNode, LLAP daemons can be used by other applications as well, 
especially if a relational view on the data is preferred over file-centric processing. 
We’re thus planning to open the daemon up through optional APIs (e.g.: 
InputFormat) that can be leveraged by other data processing frameworks as a 
building block. 

Last, but not least, fine-grained column-level access control -- a key requirement 
for mainstream adoption of Hive -- fits nicely into this model. 


Example of execution with #LLAP. Tez AM orchestrates overall 
execution. Initial stage of query is pushed into #LLAP, large 
shuffle is performed in their own containers. Multiple queries 
and applications can access #LLAP concurrently. 
LLAP执行示例:Tez AM统筹总体执行。查询的初级阶段被推进到LLAP,较大的shuffle在它们自己的容器中执行。

Persistent daemon 持续的守护进程

To facilitate caching, JIT optimization and to eliminate most of the startup costs, 
we will run a daemon on the worker nodes on the cluster. The daemon will handle 
I/O, caching, and query fragment execution. 

● These nodes will be stateless. Any request to an #LLAP node will contain 
the data location and metadata. It will process local and remote locations; 
locality will be the caller’s responsibility (YARN).

● Recovery/resiliency. Failure and recovery is simplified because any data 
node can still be used to process any fragment of the input data. The Tez 
AM can thus simply rerun failed fragments on the cluster. 
恢复/弹性。故障和恢复被简化,因为任何数据节点仍然可以用于处理输入数据的任何片段。Tez AM可以简单地在集群上重新运行失败的碎片。


● Communication between nodes. #LLAP nodes will be able to share data 
(e.g., fetching partitions, broadcasting fragments). This will be realized 
with the same mechanisms used today in Tez.


Working within existing execution model 在现有的执行模型中工作


#LLAP will work within existing, process-based Hive execution to preserve the 
scalability and versatility of Hive. It will not replace the existing execution model 
but enhance it. 


● The daemons are optional. Hive will continue to work without them and
will also be able to bypass them even if they are deployed and operational. 
Feature parity with regard to language features will be maintained. 


● External orchestration and execution engines. #LLAP is not an 
execution engine (like MR or Tez). Overall execution will be scheduled and 
monitored by existing Hive execution engine such as Tez; transparently 
over both #LLAP nodes, as well as regular containers. Obviously, #LLAP 
level of support will depend on each individual execution engine (starting 
with Tez). MapReduce support is not planned, but other engines may be 
added later. Other frameworks like Pig will also have the choice of using 
#LLAP daemons. 


● Partial execution. The result of the work performed by an #LLAP daemon 
can either form part of the result of Hive query, or be passed on to external 
Hive tasks, depending on the query. 

● Resource management. YARN will remain responsible for the 
management and allocation of resources. The YARN container delegation 
model will be used for users to transfer allocated resources to #LLAP. To 
avoid the limitations of JVM memory settings, we will keep cached data, as 
well as large buffers for processing (e.g., group by, joins), off-heap. This 
way, the daemon can use a small amount of memory, and additional 
resources (i.e., CPU and memory) will be assigned based on workload. 
为避免JVM内存设置的局限性,我们将把缓存的数据、为处理数据而设置的缓冲区(比如group by、joins等)保持在堆外内存。


Query fragment execution 查询分片执行


For partial execution as described above, #LLAP nodes will execute “query 
fragments” such as filters, projections, data transformations, partial aggregates, 
sorting, bucketing, hash joins/semi-joins, etc. Only Hive code and blessed UDFs 
will be accepted in #LLAP. No code will be localized and executed on the fly. This 
is done for stability and security reasons. 

● Parallel execution. The node will allow parallel execution for multiple 
query fragments from different queries and sessions. 

● Interface. Users can access #LLAP nodes directly via client API. They will 
be able to specify relational transformations and read data via 
record-oriented streams. 


I/O 输入/输出


The daemon will off-load I/O and transformation from compressed format to 
separate threads. The data will be passed on to execution as it becomes ready, so 
the previous batches can be processed while the next ones are being prepared. 
The data will be passed to execution in a simple RLE-encoded columnar format 
that is ready for vectorized processing; this will also be the caching format, and
intends to minimize copying between I/O, cache, and execution. 
数据将会以简单的RLE列编码格式被传递以执行,以备向量化处理。这也将会是缓存格式、打算减少I / O之间的复制、缓存和执行。

● Multiple file formats. I/O and caching depend on some knowledge of the 
underlying file format (especially if it is to be done efficiently). Therefore, 
similar to Vectorization work, different file formats will be supported 
through plugins specific to each format (starting with ORC). Additionally, a 
generic, less-efficient plugin may be added that supports any Hive input 
format. The plugins have to maintain metadata and transform the raw data 
to column chunks.



● Predicates and bloom filters. SARGs and bloom filters will be pushed 
down to storage layer, if they are supported.



Caching 缓存


The daemon will cache metadata for input files, as well as the data. The metadata 
and index information can be cached even for data that is not currently cached. 
Metadata will be stored in process in Java objects; cached data will be stored in the 
format described in the I/O section, and kept off-heap (see Resource 
元数据将会存储在进程的java对象中,缓存的数据将被以I/O section格式描述形式存储,并保持在堆外,即非堆存储。

● Eviction policy. The eviction policy will be tuned for analytical workloads 
with frequent (partial) table-scans. Initially, a simple policy like LRFU will 
be used. The policy will be pluggable. 

● Caching granularity. Column-chunks will be the unit of data in the cache. 
This achieves a compromise between low-overhead processing and storage 
efficiency. The granularity of the chunks depends on particular file format 
and execution engine (Vectorized Row Batch size, ORC stripe, etc.). 
块的粒度取决于特定的文件格式和执行引擎(向量化行批处理大小、ORC stripe等)。


Workload Management 工作负载管理


YARN will be used to obtain resources for different workloads. Once resources 
(CPU, memory, etc) have been obtained from YARN for a specific workload, the 
execution engine can choose to delegate these resources to #LLAP, or to launch 
Hive executors in separate processes. Resource enforcement via YARN has the 
advantage of ensuring that nodes do not get overloaded, either by #LLAP or by 
other containers. The daemons themselves will be under YARN’s control. 


Acid 事务


#LLAP will be aware of transactions. The merging of delta files to produce a 
certain state of the tables will be performed before the data is placed in cache. 
Multiple versions are possible and the request will specify which version is to be
used. This has the benefit of doing the merge async and only once for cached data, 
thus avoiding the hit on the operator pipeline.

Security 安全性


#LLAP servers are a natural place to enforce access control at a more fine-grained 
level than “per file”. Since the daemons know which columns and records are 
processed, policies on these objects can be enforced. This is not intended to 
replace the current mechanisms, but rather to enhance and open them up to other 
applications as well. 

时间: 2024-08-02 00:27:49

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