Enterprise Architect基于SVN多人协作环境搭建

Enterprise Architect基于SVN多人协作环境搭建

本文简单介绍基于TortoiseSVN搭建Enterprise Architect多人协作环境的方法。


安装时需选择“command line client tools”,该选项默认安装时不会被选中,需手动选择。

2、设计工具Enterprise Architect















检入分支 checkin branch ——checkin该目录下所有子目录及文件
检出分支 checkout branch ——checkout该目录下所有子目录及文件
检入 ——仅checkin该目录下的文件
检出 ——仅checkout该目录下的文件



1、如果某目录的xml过大(255K以上),会导致其他同事更新或者重新Import的时候报错,报错内容是“Enterprise Architect DAO.Field[3163] The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add.”
【解决办法】a)在原来正确的eap文件中,选择出错的目录(或者其上一级目录)上点击右键,Import/Export–>Export package to XMI file。弹出的选框中Export Type选择“XMI 2.1”,然后导出。
b)新建一个eap,导入原来svn上的所有内容,然后在出错的目录(或者其上一级目录)(注意与第一步的目录保持一致)上点击右键,Import/Export->Import package from XMI file。将导出的xml文件再导入到eap中。

Q. When I try to import the XMI file, I get an error.

The error is:
DAO.field CommonProjects:3163 The field is too small to accept the amount of data you attempted to add. Try inserting or pasting less data.

If I click OK to proceed the past this error, the resulting model that gets imported is missing attributes in some of my classes. What is the problem with my XMI file?

ANSWER: EA tags have a limit of 255 characters. In the XMI file, concept definitions are saved using tags (e.g., PropertyConceptDefinition?, ObjectClassConceptDefinition?). Some concepts have definitions that are greater than 255 characters. In previous versions of SIW (pre-, the SIW would place these long definitions into the XMI file as a single tag value. When that XMI file is then imported back into EA, EA cannot place the entire definition into the tag value. If EA is trying to load a class, then it will simply truncate the definition and proceed with the import. But if the long tag value is associated with an attribute, EA actually stops importing that attribute altogether, and in fact, skips over to the next class. As a result, the UML model that is imported, will be missing attributes.

SIW adds extra tags that allow these long concept definitions to be split up into multiple tags. This is all done automatically by the SIW whenever a new concept is added to a clas/attribute/permissible value/association. However, for XMI files created pre-, the existing concept definition tags will still contain definitions >255 characaters. The SIW will split these definitions into multiple tags, only if you do the following:

Open the pre- XMI file in SIW.

Check EACH class/attribute/permissible value/association that is mapped to concepts.

If any of the concept definitions are >255 characters, place your cursor in the definition text box. Make an "edit" in that text box that does not change the definition in any way (e.g., type control-A to select all text, or add a space then immediately delete it, etc.).

After making the "edit" you will see the Apply button becomes active. Click the Apply button. This signals SIW that it should update the XMI for these concepts. As part of the update, it will automatically split the definition into multiple tags.

After you have done this for ALL classes/attributes/permissible values/associations, save the XMI file.

Now you should be able to import the XMI file into EA without any DAO.Field errors. Note that you only need to do this update process one time. Once your model is updated so that all existing concept definitions have been split into multiple tags, any additional concept definitions added later to your model will be split into multiple tags when added.(8/9/07)

时间: 2024-09-20 06:30:50

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