Magmi 主要功能包括:
- FULL database operations, no Mage code dependency
- magento table extension support
- multiple image support (use media_gallery as column ">name, put semicolon separated values for additionnal images)
ie: “/img1.jpg;/img2.jpg”
- custom attribute set support
- auto creation of option values for attributes of type ‘select’ & ‘multiselect’
- SPEED ! (really fast)
- extensible & reusable MagentoMassImporter class ,heavily commented
- external .ini file for settings
- csv import format (nearly) identical with the common magento import format (media_gallery support added !!!)
- for media, uses the same dir as dataflow import (/media/import under magento base dir) unless redifined through .ini
Magmi 0.7.12b版本主要修复了一些错误点,修复了0.7.12a版本中动态参数无法正确保存的问题。参数保存问题(未选中复选框和动态)。
1 - unzip the archive under your magento root directory , it will create a magmi directory.
2 - copy the csv file you want to import into the /var/import directory
3 - open a browser to the following url
http:/[YOUR MAGENTO URL]/magmi/web/magmi.php