

Before my introduction, I have to express my great gratitude to the opportunity of this phone interview your company give to me.

First of all, I’d like to give you a brief introduction of my educational background I was admitted by Xi’an university of Art and Science 2008.

Major in software Engineering,which is a famous one in china.in all my 4 years college life I have learned programming languages such as c,c plus plus ,java,html,and SQL.computer basic theory ,such
as data structures,computer organization theory ,computer network,operating system,database,artificial intelligence and so on.

I am also familiar with windows mfc,Microsoft sql server,adobe photoshop.knowing a little bit about linux ,basic graphics and image processing theory.

I develop several personal interests,like playing basketball and watching films at my spare time.

Generally speaking , I am a active ,innovation and hard working man especially to deal with the thing which is challengeable or I am interested in.

I suppose not only my qualifications and knowledge make me a perfect candidate for your company,but also my cheerful personality is well suited to be a good team-worker




Personal Statement

I would like to build on my solid education and experience as an engineer for a Ph.D. degree in computer science
at a distinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advance level in software system, image process, and three-dimensional
reconstruction. My ultimate goal is to become an outstanding software engineer, and create excellent product to make people live a better life. As an applicant to Carnegie Mellon University’s doctoral program in Computer Science, I am very glad to have this
opportunity to give you a brief introduction of myself.

  I received a bachelor degree from Xi’an University of Arts and Science in 2012, major in Software Engineering. Throughout
four year
s of undergraduate study, I
completed the whole fundamental courses related to both software and hardware areas of research, such as, Data Structures, Software Engineering, Computer Network, Operating System, programming
languages: c, c++, java. Moreover, as a term project, I
designed and developed a student information management system, using MFC and Microsoft SQL 2005 edition’s database.
My graduate design is Fingerprint Contrast and Analysis System. In this design, I adopt the Visual Studio 2008 edition’s MFC, in accordance with software development which
uses top-to-down process and gradual refinement of the classic model, successfully achieve enhancement, binarization, thinning of fingerprint image which is based on BMP format. These achievements build a foundation for my choice of direction in postgraduate

       After graduate from school, I was employed by a company which is specializing in network and communication security
testing products. During the work time, I was not only learned the standardization process of software development, but also participated in research a remote control system based on Mac OS 10.8 named Mac-Shell. This new system, implement a typical remote
monitoring system’s basic function, document management, remote command line and so on.

       When I was in the workplace, besides what I had mentioned above, I did several other projects which greatly enhanced
my ability of programming and debugging skills. However when I am faced up with some practical problems, for instance, Queue Scheduling, Parallel Programming, and other algorithm issues, due to lack of related knowledge, the solution I designed always seems
imperfect and occurs all kinds of problems. So in order to improve my theoretical cognition, I went to Shaanxi Normal University for further education. My research directions include image processing, pattern recognition, three-dimensional reconstruction.
After all these years of study, I am glad to say that my competence at independent research will serve me well, as I try to put my ideas into practice.

       As far as I am concerned, a deeper exploit in my area can only be accomplished in a quality doctoral program like
yours. In view of the above, I would greatly appreciate it, if you could accept me into your program and offer me whatever financial you might be able to. By giving me an opportunity to study under your seasoned guidance, you will produce not only another
computer scientist but also a computer scientist who will spawn many other computer scientists.



时间: 2024-11-05 22:04:42



       之前写过三篇讨论计算机专业的大学生该如何学习的文章,跨度将近10年,都是从自己身上得出的感悟.但是随着工作时间越来越长,现在越来越发现作为一个计算机专业毕业生,人文素养也很重要,有的时候甚至要超出技术能力所占的比重.         毕业之后,在国企.私企.外企都呆过,接触过不少刚毕业的学生,也面试过将近上百的毕业生.技术好坏不说,不是今天的主题,但是会发现很多毕业生的人文素养很差,说的直白点,素质很差.这在很多时候直接影响了面试的结果,甚至会影响职业发展.甚至也有一些技术实力很不


问题描述 我是今年7月份毕业的大学本科应届毕业生,在天津上的是一个普通二本,学的是计算机科学与技术专业,在学校学习了一点JAVA知识以及算法等知识.可是没有自己做过项目,而且学习的确实不好,对于知识的掌握不行.面试了许多公司,笔试都还行,在面试时都会问有没有培训经历和项目经历,这两样我都没有,于是就没有下文了.在面试10多家公司受挫的情况下,看到了北京东方清软公司的培训招生,就萌生了去培训的念头,经过现场考察和询问,自己在网上搜索觉得还是很正规,想去哪里能够系统的学习一下JAVA开发方向的知识,


[学生来信] 贺老师,您好! 我关注你也是从暑假开始的,我现在是XX大学大二的学生了,但是对自己的未来职业规划还不是很清晰,主要是因为我是一个零基础的计算机专业学生,同班里那些大牛相比,自己只有羡慕的份.当初报这个专业只是因为自己对电子产品比较感兴趣.现在我也想学好这个专业,但是不确定自己能否在三年后成为一个合格的计算机专业毕业生,找到个好的工作.您觉得我们这些零基础的计算机专业学生还有没有坚持下去的必要,还是掌握别的技能?其实我还是对计算机专业挺感兴趣的,但就是没有学习的动力,尽管我上次期末考


计算机专业常用英语 1.  file    n. 文件:v. 保存文件 2.  command    n. 命令,指令 3.  use    v. 使用,用途 4.  program    n. 程序 5.  line    n. (数据,程序)行,线路 6.  if    conj. 如果 7.  display    vt. 显示,显示器 8.  set    v. 设置,n. 集合 9.  key    n. 键,关键字,关键码 10.  list    n. 列表,显示,v. 打印 11


转自:http://www.kuqin.com/english/20080512/8356.html  (准备写篇相似的东西,看到这篇比较早的文章,很有启发.)   干程序员是一项很辛苦的工作,要成为一个高水平的程序员尤为艰难.这是因为计算机软件技术更新的速度越来越快,而这些技术大多来源于英语国家,我们在引进这些技术时往往受到语言障碍的制约,严重影响到对新技术的理解和消化.首先编程本身就依赖于英语,虽然现在技术的发展,可以使得某些开发工具在变量名和字段名中支持中文,但还未发现能够完全使用中文的编


问题描述 大三学生关于求职求前辈赐教 我是大三的学生,计算机专业.可是学得并不好,第一次四级没过,实验课也是一塌糊涂,但是我确实很喜欢这个专业,希望好好学.不知道关于求职能否求前辈给些建议. 解决方案 嘴上喜欢是没用的,要有实际行动 解决方案二: 大四的飘过,在培训中,我学得是Java软件编程.喜欢这个专业,具体喜欢是软件还是硬件.明确自己要学什么,以后从事什么.当然学校里面开设的课程很多都是基础,自己学的话,一定要有自制力,每天有规定的内容,不能松懈,不会的找各种办法问别人,一定弄懂. 解决方


问题描述 大家好!我是信息管理与信息系统专业出身的准程序员,七月份毕业入职,以前没有学过计算机专业英语,在这里向大家讨教一下关于计算机英语学习这个话题.另求计算机专业英语好教材推荐~~ 解决方案 我给个方案,http://stackoverflow.com/tags这上面但凡你感兴趣的tag--没有感兴趣的就首页的所有--每个tag读上三天.遇到不懂的词汇,搞懂,并且继续跟踪引申阅读下去.解决方案二:计算机英语,多看看计算机外文的书籍,理解一些关键词的表达,多积累积累.解决方案三:计算机英语压根


文/本刊记者 陈晓伟 "打水漂"的三年职业教育 2009年12月的一个夜晚,阿龙,还没有从刚参加工作的新鲜劲儿中平静下来. 阿龙是青岛一家电子厂的冲压技术工人.实质上,他的正式身份是一名学生--青岛某职业技术学校的实习生. 阿龙掰着指头数落:当初招生简章上有计算机专业,报名签订合同后却变成了机电一机化.学校说,机电一体化就包含了计算机专业.这还不算,入学后发现全校就一台机床供学生实践,这哪够用啊?上机操作的时间几乎没有. 更让人感到无法理解的是,授课教师大多是刚毕业的学生,有教学经验的


大本计算机专业该怎么学习? http://blog.csdn.net/snsn1984/article/details/22252 再看计算机本科该如何学习 http://blog.csdn.net/snsn1984/article/details/3343146 以上两篇文章分别是我以前写的关于讨论计算机专业本科该如何学习的帖子.因为最近关于这个话题又有了一点新的想法,所以就想写个三论.从来没有一个话题让我能持续这么长时间一直在思考,一直不断的想去总结,我想还是想以自己的得和失给后来迷茫的人一