
Custom Control Featuring a Collapsible Panel



C# Custom Control Featuring a Collapsible Panel

By Mokdes Hamid, 19 Jan 2010

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Having worked with ASP.NET AJAX CollapsiblePanel control extender and finding it practical to fit more content into a relatively small part of a web page or screen real estate, I thought it would be good to have such control for WinForm applications since VS 2005 and VS 2008 toolboxes do not offer such a control.


CollapsiblePanel AJAX web control extender is a cool web control. But unfortunately, there is no such control in VS 2005 or VS 2008 standard toolbox, so I have decided to create one and share it with the community.

Using the Control at Design Time

Using the control at design time is very simple. Basically it behaves the same way as a normal Panel except that it can be expanded and collapsed.

After adding the Control to the toolbox, drag it on the design surface of your form and you'll get:

The control shows a smart tag when clicked it opens a window showing panel's new features and properties that we can use to customize the panel.

时间: 2024-09-20 08:53:50



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Panel 控件概述(Windows 窗体)

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