What are HANA's models of cloud computing, and which should I choose?

What are HANA's models of cloud
computing, and which should I choose?



If you're considering HANA
cloud-based options, you'll need to consider security, cost and other factors.
Here's a look at what public, private and hybrid options offer.


If you're considering
HANA but are unsure about SAP's models of cloud computing, you'll want to know
your deployment options. Cloud-based HANA offers three choices: public, private
and hybrid. Here's a look at the pros and cons of each of these models of cloud


Public cloud, the
most affordable of the three options, refers to virtual computing resources in
an external internet data center that is distributed across a large
geographical area. Two HANA public cloud providers in this category are SAP
HANA Cloud Platform or Amazon Web Services. With public cloud, the SAP HANA
cloud provider maintains the complete infrastructure, including the data
center, and is responsible for maintaining uninterrupted uptime for systems and
applications or, in some cases, such as for upgrades or maintenance, only very
limited downtime.


Public cloud options
offers less security. Companies typically choose this option only for their systems of engagement (SOE), which by their very nature allow for a greater degree of input from
employees, clients and customers. For example, SAP CRM allows for customer
interaction. It's worth noting that behind such models of cloud computing are
more secure systems that protect the company's confidential and sensitive data.


Private cloud is
similar to public cloud, with the difference being that it is deployed in a
company's own data center or managed by a service provider who meets the
company's stringent security and infrastructure maintenance standards, while
ensuring systems' uptime is almost 100%. Private cloud, such as SAP HANA
Enterprise Cloud, IBM's SoftLayer or Microsoft Azure offers the ability to
provide, allocate and deliver on-demand IT resources, such as services and
servers. In the same context, it offers the flexibility to reallocate or remove
resources that are no longer needed. While private cloud offers greater
security, it has scalability constraints, since it completely depends on the
infrastructure the company has built and paid for with an up-front capital
expense. Where future scalability needs are likely, it makes sense to consider
hybrid cloud.


Hybrid cloud securely
integrates SOE and systems of record to provide a holistic solution to a
company's computing needs, which is also at a lower cost than private or on
premises. The instant benefit of this option is that it offers companies the
flexibility to scale their computing needs by acquiring or removing computing resources as and when needed, because
companies also have the public cloud resources available to them. Moreover, the
IT team benefits from simplified resources management. For example, companies
that sell products having a high seasonal demand may choose the hybrid route
during busy times. For those busy times, they can temporarily lease cloud
computing resources to process huge customers' inquiries and orders, but they
can deliver and invoice these using its on-premises (in-house) ERP system to
deliver and invoice them.


These three models of
cloud computing are not the only factors you'll want to research as you consider a move to HANA, but taking stock of your current systems
and business goals in light of these options is important to your needs analysis.



时间: 2024-07-30 01:03:10

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