

  package android.graphics;

  import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

  import java.io.File;

  import java.io.IOException;

  import java.io.InputStream;

  import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

  public final class Bitmap extends _Original_Bitmap {

  private BufferedImage mImage;

  public Bitmap(File input) throws IOException {

  super(1, true, null, -1);

  mImage = ImageIO.read(input);


  public Bitmap(InputStream is) throws IOException {

  super(1, true, null, -1);

  mImage = ImageIO.read(is);


  Bitmap(BufferedImage image) {

  super(1, true, null, -1);

  mImage = image;


  public BufferedImage getImage() {

  return mImage;


  // ----- overriden methods

  public enum Config {

  // these native values must match up with the enum in SkBitmap.h

  ALPHA_8 (2),

  RGB_565 (4),

  ARGB_4444 (5),

  ARGB_8888 (6);

  Config(int ni) {

  this.nativeInt = ni;


  final int nativeInt;

  /* package */ static Config nativeToConfig(int ni) {

  return sConfigs[ni];


  private static Config sConfigs[] = {

  null, null, ALPHA_8, null, RGB_565, ARGB_4444, ARGB_8888




  public int getWidth() {

  return mImage.getWidth();



  public int getHeight() {

  return mImage.getHeight();



  * Returns an immutable bitmap from the source bitmap. The new bitmap may

  * be the same object as source, or a copy may have been made.


  public static Bitmap createBitmap(Bitmap src) {

  return createBitmap(src, 0, 0, src.getWidth(), src.getHeight(), null, false);



  * Returns an immutable bitmap from the specified subset of the source

  * bitmap. The new bitmap may be the same object as source, or a copy may

  * have been made.


  * @param source The bitmap we are subsetting

  * @param x The x coordinate of the first pixel in source

  * @param y The y coordinate of the first pixel in source

  * @param width The number of pixels in each row

  * @param height The number of rows


  public static Bitmap createBitmap(Bitmap source, int x, int y,

  int width, int height) {

  return new Bitmap(source.mImage.getSubimage(x, y, width, height));



  * Returns an immutable bitmap from subset of the source bitmap,

  * transformed by the optional matrix.


  * @param source The bitmap we are subsetting

  * @param x The x coordinate of the first pixel in source

  * @param y The y coordinate of the first pixel in source

  * @param width The number of pixels in each row

  * @param height The number of rows

  * @param m Option matrix to be applied to the pixels

  * @param filter true if the source should be filtered.

  * Only applies if the matrix contains more than just

  * translation.

  * @return A bitmap that represents the specified subset of source

  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the x, y, width, height values are

  * outside of the dimensions of the source bitmap.


  public static Bitmap createBitmap(Bitmap source, int x, int y, int width,

  int height, Matrix m, boolean filter) {

  checkXYSign(x, y);

  checkWidthHeight(width, height);

  if (x + width > source.getWidth()) {

  throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  "x + width must be <= bitmap.width()");


  if (y + height > source.getHeight()) {

  throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  "y + height must be <= bitmap.height()");


  // check if we can just return our argument unchanged

  if (!source.isMutable() && x == 0 && y == 0

  && width == source.getWidth() && height == source.getHeight()

  && (m == null || m.isIdentity())) {

  return source;


  if (m == null || m.isIdentity()) {

  return new Bitmap(source.mImage.getSubimage(x, y, width, height));


  int neww = width;

  int newh = height;

  Paint paint;

  Rect srcR = new Rect(x, y, x + width, y + height);

  RectF dstR = new RectF(0, 0, width, height);

  /* the dst should have alpha if the src does, or if our matrix

  doesn't preserve rectness


  boolean hasAlpha = source.hasAlpha() || !m.rectStaysRect();

  RectF deviceR = new RectF();

  m.mapRect(deviceR, dstR);

  neww = Math.round(deviceR.width());

  newh = Math.round(deviceR.height());

  Canvas canvas = new Canvas(neww, newh);

  canvas.translate(-deviceR.left, -deviceR.top);


  paint = new Paint();


  if (!m.rectStaysRect()) {



  canvas.drawBitmap(source, srcR, dstR, paint);

  return new Bitmap(canvas.getImage());



  * Returns a mutable bitmap with the specified width and height.


  * @param width The width of the bitmap

  * @param height The height of the bitmap

  * @param config The bitmap config to create.

  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0


  public static Bitmap createBitmap(int width, int height, Config config) {

  return new Bitmap(new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB));



  * Returns a immutable bitmap with the specified width and height, with each

  * pixel value set to the corresponding value in the colors array.


  * @param colors Array of {@link Color} used to initialize the pixels.

  * @param offset Number of values to skip before the first color in the

  * array of colors.

  * @param stride Number of colors in the array between rows (must be >=

  * width or <= -width).

  * @param width The width of the bitmap

  * @param height The height of the bitmap

  * @param config The bitmap config to create. If the config does not

  * support per-pixel alpha (e.g. RGB_565), then the alpha

  * bytes in the colors[] will be ignored (assumed to be FF)

  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if

  * the color array's length is less than the number of pixels.


  public static Bitmap createBitmap(int colors[], int offset, int stride,

  int width, int height, Config config) {

  checkWidthHeight(width, height);

  if (Math.abs(stride) < width) {

  throw new IllegalArgumentException("abs(stride) must be >= width");


  int lastScanline = offset + (height - 1) * stride;

  int length = colors.length;

  if (offset < 0 || (offset + width > length)

  || lastScanline < 0

  || (lastScanline + width > length)) {

  throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException();


  // TODO: create an immutable bitmap...

  throw new UnsupportedOperationException();



  * Returns a immutable bitmap with the specified width and height, with each

  * pixel value set to the corresponding value in the colors array.


  * @param colors Array of {@link Color} used to initialize the pixels.

  * This array must be at least as large as width * height.

  * @param width The width of the bitmap

  * @param height The height of the bitmap

  * @param config The bitmap config to create. If the config does not

  * support per-pixel alpha (e.g. RGB_565), then the alpha

  * bytes in the colors[] will be ignored (assumed to be FF)

  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the width or height are <= 0, or if

  * the color array's length is less than the number of pixels.


  public static Bitmap createBitmap(int colors[], int width, int height,

  Config config) {

  return createBitmap(colors, 0, width, width, height, config);


  public static Bitmap createScaledBitmap(Bitmap src, int dstWidth,

  int dstHeight, boolean filter) {

  Matrix m;

  synchronized (Bitmap.class) {

  // small pool of just 1 matrix

  m = sScaleMatrix;

  sScaleMatrix = null;


  if (m == null) {

  m = new Matrix();


  final int width = src.getWidth();

  final int height = src.getHeight();

  final float sx = dstWidth / (float)width;

  final float sy = dstHeight / (float)height;

  m.setScale(sx, sy);

  Bitmap b = Bitmap.createBitmap(src, 0, 0, width, height, m, filter);

  synchronized (Bitmap.class) {

  // do we need to check for null? why not just assign everytime?

  if (sScaleMatrix == null) {

  sScaleMatrix = m;



  return b;




时间: 2024-08-31 09:21:56


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