《基于MFC的OpenGL编程》Part 7 Animation



Frame Rate

Frame rate is nothing but the number of frames that can be rendered per second. The higher this rate, the smoother the animation. In order to calculate the frame rate we retrieve the system time (using the Windows multimedia API function timeGetTime()) before the rendering is performed and after the buffer is swapped. The difference between the two values is the elapsed time to render one frame. Thus we can calculate the frame rate for a given application.


#include <mmsystem.h>    // for MM timers (you'll need WINMM.LIB)
并且Link—>Object/library modules中加入winmm.lib


//For elapsed timing calculations
DWORD m_StartTime, m_ElapsedTime, m_previousElapsedTime;
CString m_WindowTitle;  //Window Title
int DayOfYear;
int HourOfDay;


  DayOfYear = 1;
  HourOfDay = 1;


4,同样为了计算帧速率,修改OnDraw函数如下,在其中用glPushMatrix 和 glPopMatrix将RenderScene函数包裹起来,从而确保动画会正确运行。在SwapBuffers调用后我们调用PostRenderScene来显示帧速率信息到窗口标题。

void CCY457OpenGLView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
  CCY457OpenGLDoc* pDoc = GetDocument();
  // Get the system time, in milliseconds.
  m_ElapsedTime = ::timeGetTime(); // get current time
  if ( ElapsedTimeinMSSinceLastRender() < 30 )
  // Clear out the color & depth buffers
  // Tell OpenGL to flush its pipeline
  // Now Swap the buffers
  ::SwapBuffers( m_pDC->GetSafeHdc() );
  //Perform Post Display Processing
  // Only update the title every 15 redraws (this is about
  // every 1/2 second)
  // the very last thing we do is to save
  // the elapsed time, this is used with the
  // next elapsed time to calculate the
  // elapsed time since a render and the frame rate
  m_previousElapsedTime = m_ElapsedTime;

时间: 2024-09-28 04:21:26

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