据Perl官方网站的消息,Perl之父Larry Wall和Python之父Guido van Rossum 4月1日联合宣布,经过一年的酝酿,决定合并两大技术社区,吸收两大语言的优势,开发出史上最牛编程语言,这种语言的名字将是Parrot(鹦鹉)。
Parrot是一个虚拟机,旨在有效地编译和执行代码的动态语言。目前,它的主机的各种语言的实现在各个阶段的完成,包括Tcl,使用 Javascript ,Ruby,Lua,Scheme, PHP中,Python,以及Perl 6 ,APL,和 .NET 等等超过几十种语言的代码翻译。
日前,Parrot 发布了 3.0 版本,该版本包含核心代码的改进、文档更新和新的语言支持,更佳的测试覆盖率。
- Core
+ A new embedding API is available in "parrot/api.h" and documented in
docs/pdd/pdd10_embedding.pod .
+ Packfile PMCs were refactored and can now be used to produce runnable
+ Packfile manipulation code now throws embedder-friendly exceptions rather
than printing error details directly to stderr.
+ Unicode support for file IO, environment variables, program names, and
command-line parameters was improved.
+ An experimental gdb pretty-printers in tools/dev for Parrot STRINGs and
PMCs is now available. (gdb 7.2 or later and Python are required)
+ c2str.pl and pmc2c.pl improvements result in a noticeably faster build.
+ Bugs in our Digest::sha256 library and bit-related dynamic ops were fixed
by GCI student Nolan Lum. Both now work correctly on 32 and 64 bit
- Languages
+ Ωη;)XD - OMeta for Winxed https://github.com/plobsing/ohm-eta-wink-kzd
- Community
+ tree-optimization by GSoC student Tyler L. Curtis joined the nest and now
lives at http://github.com/parrot/tree-optimization .
+ Plumage now lives at http://github.com/parrot/plumage and is installable.
+ Christmas went as scheduled. The Parrot team does not take credit for
this event.
- Documentation
+ HTML documentation generation has been rewritten and greatly simplified.
+ We have improved documentation in docs/project/git_workflow.pod about
keeping a fork of parrot.git in sync.
+ Translations of our README in various languages are now in the
docs/translation directory, thanks to Google Code-In students.
- Tests
+ A better way to write "todo" tests with Parrot's Test::More was implemented
by GCI student Fernando Brito.
+ Major increases in test coverage of many core PMCs, dynamic PMCs and
dynamic opcodes resulted from GCI and the intrepid students it attracted.
+ Jonathan "Duke" Leto set up Debian Linux x86_64 and sparc32 smokers
in the GCC Compile Farm, which continually submit smoke reports with
a variety of configuration options and compilers. Thanks, GCC!
+ Makefile dependency checking is now automatically tested, resulting in a
more reliable parallel build.
+ Coverage tests were improved for platforms with and without Devel::Cover.