

数据库版本为10.2.0.1版本,而且是32位的win 2003 sp2之上
ORACLE V10. - Production vsnsta=0
vsnsql=14 vsnxtr=3
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Windows Server 2003 Version V5.2 Service Pack 2
CPU                 : 2 - type 586, 1 Physical Cores
Process Affinity    : 0x00000000
Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:2608M/3990M, Ph+PgF:4511M/5871M, VA:1242M/2047M
Instance name: orcl
数据库的mmon进程报大量ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [], [], [], [], [], []错误
Wed Jun 03 21:50:40 2015
Restarting dead background process MMON
MMON started with pid=11, OS id=3804
Wed Jun 03 21:50:43 2015
Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\bdump\orcl_mmon_3804.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Wed Jun 03 21:50:49 2015
Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\bdump\orcl_mmon_3804.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Wed Jun 03 21:55:44 2015
Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\bdump\orcl_mmon_3804.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Wed Jun 03 21:55:49 2015
Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\bdump\orcl_mmon_3804.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
Wed Jun 03 22:00:40 2015
Thread 1 advanced to log sequence 476
  Current log# 1 seq# 476 mem# 0: E:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\ORCL\REDO01.LOG
Wed Jun 03 22:00:44 2015
Errors in file e:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\orcl\bdump\orcl_mmon_3804.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [], [] , [], [], [], []
Current SQL statement for this session:
BEGIN :success := dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.check_ha_resources; END;
SQL> var success varchar2
SQL> begin
  2  :success := sys.dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.check_ha_resources;
  3  end;
  4  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> print success

@ This check is triggered with FAN enabled at this instance and it seems to be
@ associated with a startup action. From the procedure itself which is called
@ this is a run-once MMON (startup) action which supports instance down
@ notification reliability. It does the folowing a) registers the current
@ instance incarnation in recent_resource_incarnations$ if it's not already
@ there b) deletes recent_resource_incarnations$ records that don't apply to
@ this database. They may, e.g., have been copied from seed db or from a former
@ DataGuard primary c) scans recent_resource_incarnations$ for instance
@ incarnations that are no longer alive, and submits instance down alerts for
@ them . If all is good then return 'Y' else 'N' (or error) if there is a
@ failure. That failure is to get back to MMON, so that it may retry this
@ action later. In the local instance I get a 'Y' but in the customer's system
@ it fails with a 'N' which seems related to the ORA-600 assert.
@ This function is kjhn_post_ha_alert0() which is internal and does the real work of
@ posting HA alerts. It is used by both kjhn_post_ha_alert and
@ kjn_post_ha_alert_plsql. Its parameters are basically the same as those of
@ kjhn_post_ha_alert,other than the fact that it uses individual parameters
@ rather than the more easily extensible structure. Also the parameters passed
@ to it are the instance_name and the host_name which is the kernelized
@ implementation for posting HA alerts. Without actually having the arguments
@ the guess is that either the host_name or the instance_name raised in the
@ assert is null which triggered it.


This problem has been documented as Bug 5173066 REPEATED ORA-600 [KJHN_POST_HA_ALERT0-862] FROM MMON PROCESS.
The bug is fixed in A workaround is available for the problem.
To implement the workaround, please execute the following steps as the SYS user:
1. Collect the following information and spool it to a file for your records.
a. output of select * from v$instance
b. show parameter instance_name
c. set pages 1000
d. select * from recent_resource_incarnations$
2. Create a backup table of recent_resource_incarnations$.
SQL> create table recent_resource_inc$bk as select * from recent_resource_incarnations$;
3. Truncate recent_resource_incarnations$. Be sure to do this while the instance is up and running.
    Do not issue this statement if a shutdown is pending.
SQL> truncate table recent_resource_incarnations$;
4. Perform a clean shutdown, followed by a startup.


ORA-600 [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862] Continuously Repeated in the Alert Log (Doc ID 401640.1)

Hdr: 5173066 RDBMS RAC PRODID-5 PORTID-207 ORA-600
*** RSERNA 04/19/06 12:06 pm ***
Tue Apr 18 18:17:58 2006
Completed: alter database open
Tue Apr 18 18:18:33 2006
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\sfa\bdump\sfa_mmon_1384.trc:
ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [],
[], [], [], [], []
Tue Apr 18 18:18:59 2006
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\sfa\bdump\sfa_mmon_1384.trc:
ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [],
[], [], [], [], []
Tue Apr 18 18:20:31 2006
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\sfa\bdump\sfa_mmon_1384.trc:
ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [],
[], [], [], [], []
Tue Apr 18 18:20:35 2006
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\sfa\bdump\sfa_mmon_1384.trc:
ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [],
[], [], [], [], []
Tue Apr 18 18:25:32 2006
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\sfa\bdump\sfa_mmon_1384.trc:
ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [],
[], [], [], [], []
Tue Apr 18 18:25:35 2006
Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\sfa\bdump\sfa_mmon_1384.trc:
ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [],
[], [], [], [], []
generating large trace files.
Customer already has several laptops with the same scenario.
Personal Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
Windows XP Version V5.1 Service Pack 2
CPU                 : 1 - type 586
Process Affinity    : 0x00000000
Memory (Avail/Total): Ph:728M/1271M, Ph+PgF:2550M/3033M, VA:1746M/2047M
Instance name: sfa
*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$BACKGROUND) 2006-04-18 18:18:33.736
*** SESSION ID:(106.1) 2006-04-18 18:18:33.736
*** 2006-04-18 18:18:33.736
ksedmp: internal or fatal error
ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [],
[], [], [], [], []
Current SQL statement for this session:
BEGIN :success := dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.check_ha_resources; END;
----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
  object      line  object
  handle    number  name
6959CF70       418  package body SYS.DBMS_HA_ALERTS_PRVT
6959CF70       552  package body SYS.DBMS_HA_ALERTS_PRVT
6959CF70       305  package body SYS.DBMS_HA_ALERTS_PRVT
692627B4         1  anonymous block
Executing the procedure manually gives:
SQL> var success varchar2
SQL> begin
  2  :success := sys.dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.check_ha_resources;
  3  end;
  4  /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> print success
No documentation found on what the procedure does, but
assuming the success='N' is why the errors are occuring.
As soon as database starts.
    ksedst ksedmp ksfdmp kgerinv kgeasnmierr kjhn_post_ha_alert  spefcmpa
spefmccallstd pextproc       peftrusted psdexsp rpiswu2 psdextp pefccal
pefcal       pevm_FCAL pfrinstr_FCAL pfrrun_no_tool pfrrun plsql_run peicnt  
    kkxexe opiexe kpoal8 opiodr kpoodr xupirtrc       upirtrc kpurcsc
kpuexecv8 kpuexec OCIStmtExecute kjhn_mmon_action       459
kjhn_check_ha_reso urces kebm_ronce_dispatc her kebm_ronce_execute      
ksb_run_timeout_an d_intr_action kebm_open_action ksbabs kebm_mmon_main
ksbrdp       opirip VInfreq__opidrv sou2o opimai_real opimai
*** RSERNA 04/19/06 12:44 pm *** (CHG: Sta->16)
*** RSERNA 04/19/06 12:44 pm ***
@ RDA and alert_traces have been uploaded.
*** SSRAO 04/19/06 09:03 pm *** (CHG: Asg->SSRAO)
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 01:49 am ***
@ BDE Screening in progress. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 01:51 am ***
@ Reviewing code for the assert. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 01:54 am ***
@ The assert condition is
@ --
@    KSEORAASSERTNM(instance_name && *instance_name &&
@                          host_name && *host_name,
@                          OERINM("kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862"));
@ -- which is the instance_name and the host_name are set within the code. This
@ function is kjhn_post_ha_alert0() which is internal and does the real work of
@ posting HA alerts. It is used by both kjhn_post_ha_alert and
@ kjn_post_ha_alert_plsql. Its parameters are basically the same as those of
@ kjhn_post_ha_alert,other than the fact that it uses individual parameters
@ rather than the more easily extensible structure. Also the parameters passed
@ to it are the instance_name and the host_name which is the kernelized
@ implementation for posting HA alerts. Without actually having the arguments
@ the guess is that either the host_name or the instance_name raised in the
@ assert is null which triggered it. Still reviewing. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 01:54 am *** (CHG: SubComp->RAC)
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 02:21 am ***
@ From he stack it seems we have
@ --
@ kjhn_mmon_action kjhn_check_ha_resources kebm_ronce_dispatcher
@ kebm_ronce_execute ksb_run_timeout_and_intr_action
@ --
@ which is called from within the MMON routine for checking the HA resources.
@ Statement executed through PLSQL is
@ --
@ BEGIN :success := dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.check_ha_resources; END;
@ ..
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 >ERROR: exception at
@ dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.check_ha_resources637: SQLCODE -600,ORA-600: internal
@ error
@  code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 >parameter dump for dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.check_ha_resources
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 > - local_db_unique_name (SFA)
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 > - local_db_domain (==N/A==)
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 > - rows deleted (0)
@ --
@ .
@ This check is triggered with FAN enabled at this instance and it seems to be
@ associated with a startup action. From the procedure itself which is called
@ this is a run-once MMON (startup) action which supports instance down
@ notification reliability. It does the folowing a) registers the current
@ instance incarnation in recent_resource_incarnations$ if it's not already
@ there b) deletes recent_resource_incarnations$ records that don't apply to
@ this database. They may, e.g., have been copied from seed db or from a former
@ DataGuard primary c) scans recent_resource_incarnations$ for instance
@ incarnations that are no longer alive, and submits instance down alerts for
@ them . If all is good then return 'Y' else 'N' (or error) if there is a
@ failure. That failure is to get back to MMON, so that it may retry this
@ action later. In the local instance I get a 'Y' but in the customer's system
@ it fails with a 'N' which seems related to the ORA-600 assert. Still
@ reviewing. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 02:31 am ***
@ Tracking this trace output
@ --
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 >parameter dump for
@ dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.check_ha_resources
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 > - local_db_unique_name (SFA)
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 > - local_db_domain (==N/A==)
@ 04/13/06 13:52:27 > - rows deleted (0)
@ -- we have
@ - the db_unique_name and domain printed
@ - The SQL
@ --
@    DELETE FROM recent_resource_incarnations$
@               WHERE db_unique_name <> local_db_unique_name
@                  OR db_domain <> local_db_domain;
@ -- executed to delete rri$ records for other databases (e.g. seed db, former
@ DataGuard primary). which ptints (0) rows so nothing was deleted here . For
@ all suspected dead instances we have post_ha_alert() called with the
@ arguments
@ --
@   post_ha_alert(reason_id => dbms_server_alert.                              
@                       RSN_FAN_INSTANCE_DOWN,       same_transaction     =>
@                              clear_old_alert      => TRUE,
@                              database_unique_name => local_db_unique_name,
@                              database_domain      => alert_db_domain,
@                              instance_name        => instance.instance_name,
@                              host_name            => instance.host_name,
@                              event_reason         => 'unknown',
@                              event_time           => instance.shutdown_time);
@ --
@ - which calls the assert. So far we know the dbunique_name is SFA and the
@ domain is not set or N/A and hence '' by default. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 02:40 am ***
@ The PLSQL code calls kjhn_post_ha_alert_plsql() which in turn calls
@ kjhn_post_ha_alert0() which causes the assert so the parameters are being
@ passed and called from the PLSQL function , we need to track these parameters
@ for the failure to be able to isolate what is causing the assert. Still
@ reviewing the code for tracing capabilities. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 05:33 pm ***
@ It seems that v$instance is returning a null hostname and which also
@ indicates why this package is returning a "F" which indicates a failure from
@ their side. Also from the traces this might be owned by the HA side but these
@ alerts are irrespective of whether RAC is present or not.
@ Reference from kqfv.h we have the hostname come from KSUXSHST from
@ x$ksuxsinst which in turn is populated from the callback of ksuxsrow().
@ This calls slkmnm() which in turn calls gethostbynam() to populate this
@ information so the things we need to verify here are
@ a) output of select * from v$instance
@ b) show parameter instance_name
@ .
@ Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 05:34 pm *** (CHG: Sta->10)
*** SSRAO 05/09/06 05:35 pm ***
@ Note that there might be two issues at play here
@ a) The hostname is not being set or the instance_name is not being set
@ b) The assert is not documented and should it depend on this condition
@ Depending on the outcome of the provided data we might fork this into two
@ separate bugs as they deal with different areas of the code. Thanks
*** RSERNA 05/10/06 06:53 am *** (CHG: Sta->16)
*** RSERNA 05/10/06 06:53 am ***
@ SQL> select * from v$instance;
@ .
@ INSTANCE_NUMBER INSTANCE_NAME                                                
@ --------------- ----------------                                             
@ .
@ HOST_NAME                                                                    
@ ----------------------------------------------------------------             
@ .
@ ----------------- --------- ------------ --- ---------- -------
@ ---------------
@ .
@ ---------- --- ----------------- ------------------ --------- ---            
@ .
@               1 sfa                                                          
@ W8KKWR81                                                                     
@        10-MAY-06 OPEN         NO           1 STOPPED              
@ ALLOWED    NO   ACTIVE            PRIMARY_INSTANCE   NORMAL    NO            
@ .
@ .
@ .
@ SQL> show parameter instance_name
@ NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE                       
@ ------------------------------------ -----------
@ ------------------------------
@ instance_name                        string      sfa                         
*** SSRAO 05/10/06 09:41 am ***
@ I do not seem to understand this as both the hostname and the instance_name
@ is populated correctly with v$instance and hence the callback ksuxsrow() is
@ executing correctly to provide this information. Going to back into the
@ package to see if I can find additional clues to capture some of the
@ parameters passed.
@ Is this a test setup ? Is the customer willing to take some diagnostic .plb
@ scripts to execute and provide us with additional data ? Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/10/06 09:41 am *** (CHG: Sta->10)
*** RSERNA 05/10/06 10:34 am *** (CHG: Sta->16)
*** RSERNA 05/10/06 10:34 am ***
@ Yes customer is willing to take a diagnostic script or patch.
*** SSRAO 05/15/06 11:41 am ***
@ Working on a diagnostic. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/15/06 01:19 pm ***
@ Reviewing the procedure check_ha_resources also
@ - recent_resource_incarnations$ table is populated from v$instance
@ - This is another table which contains the instance and the host_name
@ - This could be another source from where the error is being reported
@ - Please provide the output of
@ --
@ set pages 1000
@ select * from recent_resource_incarnations$
@ --
@ - check_ha_resources() does
@ - a) registers the current instance incarnation in
@ recent_resource_incarnations$ if it's not already there b) deletes
@ recent_resource_incarnations$ records that don't apply to this database. They
@ may, e.g. have been copied from seed db or from a former DataGuard primary
@ c) Scans recent_resource_incarnations$ for instance incarnations that are no
@ longer alive, and submits instance down alerts for them. Breaking this down
@ into function code we have
@ - INSERT INTO recent_resource_incarnations$ as select * from v$instance
@ - DELETE FROM recent_resource_incarnations$
@               WHERE db_unique_name <> local_db_unique_name
@                  OR db_domain <> local_db_domain;
@ - Cursor dead_instances defines this as join from
@ recent_resource_incarnations$ so it appears that there is already something
@ out there which is causing these problems. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/15/06 01:19 pm *** (CHG: Sta->10)
*** RSERNA 05/16/06 06:44 am *** (CHG: Sta->16)
*** RSERNA 05/16/06 06:44 am ***
@ File: recent_resource_incarnations.out uploaded.
@ .
@ Had customer execute:
@ c:\hostname
@ W8KKWR81
*** SSRAO 05/16/06 07:41 am ***
@ From the provide traces this seems to be more clearer of why we are seeing
@ this. The output reveals entries like
@ --
@ INSTANCE                                 1
@ sfa
@ ==N/A==
@ sfa
@ .
@ .
@ ==N/A==
@ -- where a normal entry is
@ --
@ INSTANCE                                 1
@ sfa
@ ==N/A==
@ sfa
@ W8KKWR81
@ W8KKWR81
@ ==N/A==
@ 09-JAN-06 AM
@ -- so the hostname is missing for the above entries which is causing the
@ problem. For this table itself it is supposed to insert an entry when an
@ instance comes up and the cleanup is supposed to happen when it goes down or
@ another instance detects this instance going down (if RAC). Since this is a
@ single instance configuration the instance inserts this entry during startup
@ and then deletes the same when the instance is being shutdown or on
@ subsequent startup notes the state change. There are 57 rows in this table
@ which in itself does not look right . All the entries except the one with the
@ instance startup time around "10-JAN-06 PM" ar normal.
@ This table is populated using v$instance so there was some problem around
@ that time when the hostname was not listed which has caused this to manifest
@ .
@ Summary so far
@ - hostname for entry "10-JAN-06 PM" is missing
@ - Multiple entries in "recent_resource_incarnations$" which need cleanup
@ - Dead instances are constructed using this list which is why the assert
@ - post_instance_up() in MMON registers the current instance incarnation in
@ recent_resource_incarnations$ if it's not already there and scans the same
@ for instance incarnations that are no longer alive, and submits instance down
@ alerts for them
@ - check_ha_resources() - registers the db in recent_resource_incarnations
@ (RRI) or  deletes recent_resource_incarnations$ records that don't apply
@ to this database. They may, e.g., have been copied from seed db or from a
@ former DataGuard primary and scans RRI for instance incarnations that
@ are no longer alive, and submits instance down alerts for them
@ - clear_instance_resources() -  It clears all incarnations for the given
@ instance that started before the down event.
@ - The only deletes I found for this table are
@ --
@  DELETE FROM recent_resource_incarnations$
@        WHERE resource_type   = 'INSTANCE'
@          AND resource_name   = clear_instance_resources.instance_name
@          AND db_unique_name  = database_unique_name
@          AND db_domain       = NVL(database_domain, '==N/A==')
@          AND startup_time    < SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(event_time);
@ ...
@   DELETE FROM recent_resource_incarnations$
@               WHERE db_unique_name <> local_db_unique_name
@                  OR db_domain <> local_db_domain;
@ --
@ - Entries in this table are from "09-JAN-06 AM" to
@ "16-MAY-06 PM" with no fixed pattern in between.
@ - clear_instance_resources() is supposed to clean the entries out from the
@ description but that is not happening. This is called from
@ kjhn_clear_instance_resources() in kjhn.c which executes the following using
@ --
@   "BEGIN"
@     "  dbms_ha_alerts_prvt.clear_instance_resources("
@     "   :dbdomain, :dbuniquename, :instance_name, :event_time);"
@     "END;"
@ --
@ - I did not spot any OCI errors but that is what might be happening. Since
@ this in information for an alert this table can be purged (backup please) but
@ this seems to be a re-curring case.
@ - This is called from kjhn_post_ha_alert0()
@ --
@  if ( reason_id == KELT_FAN_INSTANCE_DOWN )
@       {
@         kjhn_clear_instance_resources(database_domain, database_unique_name,
@                                       instance_name, event_time);
@       }
@ --
*** SSRAO 05/16/06 07:45 am ***
@ The interesting thing is that the block which executes the code for ha_alerts
@ and which returns "kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862" ORA-600 be much before the
@ location where the assert is being processed. Since the code is in a KSETRY
@ block when the ORA-600 is reported is does not process
@ kjhn_clear_instance_resource() as that is the last funcction in the KSETRY
@ block which explains why the superfluos entries for all recent days as its
@ unable to clean it up when it gets posted by FAN or the reason_id of
@ KELT_FAN_INSTANCE_DOWN. The root cause of this still looks like the entry of
@ "09-JAN-06 AM" where the hostname is null. This is
@ generated from gv$instance at that time and populated
@ .
@ Questions
@ - Do we have the alert log dating that timeframe ?
@ - Is there something specific about 9th Jan which the customer can tell us as
@ the problems with the hostname have been fixed since then. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/16/06 07:45 am *** (CHG: Sta->10)
*** SSRAO 05/16/06 07:47 am ***
@ Also if the customer wishes to get rid of the ORA-600 the following steps
@ as "sys" would help.
@ --
@ - create table recent_resource_incarnation$_backup as select * from
@ recent_resource_incarnation$;
@ - truncate table recent_resource_incarnation$;
@ - Please perform the truncate while this instance is up and running and not
@ going down and perform a clean shutdown after this
@ - This should stop the ORA-600's and subsequently the instance should have
@ clean shutdowns with no errors. Please provide the infomation requested above
@ too . Thanks
*** RSERNA 05/16/06 08:51 am *** (CHG: Sta->16)
*** RSERNA 05/16/06 08:51 am ***
@ THANKS. I will give customer workaround because they definitely want traces
@ to stop since they are large.
@ i have uploaded alert log: alert_sfa_latest.log
@ which covers Nov 2005 to April 2006.
@ Something definitely happened in January. 
@ From customer
@ "We build laptops from an image. The database on the image was created on
@ November. But the laptop was imaged only in January."
@ .
@ I'm not sure how they do the image.
*** SSRAO 05/16/06 01:07 pm ***
@ Its hard to decipher this from the alert as the timeline is as follows
@ - Sun Jan 08 23:11:02 2006 - shutdown
@ - Tue Jan 10 15:17:00 2006 - startup
@ - Nothing in the timeframe listed
@ - Tue Jan 10 15:18:31 2006 - last startup
@ - Wed Jan 11 14:27:06 2006 - startup so unclean shutdown
@ - Wed Jan 11 14:29:36 2006 - ORA-600 reported
@ - We need to know what happened between Jan 8th and the 11th to be able to
@ conclude why v$instance did not return the valid hostname. If they imaged
@ their laptop then is this imaged with no hostname initially set when the
@ Oracle service came up. Also note the source is v$instance which pulls it
@ from x$ksuxsinst which calls slkmnm()->gethostbyname() which is a common
@ routine. The solution is to find out why the hostname was null on the
@ "09-JAN-06 AM" which is not in the alert log too. Thanks
*** SSRAO 05/16/06 01:07 pm *** (CHG: Sta->10)
*** RSERNA 05/16/06 01:42 pm ***
@ So far so good. They tried the suggested workarounds and no more errors.
@ Customer stated "We used ghost image from microsoft to image all the laptops.
@ We installed oracle on the host image and  then slapped it on to other
@ laptops from the host image."
@ .
@ All the laptops they have imaged in this way are experiencing the problem.
@ So the problem may be on the original host. I will find out more.
*** RSERNA 05/19/06 11:47 am *** (CHG: Sta->16)
*** RSERNA 05/19/06 11:47 am ***
@ Customer's latest update
@ "I just got a new laptop that was created with the original image.
@ I checked the table recent_resource_incarnations$ and it has
@ the correct value for the host_name column. "
@ So it appears that the original image used to image all the laptops doesn't
@ always lead to the errors. Some laptops are fine, others are not.
@ .
@ They have also said "I checked with our desktop administrator and he told we
@ can't query the database on our image directly"
@ I'm not sure why.
@ .
@ How else can we diagnose this?
*** RSERNA 05/19/06 12:11 pm ***
@ I asked customer why they could not query the db directly on the image. Their
@ reply was "Our helpdesk administrator is saying that, taking a look
@ at copy of a brand new laptop is similar to seeing the image copy, which
@ makes sense. Image copy copies everything, that is how we have built our 300
@ laptops for our sales force. ".   Doesn't really answer the question, but
@ thought I'd pass it along.  Anyway, the same Image Copy is used on all the
@ laptops, some had the problems, some did not.
*** SSRAO 05/19/06 12:35 pm ***
@ We might be at a deadend for this. Summarizing the problem so we know what we
@ are looking for
@ .
@ - The routines called are for checking any instances are dead and for sending
@ the appropriate notification
@ - This scans the recent_resource_incarnations$ table for the details
@ - recent_resource_incarnations$ is populated from gv$instance
@ - The first instance (if RAC) which sees this clears the entry
@ - The notification is sent by this instance as well and this is cleared
@ - If the hostname is not populated we see this ORA-600
@ - The point which is not clear is how did gv$instance not have the hostname
@ - gv$instance -> x$ksuxsinst -> slkmnm()-> gethostbyname()
@ - gethostbyname() is generic call which gets the hostname from the OS
@ - I do not see much from gethostbyname() or failure codes from it
@ - The database alert log does not have enough information at that point
@ - The imaging activity is external to the database
@ - Clearing this table would prevent the assert
@ - Root cause is why the null hostname came into the table and this cannot be
@ deciphered with the information provided.
@ .
@ The reason I'm passing this bug is when there is an unclean shutdown the
@ cursor dead_instances is scanned and picked up from where a stale entry with
@ a bad hostname will cause every subsequent startup to assert with no cleanup.
@ I believe that this aberrational condition could be handled with cleanup of
@ the record and raising the ORA-600 , nonetheless not being able to send a
@ notification is not probbaly as serious to raise so many asserts.
@ The hostname issue cannot be debugged further without further details of what
@ happened on that day. BDE Screening complete
*** SSRAO 05/19/06 12:35 pm *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** BUGPATCH 05/19/06 12:35 pm *** (CHG: Asg->RPARK)
*** BUGPATCH 05/19/06 12:35 pm ***
@ Assigned to RDBMS/RAC area queue owner
@ by SSRAO via the ST Bug Assignment Tool
*** TAKIBA 05/21/06 08:52 pm ***
@ Overflow queue screening.
@ .
@   I think it's better to investigate from viewpoint of PL/SQL.
@   The host_name was already corrupted on the table
@ recent_resource_incarnations$. Therefore, there are 2 possibilities.
@ .
@ 1. v$instance gave the empty host_name
@ .
@ 2. v$instance gave a correct host_name, but Pl/SQL function
@   rdbms/src/server/ccl/crs/prvtkjhn.sql: check_ha_resources
@   corrupted the value.
@ .
@ [quoted from rdbms/src/server/ccl/crs/prvtkjhn.sql: check_ha_resources
@   L562]
@ ============================================================
@         INSERT
@           INTO recent_resource_incarnations$
@           ( resource_type, resource_id, resource_name, db_unique_name,
@           db_domain, instance_name, host_name, startup_time, location,
@           incarnation )
@           SELECT 'INSTANCE', instance_number, instance_name,
@                  local_db_unique_name,
@                  local_db_domain,
@                  instance_name, host_name,
@                  SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(
@                     instance_startup_timestamp_tz(vi.startup_time)),
@                  host_name, '==N/A=='
@             FROM v$instance vi;
@ ============================================================
*** TAKIBA 05/21/06 08:55 pm *** (CHG: Asg->PLSREP Prod->11 Comp->PLSQL SubComp->)
*** TAKIBA 05/21/06 08:55 pm ***
@   I guess they can easily route the bug to port-specific (v$instance
@ issue probably in slkmnm()) or SQL execution.
*** AMANGAL 05/22/06 10:53 am *** (CHG: Asg->RDBMSREP Prod->5 Comp->RDBMS)
*** AMANGAL 05/22/06 10:53 am *** (CHG: Asg->RPARK)
*** AMANGAL 05/22/06 10:55 am ***
@ This needs to be investigated by the owners of check_ha_resources .
*** TAKIBA 05/28/06 04:34 am *** (CHG: SubComp->RAC)
*** TAKIBA 05/28/06 04:34 am ***
@ Put the subcomponent RAC for now.
*** BUGPATCH 06/05/06 10:21 pm *** (CHG: Asg->TAKIBA)
*** BUGPATCH 06/05/06 10:21 pm ***
@ Assigned from the area queue to TAKIBA
                    via the ST Bug Assignment Tool
*** TAKIBA 06/07/06 02:46 am ***
@   I describe the 2 possibilities again.
@ .
@   The host_name was already corrupted on the table
@ recent_resource_incarnations$. Therefore, there are 2 possibilities.
@ .
@ 1. v$instance gave the empty host_name
@ .
@   If GetComputerName() returned an error, slkmnm() can return a
@ NULL string.
@ .
@ [quoted from rdbms/src/common/osds/slkmnm.c@@/RDBMS_10.
@   slkmnm() L150]
@ ============================================================
@       len = mnm_l - 1;
@       if (GetComputerName(mnm, &len) == FALSE)
@       {
@         *mnm = '\0';
@         return(0);
@       }
@       else
@         return(len);
@ ============================================================
@ .
@ 2. v$instance gave a correct host_name, but Pl/SQL function
@   rdbms/src/server/ccl/crs/prvtkjhn.sql: check_ha_resources
@   corrupted the value.
@ .
@ [quoted from rdbms/src/server/ccl/crs/prvtkjhn.sql: check_ha_resources
@   L562]
@ ============================================================
@         INSERT
@           INTO recent_resource_incarnations$
@           ( resource_type, resource_id, resource_name, db_unique_name,
@           db_domain, instance_name, host_name, startup_time, location,
@           incarnation )
@           SELECT 'INSTANCE', instance_number, instance_name,
@                  local_db_unique_name,
@                  local_db_domain,
@                  instance_name, host_name,
@                  SYS_EXTRACT_UTC(
@                     instance_startup_timestamp_tz(vi.startup_time)),
@                  host_name, '==N/A=='
@             FROM v$instance vi;
@ ============================================================
*** TAKIBA 06/07/06 10:04 pm *** (CHG: Asg->NKOREHIS)
*** TAKIBA 06/07/06 10:04 pm ***
@ Assigning to Korehisa-san, to investigate from viewpoint of
@ Windows RAC.
*** NKOREHIS 06/13/06 11:20 pm *** (CHG: DevPri->2)
*** NKOREHIS 06/13/06 11:20 pm *** (CHG: Confirmed Flag->Y)
*** KEOCHI 07/30/06 02:39 pm ***
@ Sorry for rushing you..
@ My customer hits similar problem, and then BUG:5403213 for my customer is
@ marked as duplicate of this bug.
@ How the work is going? Thanks.
*** NKOREHIS 07/31/06 11:24 pm ***
@ slkmnm calls GetComputerName WIN32API. GetComputerName could fail if
@ buffer is too small to store the computer name.
@ .
@ on my local env, it is called with the following stack when select
@ from v$instance.
@ .
@ >  oracommon10.dll!slkmnm(slerc * se=0x0b58d5e4,
@                                unsigned char * mnm=0x0abd7ebc,
@                                unsigned int mnm_l=0x00000040)
@   oracle.exe!_ksuxsrow()  + 0x5a 
@   oracle.exe!_qerfxFetch()  + 0x3da  
@   oracle.exe!_rwsfcd()  + 0x5f   
@   oracle.exe!_qerjotFetch()  + 0xf3  
@   oracle.exe!_rwsfcd()  + 0x5f   
@   oracle.exe!_qerjotFetch()  + 0xf3  
@   oracle.exe!_opifch2()  + 0xc20 
@   oracle.exe!_kpoal8()  + 0xcf0  
@   oracle.exe!_opiodr()  + 0x44e  
@   oracommon10.dll!_ttcpip()  + 0x4fc 
@   oracle.exe!_opitsk()  + 0x3f9  
@   oracle.exe!_opiino()  + 0x444  
@   oracle.exe!_opiodr()  + 0x44e  
@   oracle.exe!_opidrv()  + 0x338  
@   oracle.exe!_sou2o()  + 0x32
@   oracle.exe!_opimai()  + 0x171  
@   oracle.exe!_opimai()  + 0x61   
@   oracle.exe!_OracleThreadStart@4()  + 0x2c9 
@   kernel32.dll!_BaseThreadStart@8()  + 0x37  
@ .
@ in ksuxsrow, call to slkmnm is made as follows.
@ .
@   DISCARD slkmnm(&se, xsc->ksuxshst, sizeof(xsc->ksuxshst));    /*
@ host name */
@ .
@ ksuxshst is defined as follows.
@ .
@   text    ksuxshst[SKGP_HOSTNAME_LEN];                  /* host
@ machine name */
@ .
@ in skgp0.h, SKGP_HOSTNAME_LEN is defined as follows.
@ .
@                                         /* operating system name
@ buffer size */
@ .
@ SKGP_HOSTNAME_DEFAULT is 64 as defined in skgp.h
@ .
@ #define SKGP_HOSTNAME_DEFAULT     64                /* host name
@ buffer size */
@ .
@ So, GetComputerName should not be failed due to the buffer size in this
@ case.
*** NKOREHIS 07/31/06 11:29 pm *** (CHG: Sta->30)
*** NKOREHIS 07/31/06 11:29 pm ***
@ As the slkmnm does not return any errors though GetComputerName fails,
@ we might need figure out what fails the function using debug patch.
@ Please let me know if the ct would agree to apply the debug patch.
*** RSERNA 08/01/06 06:19 am *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** RSERNA 08/01/06 06:19 am ***
@ Yes, customer is willing to apply a debug patch.
*** NKOREHIS 08/10/06 04:55 am ***
@ working on the debug patch.
*** NKOREHIS 08/10/06 09:16 pm *** (CHG: Sta->30)
*** NKOREHIS 08/10/06 09:16 pm ***
@ the debug patch is available at bugftp:/upload/bug5173066/
@ .
@ 1. How is the diagnostic information activated and de-activated:
@    Once installed the patch, it is automatically activated.
@ 2. What new information is being traced and when is it triggered?
@    Error information from GetComputerName will be traced in the
@    alert log.
@ 3. What is the performance impact of the new diagnostic tracing?
@    No performance impact is expected.
@ 4. What is expected from the generated diagnostic information and
@    where will this lead.
@    The patch is provided to confirm if GetComputerName is failed
@    in slkmnm. If so, it would show what is the OS error from the
@    call. Please provide alert log once the error reproduced.
*** RSERNA 08/18/06 07:15 am *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** RSERNA 08/18/06 07:15 am ***
@ From customer: 
@ "When i tried to start the Oracle database service, OracleDBService, it did
@ not start. It failed with a generic windows error,Couldn't start the service.
@ "
@ .
@ They followed the README that came with the patch and could not even start
@ services. Backing out the patch, everything was fine again.
*** NKOREHIS 08/22/06 04:06 am *** (CHG: Sta->30)
*** NKOREHIS 08/22/06 04:06 am ***
@ The patch worked fine on my development environment. Would you please
@ describe what error exactly the ct got?
*** RSERNA 08/28/06 08:12 am *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** RSERNA 08/28/06 08:12 am ***
@ Customer attempted patch install again and same errors.
@ I've uploaded screenshots from the customer.  File:patch_error_screenshot.doc
*** NKOREHIS 08/30/06 09:08 pm *** (CHG: Sta->30)
*** NKOREHIS 08/30/06 09:08 pm ***
@ rebuilt the diagnostic patch changing compiler options.
@ Would you please verify if it works on the customer's env?
@ It is available on bugftp:/upload/bug5173066/
*** NKOREHIS 08/31/06 06:16 pm ***
@ basically, why the patch failed to startup is still unknown. the
@ major difference between the debug version and the release version is
@ the compiler options for the patched file. The newer version is to
@ verify if it could lead to the failure. diagnostic code for the
@ original problem is present as well.
*** RSERNA 09/05/06 01:36 pm *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** RSERNA 09/05/06 01:36 pm ***
@ The customer still had problems applying this Diag patch.
@ See file:screen_shot_of_second_patch_application.doc
@ that was uploaded which shows the customer's output following step-by-step
@ instructions from the readme.
*** NKOREHIS 09/13/06 01:38 am ***
@ built the patch on another development environment. regression
@ test is running.
*** NKOREHIS 09/13/06 07:18 am *** (CHG: Sta->30)
*** NKOREHIS 09/13/06 07:18 am ***
@ put the new diagnostic patch to bugftp:/upload/bug5173066/
@ This time, I zipped the patch with orageneric10.dll and
@ oraclient10.dll which exist on the development environment for
@ RDBMS_10. I confirmed the patch worked on my local
@ testing env. Please try the new patch.
*** RSERNA 09/14/06 10:49 am *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** RSERNA 09/14/06 10:49 am ***
@ Customer applied diag patch and started DB.
@ Alert log and mmon trace uploaded:  alert_trace_14Sep06.ZIP
*** NKOREHIS 09/14/06 10:20 pm ***
@ alert log does not show any output from the diagnostic code. this
@ means that GetComputerName is not the culprit. we might need
@ another diagnostic.
*** NKOREHIS 09/26/06 04:33 am *** (CHG: Sta->30)
*** NKOREHIS 09/26/06 04:33 am ***
@ I added some more diagnostic code to ksuxsrow to see if xsc->ksuxshst
@ has a valid value after returning from slkmnm. the patch is in
@ bugftp:/upload/bug5173066/ Would you please have the
@ ct apply the patch? please provide alert log once the symptom reproduced.
*** RSERNA 09/26/06 05:35 am *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** RSERNA 09/26/06 05:35 am ***
@ Hi, there is no file in: bugftp:/upload/bug5173066/
@ .
@ ftp> pwd
@ 257 "/upload/bug5173066"
@ ftp> get
@ 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
@ 550 Failed to open file.
@ ftp> ls 5173066*.zip
@ 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
@ 150 Here comes the directory listing.
@ 226 Directory send OK.
*** NKOREHIS 09/26/06 06:13 pm *** (CHG: Sta->30)
*** NKOREHIS 09/26/06 06:13 pm ***
@ Sorry I re-uploaded the patch.
@ .
@ ftp> ls 5173066*.zip
@ 200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
@ 150 Here comes the directory listing.
@ 226 Directory send OK.
*** RSERNA 09/28/06 10:10 am *** (CHG: Sta->11)
*** RSERNA 09/28/06 10:10 am ***
@ Diag Patch has been applied, latest alert log:  alert_Sep28.log
@ has been uploaded.
*** NKOREHIS 09/28/06 06:10 pm ***
@ The following diagnostic trace indicates that MMON tid=1540 did not
@ fail to get hostname in ksuxsrow. the hostname was vaild until the
@ function finished. However the internal error singalled in the
@ same thread.
@ .
@ MMON:1540:ksuxsrow: ksuxshst = W8KKWR81
@ MMON:1540:ksuxsrow: ksuxshst = W8KKWR81
@ MMON:1540:ksuxsrow: ksuxshst = W8KKWR81
@ Thu Sep 28 08:05:04 2006
@ Errors in file c:\oracle\product\10.2.0\admin\sfa\bdump\sfa_mmon_1540.trc:
@ ORA-600: internal error code, arguments: [kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862], [], [],
@ [], [], [], [], []
*** NKOREHIS 09/28/06 06:13 pm *** (CHG: Asg->RDBMSREP)
*** NKOREHIS 09/28/06 06:13 pm ***
@ back to generic RAC to investigate check_ha_resources.
*** BUGPATCH 09/28/06 06:18 pm *** (CHG: Asg->EMERITT)
*** BUGPATCH 09/28/06 06:18 pm ***
@ Assigned to RDBMS/RAC area queue owner
@ by NKOREHIS via the ST Bug Assignment Tool
@ .
@ No problem found in GetComputerName, slknmn, ksuxsrow. However the internal
@ error signalled. We should verify if check_ha_resources works as expected.
@ .
*** MMPANDEY 10/03/06 11:46 pm *** (CHG: Asg->MMPANDEY)
*** MMPANDEY 10/03/06 11:46 pm ***
@ This not exactly related to RAC, but as I have worked on a similar
@ problem, I would review.
*** RSERNA 10/25/06 06:19 am ***
@ Please provide an update. Thanks.
*** MMPANDEY 11/02/06 10:05 am ***
@ I am just back from a 2-week vacation and would be reviewing the bug
@ soon, alongwith others. Thanks.
*** RSERNA 11/28/06 05:56 am ***
@ Please provide an update. Thanks.
*** MMPANDEY 12/03/06 08:17 pm ***
@ I would do so, shortly. Thanks.
*** MMPANDEY 12/13/06 07:04 am ***
@ I am looking at the traces now. A similar problem is seen when the
@ oracle_sid name exceeds 17 characters, which does not seem to be
@ the case here. Looking at the possibilities of internal error being
@ raised in ksuxsrow().
*** RSERNA 01/03/07 08:41 am ***
@ Please provide an update. Thanks.
*** MMPANDEY 01/19/07 02:17 pm ***
@ The code to raise the error appears to have changed a bit in the later
@ labels, i.e. we are no longer checking the condition (*host_name)
@ .
@    KSEORAASSERTNM(instance_name && *instance_name && host_name,
@                   OERINM("kjhn_post_ha_alert0-862"));
@ .
@ I am verifying this fact.
*** KNEEL 01/19/07 05:47 pm *** (CHG: Asg->RSERNA)
*** KNEEL 01/19/07 05:47 pm ***
@ The new row being inserted by check_ha_resources should not be the one
@ causing the assert; the assert is caused when attempting to delete an old row
@ with null hostname. Are new rows in recent_resource_incarnations$ still
@ getting null host name; if not, when is/are the bad row(s) from? Is this
@ still the row from Jan 2006?
@ .
@ Also, this is XP, and not an earlier version, right? Was this db ever run on
@ a pre-XP version, or on a system with a long host or network name?
@ .
@ We may never be able to solve where that original bad row came from, and it's
@ not clear that we should bother customer with more diagnostic patches. If, on
@ the other hand, the problem is repeating -- i.e. new rows with null hostname
@ -- it would be good to figure out why.
@ .
@ If necessary, we can certainly backport the change to ignore null hostname.
@ But it would be nice to know if the null hostname is still being generated;
@ i.e. if another problem exists.
@ .
@ That change would include the line Mukul (MMPANDEY) suggests, but it also
@ needs to include the following change:
@ .
@           reasonargs[KJHN_REASON_ARG_HOST]        = host_name;
@  =>
@           if ( *host_name )
@             reasonargs[KJHN_REASON_ARG_HOST]      = host_name;
*** RSERNA 01/23/07 06:27 am *** (CHG: Sta->33)
*** RSERNA 01/23/07 06:27 am ***
@ Customer no longer wishes to pursue.
@ They always clone their machines so its something specific to the original
@ one which they can not reproduce.
*** MMPANDEY 01/23/07 09:37 am *** (CHG: Sta->30 Asg->MMPANDEY)
*** MMPANDEY 01/23/07 09:37 am ***
@ Assigning it back, looks like this bug got reassigned to Rowena when
@ we needed the information.
@ .
@ Hi Rowena,
@ .
@ One question. I think they were able to reproduce this problem, as we
@ were able to apply the diag patch, cf. [NKOREHIS 09/28/06 06:10 pm],
@ isn't it? If the customer still has the backup, I was wondering if
@ they could retry?
@ .
@ I think that we should give the patch of the changes to the customer,
@ and I will get this verified by Kevin.  Thanks.
*** MMPANDEY 01/23/07 12:14 pm ***
@ Hi Rowena,
@ .
@ Kevin has the following comments, about the customer's situation and
@ the workaround (to truncate recent_resource_incarnations$):
@ .
@ So was this a permanent fix -- i.e. they have fixed the clone, so that
@ they no longer need to do this? Or are they still doing these workarounds?
@ I.e. ould we be creating work for them to apply the patch, or saving
@ them work/making their processes more efficient? To some degree, that's
@ up to hem.
@ .
@ Could you please request the customer to reply?  Thanks.
*** MMPANDEY 01/24/07 02:46 pm *** (CHG: Fixed->11.1.0)
*** MMPANDEY 01/24/07 02:46 pm *** (CHG: Sta->35)
*** MMPANDEY 01/24/07 02:46 pm ***
@ Closing the bug, following Kevin's reply on my email:
@ .
@ "I don't think the "bad laptop" is the source of the "infection" of other
@ boxes; the source is the image made last January. The "bad laptop" is simply
@ one which has that bad image, without the workaround. It is a victim of the
@ illness -- the only one who has not taken the cure -- but is not a carrier,
@ infecting others. They just left it infected in case we wanted to look at the
@ living illness. Unfortunately, we can't learn much from looking at the
@ illness, since the entry path of the original virus didn't leave any trace.
@ We can't see how the immune system was weakened; we just know that it was
@ weakened at some point, and has returned to normal. IF they wanted a
@ workaround patch [see below], it could be a good machine on which to test it.
@ .
@ I'm not surprised that they don't want any more diagnostic patches. Even if
@ we succeed in figuring out what condition/event caused the original bad
@ row(s), that is not useful for them, since that condition/event in itself is
@ not recurring. What recurs is the interaction between the bad row(s) and our
@ assert. So they have essentially three choices:
@ .
@    1. continue with the workaround
@    2. create a new image without bad rows (seems they don't want to do this)
@    3. we can give them a workaround patch -- which presumably would have to
@ be patched into their image -- to ignore the bad rows rather than assert
@ .
@ So if they want a workaround patch (#3) -- not a diagnostic one -- we can do
@ that. But I suspect that it may be more work for them to get it into their
@ image (and possibly existing boxes) than to keep their workaround.
@ .
@ It sounds like they have somehow automated the workaround as part of their
@ processes (e.g. part of a script run after reimaging), and have little need
@ to give themselves more work to install a different workaround (i.e. patch).
@ .
@ As for the bug, you could mark it fixed in 11.1."
@ .
@ Thanks.


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时间: 2024-09-01 23:21:21


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问题描述 每隔一段时间访问oracle都会报错,除非重启iis就好了-哪位大神知道原因啊--报错如下:System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException(0x80004005):ORA-12154:TNS:couldnotresolveservicenameatSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionInternal..ctor(OleDbConnectionStringconstr,OleDbConnectionconnection)atSystem.D

oracle数据库报错ORA-01122 ORA-01210 故障恢复

有朋友数据文件头出现错误ORA-01122和ORA-01210等错误,数据库无法正常open.   因为平台是win,他们找我咨询win bbed,因为回老家电脑没有带,无法提供win的bbed.我通过dd部分文件头,然后在linux平台分析发现是该文件的文件头block大量坏块 bbed分析坏块情况 BBED> show all         FILE#           0         BLOCK#          1         OFFSET          0      

oracle数据库报错Instance immediate crash after open解决办法

一个朋友公司的数据库出现异常,没有备份. 数据库open之后很快就crash掉,如下的alert log的信息: Tue Jul 08 22:53:03 2014 SMON: enabling cache recovery [13803] Successfully onlined Undo Tablespace 2. Undo initialization finished serial:0 start:7751194 end:7751284 diff:90 (0 seconds) Verify

sqlplus / as sysdba报错ORA-01031: insufficient privileges的原因分析

今天碰到一个奇怪的小问题,看起来是一个非常简单的问题. 我先说一下问题背景.有一台DB服务器,因为需要搭建备库,现在找了一台已有的机器临时用一下,这台临时的服务器上已经安装了Oracle软件是11.,而我们需要安装的备库版本是11.所以为了兼容,所以需要在临时的服务器上再安装一套Oracle软件,把11.2.0.4的ORACLE_HOME切换过来,直接从主库拷贝了安装目录,开始克隆安装. 克隆安装的步骤其实内部就是在做relink,当然这个也没什么问题,很快就操作完成

plsql连接oracle数据库报ora 12154错误解决方法_oracle

plsql连接oracle数据库报ora 12154错误 今天遇到一个问题,使用sqlplus能够连接到远程的数据库,但是使用plsql却连接不上,报错"ORA-12154: TNS: 无法解析指定的连接标识符" 解决方法如下: 1.先检查服务器端的监听服务是否打开,如果没有打开请启动其监听 客户端:tnsping <tns_name> 服务器Linux下: #>lsnrctl status 查看监听状态 #>lsnrctl start 启动监听 2.通过Sql