关于myeclipse10 error: unable access to jrefile win32求助!!




时间: 2024-07-30 08:55:28

关于myeclipse10 error: unable access to jrefile win32求助!!的相关文章

configure error:安装php时出现configure: error: Unable to find gd.h anywhere under,错误解决

在进行PHP开发环境源码安装时,在安装PHP-5.2.6是出现:configure: error: Unable to find gd.h anywhere under错误 解决方式: 1.在gd库的安装路径下搜索没有发现gd.h文件,但是在/etc/include下有gd.h文件 2.在网上搜索发现重装gd库可解决 3.重新安装gd库,在安装时出现:   configure.ac:64: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_ICONV  If this to

ERROR:internal error Unable to locate libvirtd daem错误

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IE8中"HTML Parsing Error:Unable to modify the parent container element before the child

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CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied.)

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解决Fatal error: Unable to read 2147 bytes错误

今天在安装一个网店系统,出现了Fatal error: Unable to read 2147 bytes的错误,如下截图: 经过查找相关的资料,发现原来问题出在上传安装文件的地方.上传文件时,一定要选择"二进制"方式.FTP软件如果不设置为二进制传输,则在某些服务器上可能会导致各种各样的异常的问题,比如:白屏,乱码,异常的报错等等.因此请一定要安装下面的说明设置FTP. 下面整理相关FTP客户端FlashFXP.Filezilla.CuteFTP.LeapFTP等软件的设置方法供您参

解决mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user的方法

今天给新加的几个数据库备份,在执行mysqldump的时候,居然报mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user 'jpzen'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' when using LOCK TABLES,网上一搜,觉得有可能是权限问题,马上查看mysql里操作记录,执行tail -n 40000 .mysql_history|grep GRANT,发现只给SELECT,INSERT

ERROR: Upgrade faifailed bin/mysqlcheck: Got error: 1045: Access denied for user &amp;#39;root&amp;#39;@&amp;#39;localhost&amp;#39;

环境: centos 6.5  mysql 5.5.20 升级 5.6.25 报错: mysql升级报错: mysql.time_zone_transition_type                    OK mysql.user                                         OK Running 'mysql_fix_privilege_tables'... Running 'mysqlcheck with default connection argu

tiny4412 Android 5.0编译出现:clang++: error: unable to execute command: Killed

clang++: error: unable to execute command: Killedclang++: error: clang frontend command failed due to signal (use -v to see invocation)clang version 3.5 Target: i386--linux-gnuThread model: posixclang++: note: diagnostic msg: PLEASE submit a bug repo

Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource

今天第一次写smarty就出来这样的提示:Warning: Smarty error: unable to read resource,代码如下 <?php include_once("Smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php");  $smarty =new Smarty();  $smarty->template_dir ='Smarty/template';  $smarty->compile_dir ='Smarty/template_c';