Warning: mysql_free_result():

我们的网站提示这样的错误,Warning: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource



时间: 2024-09-20 09:25:16

Warning: mysql_free_result():的相关文章

ld: warning: cannot find entry symbol _start; defaulting to 00000000080481d8

场景: 正常 经过  gcc -o loccheck  loccheck.c [root@luozhonghua 9]# ./loccheck in main(),pooh=2 and &pooh=0xbfcfa31c in main(),bah=5 and &bah=0xbfcfa318 ------------------------ in main(),pooh=10 and &pooh=0xbfcfa2ec in main(),bah=2 and &bah=0xbf

warning The transaction log file is corrupted.

Remark Even if appealing using compress option has a constraint when preparing the backup, as clearly stated by Percona: Before you can prepare the backup you'll need to uncompress all the files with qpress. The error message you get is : xtrabackup:


python开发中经常遇到报错的情况,但是warning通常并不影响程序的运行,而且有时特别讨厌,下面我们来说下如何忽略warning错误. 在说忽略warning之前,我们先来说下如何主动产生warning错误,这里用到warnings模块,看如下代码: import warnings def fxn(): warnings.warn("deprecated", DeprecationWarning) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.

Warning: PHP Startup: apc.shm_size now uses M/G suffixes, please update

 Warning: PHP Startup: apc.shm_size now uses M/G suffixes, please update your ini Warning: PHP Startup: apc.shm_size now uses M/G suffixes, please update your ini 如果你安装完APC, 看到上面这个ERROR, 可以用这种方法修复 Java代码 vi /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/20-apc.ini 从 Java代码 ap

PHP Warning 报“timezone”错

PHP Warning:  date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warn

C#预处理指令之#line、#pragma warning

#line #line 使您可以修改编译器的行号以及(可选)错误和警告的文件名输出.下面的示例说明如何报告与行号关联的两个警告.#line 200 指令强迫行号为 200(尽管默认值为 #7).另一行 (#9) 作为默认 #line 指令的结果跟在通常序列后. class MainClass { static void Main() { #line 200 int i; // CS0168 on line 200 #line default char c; // CS0168 on line 9

PHP Warning: Module 'modulename' already loaded in问题解决办法

 这篇文章主要介绍了PHP Warning: Module 'modulename' already loaded in问题解决办法,本文总结了两种情况,需要的朋友可以参考下     出现标题这样的错误大概是: 1.模块加载了两次,所以php -i|grep Configure,看一下配置文件和配置include的目录,对于这些文件中是否有同名的module 2.动态加载模块时,模块的目录下与php.ini中都有一个同名so 知道上述的问题就好办了,先看php配置文件和include目录下的文件

php提示Warning: file

  今天在使用一个Caiji功能的使用,突然间出现" Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: couldn't resolve host name in -- 而本地测试却没有问题,从网上查了一些资料,发现是dns的问题.下面是解决方法: 用ssh连接linux vps, 修改vps主机的dns. vi /etc/resolv.conf 里面的内容直接修改成: nameserver na

怎么解决宏基VX275开机提示:Warning!Your chassis has been opened?

  不知何时,家里的宏基台式机(小机箱,型号:VX275)开机的时候总是提示"Warning! Your chassis has been opened",需要按F1跳过,之后才能进入系统.经过研究发现是BIOS设置有误,下面就说下如何解决宏基VX275开机提示"Warning! Your chassis has been opened"的问题. 1.首先,重新打开电脑,开机按DEL键进入到BIOS.(如下图) 2.之后,通过键盘中的上下键移动到"BIOS