Using ListView control under Win32 API



This article is for those who did not find, any useful code examples and information regarding ListControl (ListView). For me, it was really hard to get a working code for Win32 API, since I don''t code in MFC. The only help I was able to get was win32.hlp which contains every API by Microsoft. Note that it did not have any examples in it. Also searching through forums can be helpful, but it is slow and sometimes you really wanna get some stuff going fast and clear. I decided to write this article for the coders who don''t know any MFC (class) or just starting with ListControl via APIs. First, I must say that all examples I''ve seen so far lacked information for mon-MFC coders!. If you can''t code or can''t understand MFC, and are using the API, then this little article is for you.

So let''s start.

时间: 2024-07-30 07:13:19

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