SabreDAV v1.4.0 快速集成WebDAV系统

SabreDAV 可是使得你的Web应用程序很方便的集成 WebDAV 系统,支持大多数的客户端,包括 Mac OS X Finder, the Windows XP/Vista Explorer, DavFS2, Cadaver, NetDrive, and WebDrive. 支持 WebDAV 服务器 class 1, 2, 和 3. 实现了 RFC 2518 和 RFC 4918 的修订版,实现了 RFC 2617 认证。

SabreDAV 1.4.0 is released. Version 1.4.0 comes with many compatibility fixes and several new features. Note that this release is marked "Beta quality". The reason for this being that not all features are 100% completed, but we deemed it was important to get back to the "release early, release often" ideology. Regardless, it should be pretty stable.

There are also a number backwards compatibility breaks. Read Migrating from 1.3 to 1.4 for more information on how to upgrade.


1.4.0-beta (2010-02-12)

* Added: Partly RFC3744 ACL support.

* Added: Calendar-delegation (caldav-proxy) support.

* BC break: In order to fix Issue 99, a new argument had to be added to

Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_*::getLocks classes. Consult the classes for


* Deprecated: Sabre_DAV_Locks_Backend_FS is now deprecated and will be

removed in a later version. Use PDO or the new File class instead.

* Deprecated: The Sabre_CalDAV_ICalendarUtil class is now marked

deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. Please use

Sabre_VObject instead.

* Removed: All principal-related
functionality has been removed from the

Sabre_DAV_Auth_Plugin, and moved to the Sabre_DAVACL_Plugin.

* Added: VObject library, for easy vcard/icalendar parsing using a natural


* Added: Ability to automatically generate full .ics feeds off calendars.

To use: Add the Sabre_CalDAV_ICSExportPlugin, and add ?
export to your

calendar url.

* Added: Plugins can now specify a
pluginname, for easy access using


* Added: beforeGetProperties event.

* Added: updateProperties event.

* Added: Principal listings and calendar-access can now be done privately,

disallowing users from accessing or modif
ying other users' data.

* Added: You can now pass
arrays to the Sabre_DAV_Server constructor. If

it's an array with node-objects, a Root collection will automatically be

created, and the nodes are used as top-level children.

* Added: The principal base uri is now customizable. It used to be

hardcoded to 'principals/[user]'.

* Added: getSupportedReportSet method in ServerPlugin class. This allows

you to easily specify
which reports you're implementing.

* Added: A '..' link to the HTML browser.

* Fixed: Issue 99: Locks on child elements were ignored when their parent

nodes were deleted.

* Fixed: Issue 90: lockdiscovery property and LOCK response now include a

{DAV}lockroot element.

* Fixed: Issue 96: support for 'default' collation in CalDAV text-match


* Fixed: Issue 102: Ensuring that copy and move with identical source and

destination uri's fails.

* Fixed: Issue 105: Supporting MKCALENDAR with no body.

* Fixed: Issue 109: Small fixes in Sabre_HTTP_Util.

* Fixed: Issue 111: Properly catching the ownername in a lock (if it's a


* Fixed: Sabre_DAV_ObjectTree::nodeExist always returned false for the

root node.

* Added: Global way to easily supply new resourcetypes for cetain node


* Fixed: Issue 59: Allowing the user to override the authentication realm

in Sabre_CalDAV_Server.

* Update: Issue 97: Looser time-range checking if there's a reccurrence

rule in an event. This fixes 'missing recurring events'.

时间: 2024-09-20 07:56:50

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