MinTTY 是一款专用于 Cygwin 环境的终端模拟器,它兼容于 Xterm,支持 UTF-8、CJK 字体、Windows 输入法,可执行拖曳和复制/粘贴操作,具有原生的 Windows 外观及窗口透明等特性。
MinTTY 基于 PuTTY 的代码开发而成,既可以单独下载安装,也可以随同 Cygwin 一起安装。
MinTTY 0.9.9发行说明:
The transparency level can now be set to any ">value ranging from 4 to 254 in the config file or in the command line. (For backward compatibility, values below 4 are multiplied by 16. 255 is "Glass".) Implemented mintty-specific OSC sequence 7771 for checking
which characters are
available in the
currently selected font. Ctrl+symbol and Ctrl+number combinations that yield control characters are no longer overridden in
xterm "modifyOtherKeys" mode level 1, but only level 2. Stopped sending bogus control sequences for some Ctrl+symbol combinations. Also stopped tr
ying to add Shift to Ctrl+symbol combinations to obtain a control character. That's only done for Ctrl+number combinations now. Moved implementation of private mode 30 (as introduced by rxvt) for hiding and showing the scrollbar to the mintty-specific private mode 7766, because it doesn't do quite the same thing: instead of changing window size to account for the w
idth of the scrollbar, mintty changes the number of character columns. Stopped rogue mouse release events being sent when application mouse mode is overridden with Shift. Middle button paste now happens on release rather than click of the button, as in xterm and rxvt.