pyscreenshot 是一个 Python 的模块,用来对屏幕进行截屏并拷贝到 PIL or Pillow 图像对象中。这是一个纯 Python 库,支持跨平台。示例代码:import pyscreenshot as ImageGrab # fullscreenim=ImageGrab.grab()im.show() # part of the screenim=ImageGrab.grab(bbox=(10,10,510,510)) # X1,Y1,X2,Y2im.show()Ubuntu 下安装:sudo apt-get install python-pipsudo pip install pyscreenshotsudo apt-get install python-imaging# optional back-endssudo apt-get install scrotsudo apt-get install imagemagicksudo apt-get install python-gtk2sudo apt-get install python-qt4# optional for examplessudo pip install entrypoint2卸载:# as rootpip uninstall pyscreenshot类似的项目还有:gtkShotsautopy
时间: 2025-01-30 16:47:13